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Psycore Records

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jun 27, 2010 19:51

On 2010-06-27 19:38, The Farting Parrot wrote:
why would any one make music if he does not enjoy it, also big shots that live from it i am pretty sure they still enjoy and have fun,after all its music.

Cause it pays the bills. And by definition, the word "professional", implies doing something in order to receive money... and its this attribute of professionalism that has ruined many our little universe, when people realized the formula for getting gigs, we were flooded with the israeli cheese-fest music.

But that is a different subject all together, and we've kicked the dead horse on here about it, for ages.

Peace out.

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Jun 27, 2010 20:01

On 2010-06-27 18:57, Beat Agency wrote:

On 2010-06-27 15:47, HappYLeptiC wrote:
At the begining u make music cause it is your passion & love, when u become proffesional like we are - u look at it as a job like every other job u do for a living...

Peace & love

That's a sad attitude

Well, as someone as gets money for something that used to be a big hobby I don't think it's sad at all. What sad is that some shmucks gain from his honest work. This would piss me off royally as well and it really should piss anybody off unless you're living off fare well or off your parents/relatives/whatever.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2010 20:04

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jun 27, 2010 20:19

On 2010-06-27 20:04, Xolvexs wrote:

the original is a great tune. But this is what happens when psy-trance producers, get all "professional" in the psytrance scene.

I rest my case.

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Jun 27, 2010 20:21

On 2010-06-27 20:04, Xolvexs wrote:

It was easier for Gilmour and Waters to write a song about the corruption of money after the broke their first 100 million. For the rest of us, and surely people that try to enrich your life with music a tad more challenging than your average Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber you lock horns and preach they should work for free because of some silly ideals that you yourself made to fit your twisted view of the world. I'd guess you live off welfare as well?           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 27, 2010 20:29
i am trust fund baby so i guess Well Fair means something different for me           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jun 27, 2010 20:31

On 2010-06-27 20:21, Pavel wrote:

On 2010-06-27 20:04, Xolvexs wrote:

It was easier for Gilmour and Waters to write a song about the corruption of money after the broke their first 100 million. For the rest of us, and surely people that try to enrich your life with music a tad more challenging than your average Lady Gaga or Justin Bieber you lock horns and preach they should work for free because of some silly ideals that you yourself made to fit your twisted view of the world. I'd guess you live off welfare as well?

Psy-trance and pop music are two entirely different things, though.
Ok so the trance crowd frowns upon the bling, even if an awful lot of the people that travel to every single festival, live off their rich parents' allowance.
There is a lot of pretentiousness and spiritually correctness in the scene, but we are talking about making psy-trance for a living, which is not bad if you manage to make the music you like and do not conform to any trends, but its this:

On 2010-06-27 15:47, HappYLeptiC wrote:
At the begining u make music cause it is your passion & love, when u become proffesional like we are - u look at it as a job like every other job u do for a living...

Peace & love

that kicked this whole discussion off.

Anyhow, the OP said he loves making music and I am not going to speak for his honest intentions as I don't even know the guy, or his music.

Peace out.  

Started Topics :  312
Posts :  8647
Posted : Jun 27, 2010 20:44
I am sure he meant good when he said that it became his profession. I don't believe he feels it's a burden or something that he looks of it as some sort of a 9 to 5 job.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jun 27, 2010 20:51
I also don't believe its a burden to get flown to parties to play out...its the whole attitude, "the label stole my track", "the artist is lying about the agreement" and the stress that comes with making trance tunes for a living and how much you have to compromise with the music you are making, in order to pay the bills.
Am not going to get on my white horse about it, I am old enough to know that sustaining your own way of life, ain't an easy task if you have to make your own cash and that means not working in your father's company (not implying anyone on here, does).
The Farting Parrot
Double R.E.L / R.E.L

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Posts :  183
Posted : Jun 27, 2010 21:00
disco hooligan just cause something u like doing can pay your bills etc.. does not make it a bad thing common....
just respect what u do any hobby can be your job at the end and hobby as a job is what any one is for i think...
quote:the word "professional", implies doing something in order to receive money.
so would u work for free with out getting paid just cause u do it professionally and getting money for it is bad? (it might be unpro for others but im talking about how u feel with your work)
if making music gets to a point that u suffer from it like u do from work then that
is bad, but last thing i do is suffer ...
and i think pavel is right when saying if scumbags can gain from YOUR work that is really unfair
and i bet it would piss u off too..
and in case it would not then i guess you dont think its good enough to ask something for it
it does not have to be money...
just being fair and when closing any kind of deal let the 2 sides agree on it or even be aware of it in this case.
i hope i dont sound like i am attacking u or something like that just my opinion.. :_

          R.E.L Space Case EP !
Double R.E.L ceREaL KiLLeRZ / U Name iT !
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Jun 27, 2010 21:06
It's a whole other debate about if you truly are creating the music you really wish to create when you have to maintain a certain lifestyle living off your music.

I have my own personal strong opinion on that matter after years in this scene.

Some artists are fortunate to have totally free hands and to have found a sound they like and that many people like (an example: Shpongle etc. etc.) but the majority of those who seem to make a living sound remarkable similar in style and sound.

My 2 cents worth of off-topic rant 
Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
Posts :  5292
Posted : Jun 27, 2010 21:06

On 2010-06-27 21:00, The Farting Parrot wrote:
disco hooligan just cause something u like doing can pay your bills etc.. does not make it a bad thing common....
just respect what u do any hobby can be your job at the end and hobby as a job is what any one is for i think...
quote:the word "professional", implies doing something in order to receive money.
so would u work for free with out getting paid just cause u do it professionally and getting money for it is bad? (it might be unpro for others but im talking about how u feel with your work)
if making music gets to a point that u suffer from it like u do from work then that
is bad, but last thing i do is suffer ...
and i think pavel is right when saying if scumbags can gain from YOUR work that is really unfair
and i bet it would piss u off too..
and in case it would not then i guess you dont think its good enough to ask something for it
it does not have to be money...
just being fair and when closing any kind of deal let the 2 sides agree on it or even be aware of it in this case.
i hope i dont sound like i am attacking u or something like that just my opinion.. :_

I did not say that, I actually said its not a bad thing, read what I wrote.


On 2010-06-27 20:31, disco hooligans wrote:

There is a lot of pretentiousness and spiritually correctness in the scene, but we are talking about making psy-trance for a living, which is not bad if you manage to make the music you like and do not conform to any trends

The Farting Parrot
Double R.E.L / R.E.L

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  183
Posted : Jun 27, 2010 21:39
u are right man i just read one post after mine sorry ...
i can admit in mistakes too ! hehe          R.E.L Space Case EP !
Double R.E.L ceREaL KiLLeRZ / U Name iT !
Tsabeat/Sattel Battle

Started Topics :  158
Posts :  5306
Posted : Jun 28, 2010 13:47
uff people you are all too funny
you have no idea who is REL ?
or how their sounds like ????

this is the most fun and beautiful thing to live from your music
and yeah offcourse they love it

but anyhow
does a doctor that loves his work doesnt deserve to get paid??? out there today there are so many 'holistics' that charge money for channel energy into you , if thats ok then sure its more then ok to ask money for music that have certain demand.

Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  53
Posts :  1752
Posted : Jun 28, 2010 14:43

On 2010-06-28 13:47, Elad wrote:
uff people you are all too funny
you have no idea who is REL ?
or how their sounds like ????

this is the most fun and beautiful thing to live from your music
and yeah offcourse they love it

but anyhow
does a doctor that loves his work doesnt deserve to get paid??? out there today there are so many 'holistics' that charge money for channel energy into you , if thats ok then sure its more then ok to ask money for music that have certain demand.

You totally misunderstand our points!

Yes of course an artist should get paid. That's not the issue!

The issue is if some artists have lost their passion for making the music they love, instead of making music they think people want, somewhere on the way to becoming "professional" (A funny word in this scene). 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Psycore Records
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