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Psychotic Micro - Edge of Sanity [ Noize Conspiracy Records 2006 ]

!Ce M@n
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2007 17:24
YEs .. obviously.. each one to his own ...
when U donn like the musik personally no 1 can change ur opinion abt it...
well I was a big time FAn of psycho micro.. their older style was too acidic and much killerr then what they r today.
for eg trax like :vampire legend,kamelot is burning ,traumatic playground etc etc...
YEss .. I like COmbat style .. but not psychotic and what toxic have been making lately ..
Tragic indeeeeed !!
well all I said that I didn like this album .. never said I hated it @ Delysid.
well no 1 needs 2 fuck off unless ther's some good musik hitting their ears he he heheee
PEACE !!           0x00000PSy
MorNinG MaGiC

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Posted : Jan 20, 2007 20:02
Older psycho micro was killer esp catla timezzz ahhhhh cant get ova voicess of madness ever eheh

To much chemical crew influence i must say .. !
hasnt changed much .. jus sum how feels tht thr isnt ny new ideas in thr muzik AGAIN JUS AN OPINION ..!
it mite work really well for other ppl on da dance floor
and respekt to em for thr choice
trax done wid toxic is decent enuf for a turn arnd here for me ...!
nyways all the best to noize conspiracy recs to bring us so many varied ranges and choices of muzik out in the past year ..! gud luck for future ventures
luv n lite to all
Al.x F.

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Posted : Jan 20, 2007 21:20
didn't like this album at all.. i think too that chemical crew is responsible for that.

for example listen to:

psychotic micro - screams from the dark galaxy

and see the difference.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2007 21:34

On 2007-01-20 17:24, !Ce M@n wrote:
well I was a big time FAn of psycho micro.. their older style was too acidic and much killerr then what they r today.
for eg trax like :vampire legend,kamelot is burning ,traumatic playground etc etc...

ho ho man u r soo RIGHT!
Im with you i always liked their old stuff like.. Gravedigger...Murder On The Dancefloor.. kamelot is burning and lots of old good shit! but they stop making this kind of style from 2005 or 2004.
til 2003 they was fucking amazing imo (actually i like them and winter demon old music the most!.)
but thats only my opinion..
to bad we cant change it
any way good luck with the new album.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 20, 2007 22:08
one more thing i have 2 say.. it's funny how you guy's remember to say it now?!?! im sure without listen 2 their new album its same style like few years ago(2-3).
when they was on parvati they was kickass!!!
Gravedigger Track said all
i herd them only 1 time in 2002.. it was a party i will Never Forget!


Delysid / Wicked Wires

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Posts :  332
Posted : Jan 21, 2007 04:22 problem if u hate it....ur choice man.....jijijijij.....rrrreeesssppppeeeecccctttt.....

well we dont think that CC is responsable for micros changing their called evolution in music production....and evolution in ideas.....and also maybe tendencies.....but what to do.....their old stuff was really nice indeed...much more darker than nowdays....but they are making really good job least form our point of view.....some will like some with all other kind of music....and styles....

and indeed noize conspiracy has a lot of balls bringing all this variety on music all the year....that shows that it is a really serious label and open minded.....cheers mike....

boom and respect....  
!Ce M@n
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 21, 2007 09:18

On 2007-01-21 04:22, DeLySiD CoOkInG wrote: problem if u hate it....ur choice man.....jijijijij.....rrrreeesssppppeeeecccctttt.....

Here U go wrong . I jus specified in my previous Post that " I said I did'nt liek the album.. that dos'nt mean I hate it.threre is a loot of Diff between hate and no liking ... I heards this album 4-5 times and I said I did'nt like their style .. As it goes well for other listiners...
@delysid ,I like ur style and ur sound more thn psychotic and toxic as of today ...
well I donn blame CC responsible for their style and I donn blame em of making any 1 famous, coz ultimately its the artist who makes musik and u very well know that ...psychotic and toxic have changed a loot from b4.. and I used 2 be a fan of that old style..
Now its their style of playin which kinda resembles CC stuff.. skazi ,void. yes it does for sure!!
Noize conspiracy is one ofmy best recd labels for releasing quality stuff.. I realy admire that.

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Posted : Jan 21, 2007 14:12
Now with my turn i want to congrats the micro maniacs for releasing their debut album and especially in N.C !!

Micky and kobi are very good friends and i know them since some time now... Have been releasing some different stuff
in the old days, then they choose to change their style and that fine and acceptable!!

I believe that they are doing a good job with their music, and might have some influence from their previous collaboration
from CC crew, but believe me now they start to work on something different and it will be a good surprise to all the ppl soon

All the best micky and kobi with your future plans and Im sure that u r kicking some asses in big parties in places
that a lot of ppl are dream to go...


          • Noize Conspiracy Records •

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  54
Posted : Jan 21, 2007 14:50
what the hell u ppl are talking about this album is much more then older p.m i like the old ones alot but this one is diferent is much more musical much more power and for me much more black try to listen this album few times then come and say somthing i have nothing to say just amazing shit form thos monsters .

anyway no one sound like this album im sure you going to see many copycats soon .
Delysid / Wicked Wires

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  332
Posted : Jan 21, 2007 16:22
yooo ice problemo if u like it hate it love it or whatever.....every one decide what he likes and what he dont like.....first of all respect to all the people and respect o all the music.....u know that we always post with a little bad language and some times we freak out a bit....ijijijij.....sorry.....but this is who we are....a duo of hope no one feels bad with our language or our way of talking...we will try to controll our feelings...jijij...respect for all...

and ice man...thnx for saying u like our music...our album is ready to master and soon will be out...hope u freakos like it......

and one more time...noize conspiracy is doing a superb job bringing us all different kinds of styles and music....much more to come soon for sure...keep an eye...

big hughs and respect for all


Guinea Pigs
Guinea Pigs

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Posted : Jan 21, 2007 20:24
Hey Iceman, don't take Delysid to seriously. They sometimes tend to speak without thinking but they are good guys with big big hearts
Best of luck to the Micros with this Album...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 23, 2007 19:10
This is one of my favorite album.
I played many times from this one.
My best track is with TOXIC.
When I heard that in our festival,it was awesome!
I can't forget that memories.
And also like slip knot one.
That's also very killer !!!
Hope they 'll come to play here again!
so,if you gus didn't here this one,must check this!

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Posted : Jan 24, 2007 11:50
Killer album, really liked, great review also. Hope they keep making stomping music. Squirm, keep reviewing bro.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jan 24, 2007 13:39
some tracks did feel really good for bits but on the whole i was expecting somethin revolutionary for some reason......

was sorta let down...

hoping to hear some kickass stuff in the future..

Inactive User

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Posted : Jan 24, 2007 14:30
did not like @ all
heard them play at a party
in mahashivaratri in goa at anjuna temple few years ago
they killed it thenn
full power acidic musik
like schizophrenic and opposite locked (brain damage remix) some seriousss shit was going down
now i dunno wat 2 say
neways boom to them and ther careers
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Psychotic Micro - Edge of Sanity [ Noize Conspiracy Records 2006 ]
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