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Psychotic Micro - Edge of Sanity [ Noize Conspiracy Records 2006 ]

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2007 00:54
After years of stomping the debut solo psychotic micro album was finally released off noize conspiracy records not too long ago and I was surprised that no one had yet reviewed it. Anyways here goes nothing .

1. dissociative identity (146 bpm) : this track starts off with some chemical crew like synths I thought and really reminded me of time split especially the initial samples used. Can also see that the style sort of sounds a lot like winter demon, which is cool considering the amount the 2 projects work together. The melody is very characteristic of the psycho boys, and the production is nice and clean. the track has a standard slowdown around the 4th minute, and the break that follows is where the track gets super serious with the pads, samples, and then followed by a cool buildup with some interesting percussion work. The track takes off then and leaves you shaking your booty. This track isn’t a stomper but it’s a pretty solid start to the album. 7/10.
2.heavier (147 bpm): the track starts off with an eery tune and is followed with some cool stereo fx, and hints of some twisted synth work, after which the track gets moving with some great sample usage. So far the track lives up to the name. the atmosphere provided is pretty much no non-sense, 100% noise. With the scratchy synth work layer on layer this is a wicked ass track! And the ‘heavier’ sample only adds to the madness. This is the kind of stuff that comes to ones mind when u mention kobi and mickey heheh. Love the way the synth slowly fades in around the 4th minute, followed by the long break. Some interesting sounds like the guitar distortion gone mad again with the screams and a MAD MAD buildup! The track sort of reminds me of the good old days of psychotic micro pre chemical crew, especially the leads used. Tracks like luxeon and ghost come to my mind. Really crazy track. A sure shot bomb on any dance floor. 9/10.
3.the end (146 bpm): the track again starts off with the crazy micro synth work, which soon has a very epic atmosphere to it which kind of sticks well with the kicks. Again the track seems to go well with its name. a nice thing about this track is the way it smoothly evolves, with new sounds and great build ups. I can easily imagine this track being used to pick things up on the dancefloor. Love the dirty synth work around the 2nd minute, especially the break down and buildup around 2:30. sort of reminds early of holymen – the last universe for some reason. Around the 4th minute a new lead is added and the build up has some serious epic theme happening. Again great usage of samples and the synth work although a little cheesy (again much like holymen for some reason) is great. Around 5:15 the track really explodes, with a kick ass build up. The new leads again are massive to say the least. This is a GEM! This track is another super power tune which doesn’t give anything away till the very last. Really super work and a great follow up to the last track. 9/10 !
4.psychotic micro vs tube – paranoid (146 bpm): again the track starts off with some wacky ass synths soon followed by characteristic tube leads. The kick bass is very much like the cc style, and iv noticed it in tube’s recent releases as well (scarface, etc.). its easy to pick up on psychotic influence as well. Is a great blend of the styles, and the tube leads are very epic, much like his work on the personality album, which is evident around the 3rd minute break in the track. Around 3:30 when the track picks up off again. I really like the smoothness with which the track grooves on and the synth that follows is great. This is bound to be another great bomb. This tune isn’t as hardcore as the past 2 tracks, but don’t let that fool you – this track will make you lose it when your dancing like a mad man. I like the melody in the 5th minute and the buildup with the samples is slick to say the least. ‘it will kill innocent men!’. Great synth work again around the 6th minute – pure micro influence there, which is soon accompanied with the tube leads again. Cool track though not as good as the previous two. 7/10.
5.the legend (146 bpm): starts off with some cool sounds out of Mario or some Nintendo game. The tune is quickly introduced and you know from the very beginning that this is going to be one hell of a ride. The kick and bass set up is pretty hard. The pads are spooky and leave listeners feeling mystic and by the 2nd minute the track is moving along in full flow. The synth work and the melodies used are top notch, moreover they are deliciously slick and yet maintain an epic feel to it especially in the 3rd minute buildup. The melodies that psychotic micro show in their new style are great and are a step away from the chemical crew towards a lot darker style which according to me is a great thing. If you want to know what I mean the buildup in the around 4:30 and the eventual melt down by the 5:20 will get my point out across. This track is a gem and is yet another stand out track. Massive build-ups and insane melodies, just wonderful. 10/10.
6.psychotic micro vs toxic (146 bpm) – the prayer – this is the 2nd collaboration of the cd and having heard toxic’s recent releases this is bound to be an interesting track. It starts with some eery pads like something out of an old movie and some really nice leads, which I think represent more of toxic’s sound than psycho micro’s. by the 1st minute the track is off, another powerful kick-bass arrangement, but a lot like the track with tube. You can hear a lot of elements of the characteristic cc sound on this one, which in this case isn’t exactly a bad thing. I think this collaboration is another nice blend of their styles where you can hear toxic’s great synth work, along with the obvious pinch of micro madness. The buildup in the 4th minute is great and is sure to destroy some heads. The melody on this one is catchy and sort of like how toxic’s track ‘perfect crime’ was. Around 5:30 we see a cheesy lead come in. don’t really dig the sound of it too much, sounds a lot like something that void would come up with, but the guitar riffs and insane build up that follows are impressive. The leads introduced in the 7th minute are great, a lot better than the earlier void like one. For me it kind of saves the track at that point. I really didn’t dig this track too much because of the numerous clubby elements to it but im sure it will find a more than receptive audience. 6/10.
7.the outsiders – schizophrenia (147 bpm): this is the 3rd and last collaboration of the album and presents 2 former chemical crew powerhouses – exaile and the micros together under the name ‘the outsiders’. Having heard vilderness a billion times now, I had high expectations from this project, so lets see how it turned out …. Starts off like the legend a little with this cool lead playing, and the kick bass is once again very reminiscent of the chemical crew style which is kind of expected given both artist’s recent history. Lots of guitars as one would expect from any exaile track, very tastefully carried out too. The twisted psychotic leads are really well placed, and the tune around the 2nd minute is pure exaile! A lot like vilderness – very very catchy and not to mention surprisingly tasteful given the way guitar samples are (over) used nowadays. Lots of power in this track, its sure to be welcomed with great stomping on the dancefloors. Another catchy tune is introduced around the middle of the 4th minute, followed by a cheesy lead according to me, but is again used really well and works wonders in the track. All in all a great track, something that lives up to what one would expect from the outsiders. 8.5/10. the brain (146 bpm): it starts with a rather sinister atmosphere, and a hard kick bass. The bassline is catchy to say the least. The melody that sounds a lot like the ones heard in the legend and the end but stuff like that happens in an artist album. The buildup around the middle of the 2nd minute reminds me a little of the combat sound. Around 3:15 some twisted leads are introduced. This is a sure shot stomper, especially with the sample – ‘cooking the brain’. The melody around the 5th minute, is pure evil, and the build up that comes proves this even further! The synth work is pure acid filled fun and the ride that comes up is great. Another great track – 8/10.
9.American nightmare (147 bpm): this being the last track, all I can say is that mickey and kobi definitely saved the best for last. the start sort of reminds me of the eternal sanctuary and has by far the meanest sounding bass line on this album. Again reminiscent of their aggressive old style, the track uses a plethora of twisted leads, ending with the characteristic psychotic sound. The lead introduced around the 3rd minute is insane, twisted, just plain demented! The track moves along well and with the 147 bpm pace is a monster! The lead around 4:20 is old school micro – totally wicked! Sort of reminds me the schizophrenia track, but its unmistakebly the work of the mad duo. The lead is catchy and packs a good punch. A great way to end the album. 10/10.

Conclusion: The album in my books lives up to what I expected of a psychotic micro album. the way their sound has changed is great and I like the harder direction they are moving towards. Their melodies have retained their originality and their twisted sense of mayhem is ever prevalent and quite simply put it great. Im really looking forward to future releases from these 2, especially like the outsiders, as well as their collaboration with n3xu5 on va – high technology in minds which was a banger. Once again great job and best of luck to psychotic micro and all the other artists involved, as well as the label – noize conspiracy, who have followed up their last compilation with a kick ass album.

Favourites: 2(!!),3(!),5(!),7,9(!!)

sorry for the tedious writing hehe.

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Posts :  52
Posted : Jan 19, 2007 01:19
yo micky it was great meeting you in viena!!
best of luck with your new home&albom...
cya around ya hoozir:-)           u-recken?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2007 11:53
few years back i was hooked on this kind of music now it just seems boring and the connection psychotic have made with chemichal crew made it worse
but now i see they relesed it on a label i dont really know mabey i will check it out and will find the old boring pychotic:]
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Posted : Jan 19, 2007 12:18
Angad i want to read this review but the moment i opened the damn page my eyes began to burn hehe. I will read it soon however

As for the music , didnt enjoy anything besides The Prayer and American Nightmare. IMHO Noise Conspiracy have done as bad as chemical crew in ruining artists - right from Winter Demon to Seroxat and them together as Combat. I REALLY hope Abomination dont slip into the same vault , it will be extremely tragic.

Even the Claw in Noize track in va - Endangered Species was BY FAR his worst track to date. But i know for a fact that Claw wont slip into that style , he kicks some serious ass without a doubt

Nonetheless Good luck

!Ce M@n
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jan 19, 2007 13:55
DID'nt like this album so much ...
there is some C.C stuff which I didnt like.
the track wid toxic is my only fav in this album ..
well did'nt expect the album to be like this .           0x00000PSy
Delysid / Wicked Wires

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  332
Posted : Jan 19, 2007 18:10
well...well...well...well done squirm....ur getting better every time...

and the album of micros for us was quite good....for sure have some old CC sounds...but its their if u dont like fuck off....and listen dark nonsense music....for sure the production is really nice....and their live performances kick some serious ass....

so big booms and respect for miky and koby....cheers mates....

and mikeeeee....good job making this album possible.....u made great work....

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Posted : Jan 19, 2007 18:27

On 2007-01-19 18:10, DeLySiD CoOkInG wrote:
and the album of micros for us was quite good....for sure have some old CC sounds...but its their if u dont like fuck off....and listen dark nonsense music....for sure the production is really nice....and their live performances kick some serious ass....

This place is meant for reviews jackass. Reviews neednt be all positive so there is absolutely no reason for anyone to fuck off besides your self. No one ever remotely mentioned that their production quality or live act is below par , no doubt they kick ass in those departments but i dont think the music is great. You must also realize that a lot of the "dark nonsense" being produced is far ahead of what you do so atleast get to that "nonsense" stage and then talk like a big shot. Until then shut your fu*king mouth and let people give their honest opinions!!! Thank you for understanding. Idiot. PLUR hahaha

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Posts :  28
Posted : Jan 19, 2007 20:26

On 2007-01-19 18:27, rajatrao6 wrote:

On 2007-01-19 18:10, DeLySiD CoOkInG wrote:
and the album of micros for us was quite good....for sure have some old CC sounds...but its their if u dont like fuck off....and listen dark nonsense music....for sure the production is really nice....and their live performances kick some serious ass....

This place is meant for reviews jackass. Reviews neednt be all positive so there is absolutely no reason for anyone to fuck off besides your self. No one ever remotely mentioned that their production quality or live act is below par , no doubt they kick ass in those departments but i dont think the music is great. You must also realize that a lot of the "dark nonsense" being produced is far ahead of what you do so atleast get to that "nonsense" stage and then talk like a big shot. Until then shut your fu*king mouth and let people give their honest opinions!!! Thank you for understanding. Idiot. PLUR hahaha

my dear rajat...please wacth your lang. there are pp even bigger than you out there and i dont think delysid said anything worse like you describe!!! thow i am also dark nonsens person (i like it) you need 2 apolegise... think about it!!!!!

from sadnes to joy....
the disk is superrrebb and the LIVE@ACT IS EVEN ALLMOUST difrent music!!!!! my recomend here the disk in a turbo suond sterio and talk 2 me after you do so

i will give a pormal and diteled review later!!!!

love you koby and miky from your 1 and only japanisse


japan-yaniv           s m a l l *l i g h t* b i t's a evil darkness!!!!!! japan-sea-yaniv THE-JAPANISSE@PROJECT >>2007<<
Inactive User
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Posted : Jan 19, 2007 20:49
my apologies for the language it was uncalled for, by no means am i saying i am big or anything but i think its unfair to tell people to fuck off if they dislike an album. The only reason delysid has a job is because people do buy his music, imagine if nobody liked their music, does that mean everyone fucks off? What are they left with hehe... but this is a review section , people need to learn that reviews are open and dont have to be positive. anyways peace!

Started Topics :  313
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Posted : Jan 19, 2007 20:54

On 2007-01-19 20:26, japan-sea-yaniv wrote:

my dear rajat...please wacth your lang. there are pp even bigger than you out there and i dont think delysid said anything worse like you describe!!!

Are there people bigger than me as well?           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Inactive User
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Posted : Jan 19, 2007 20:55
Pavel my dear friend,to answer your question.... does this satisfy you?

or do you still pose as competition?


Started Topics :  313
Posts :  8648
Posted : Jan 19, 2007 22:38

On 2007-01-19 20:55, rajatrao6 wrote:
Pavel my dear friend,to answer your question.... does this satisfy you?

or do you still pose as competition?

This girl is lerger then life.           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
Delysid / Wicked Wires

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  332
Posted : Jan 19, 2007 23:01
nice pic of ur chick hahahahahahahahahaha
men dont take evrything so serioous, enjoy... laught .... and party...
we respect all the music,, dont u ever think the opposite please...and by the way the fuck off was not for u,, is a way of talking, like fuck off if anyone dont like , is their style ,, u got it¿¿¿ sorry if we make u feel smaller or bad.. not the reason of this...

but i see u know how to use the bad language against the people....

no worries from here....

best vibes and respect (as always)
Inactive User
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Posted : Jan 20, 2007 03:54

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Posted : Jan 20, 2007 09:07

On 2007-01-19 20:54, Pavel wrote:

On 2007-01-19 20:26, japan-sea-yaniv wrote:

my dear rajat...please wacth your lang. there are pp even bigger than you out there and i dont think delysid said anything worse like you describe!!!

Are there people bigger than me as well?

you can never know how you dilling with japanisse@mafya!!! hahaha
peace my dear rajat and i understand you from the friest place!! love anyway!!!!

love you all again big booom my dear kobi and micky!!!!

japan@family           s m a l l *l i g h t* b i t's a evil darkness!!!!!! japan-sea-yaniv THE-JAPANISSE@PROJECT >>2007<<
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Psychotic Micro - Edge of Sanity [ Noize Conspiracy Records 2006 ]

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