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Psychedelic Vs. Trance

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2011 07:20:54
So in regards to psychedelic trance: Do you guys connect more with the psychedelic aspect or with the trance aspect of the music? May sound stupid but I guess I am trying to understand what we are holding on to or looking for as the music evolves.

To me the psychedelic aspect is the more relevant, meaningful and what I look for in this music. Like whether it sounds like techno, or house or dubstep or trance or some new shit, if the music is awesome and genuinely psychedelic and its dance, and has love then who cares right?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2011 08:19

i like Both, Deep Trance and Psychedelic Elements...i like it Balanced, not too much Sugar, not Bitter...           DJ of Sourcecode
A&R from Horns and Hoofs Entertainment
Axis Mundi
Axis Mundi

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Posted : Jun 28, 2011 08:28
In the psy-trance scene, there are four kinds of people:

1.) I like the psychedelic aspect of psytrance.
2.) I like the trance aspect of psytrance.
3.) I like the psychedelic aspect... no, wait, the trance aspect... but I also like it psychedelic... and trancey... and... what was the question again?
4.) HEY! WTF is this? I ordered a falafel with hummus! This is a cheeseburger!
Beat Agency
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2011 08:43
To me it's all about "Trance". A lot of psychedelic music does not have the ability to put me in a state of trance (usually because it's too complex).

Hypnotic is the keyword and does not necessarily have anything to do with being psychedelic. 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2011 10:54

On 2011-06-28 08:43, Beat Agency wrote:
To me it's all about "Trance". A lot of psychedelic music does not have the ability to put me in a state of trance (usually because it's too complex).

Hypnotic is the keyword and does not necessarily have anything to do with being psychedelic.

i think i agree.

but I am not sure.. it's beat agency i am agreeing with... 
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2011 19:38
BA: nail on the head sir. alot of newer psytrance is to start/stop CHUNKCHUNKCHUNKCACHUCKA!

give me weird noise and a constant kick drum with high atmospheric weirdness over harsh technical complexity any ol day.

hope my pathetic attempts at forest reflect my veiw?

          Doof Local
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 28, 2011 20:42
Definitely Trance, hypnotic rythms, melodies, drones and basslines that keep you dancing and can help you to bee on a "trance" state. When the time just go by while you dance, like a ritual.

Because of that I like other genres where some producers keep a trance structure in their tracks.

I like the psy aspect but I find difficult to encounter music that fits my tastes on the psychedelic department.

          "The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."

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Posted : Jun 28, 2011 21:52
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 29, 2011 07:31
i can't say i've ever paid attention to melody in the trance state. maybe bass melody? is that a thing?           Doof Local
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 29, 2011 18:15

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 07:35
Well imagine that I asked this question to some hippies in the 60s, but instead about psychedelic rock. (So “psychedelic” vs “rock”) Maybe a lot of hippies would say it’s all about “rock” right? And forty years later they might still be stuck in it’s about “rock” without any idea that other genres such as “trance” could be just as “rocking” and “psychedelic” as that rock music from the 60s.

There was Jimi Hendrix and Pink Floyd in the 60s.. pretty far out stuff. But later another psychedelic era emerged with artists such as Hallucinogen, Koxbox and Xdream. Totally different genres though with a common psychedelic link. So I am thinking why be stuck on “trance” when “trance” could just be like the rock of the 60’s and so maybe in the future something totally new ,fresh and exiting will emerge and we might fail to be open to it because we are thinking that it’s about the “trance”. You know what I am saying? And I’m not suggesting that’s the case with anybody here, but there might be new forms of music that in the beginning might sound like noise but that could develop into something more amazing and become the new edge or the new “trance” because of its hypnotic and psychedelic power.

I guess it depends how you define “trance” and “psychedelic”. Beat Agency phrased it as “hypnotic” which to me can very much be a psychedelic element as well. Also some of the tracks that Shiranui shared have psychedelic elements. And the “hypnotic” elements are not limited to trance.. hey perhaps we are just scratching the surface with all this electronic dance music.. there could be a new world of musical possibilities that we are going to discover soon. That’s why I attach more with the psychedelic aspect, since it allows total freedom … and maybe “psychedelic” for me is just code for something that feels real and awesome. Like the more pure essence, where you connect more with the vibe. It can feel like mystical intoxication or traveling though fractal rollercoasters… or a higher state of counsciousness and a deeper and more sincere communication with everything around you . Like the psychedelic experience (through psychedelics) where a veil is lifted and you see all these faces of life you were never aware of before. Amazing. You are in total awe, hypnotized, in trance... and aware. Sooooo Psychedelic
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 19:22
I want it all. Melody, pounding overproduced bass, at least 5 layers, if not 10, long periods of building trance and the occasional breakdown to trash the vibe. I want parts that speed up and parts that have triplet bass. I wanrt live instruments and synths. I want some cheesy goa melodies and I want epic buildups and beats from other types of EDM thrown in to keep it interesting.

In short, I'm bored by 90% of what people are doing these days. 
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 22:08

On 2011-07-01 19:22, hardkornate wrote:
In short, I'm bored by 90% of what people are doing these days.

Edit: wait why is my video not embedding?


Started Topics :  150
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Posted : Jul 1, 2011 22:21

Hypnotic is the keyword

+1000           Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:

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Posted : Jul 3, 2011 05:42
psychedelic cant be described by words, just can be experimented by youself, giving subgenres its just to denotate some aspects or to give an identificantion pattern to silly people, for they can say "o im like mninimal techno, im more dark, im prog, im balanced etc"

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