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Psychedelic scene loosing fans?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 31, 2010 15:54
I find it funny that people base what is happening in the "scene" on either this forum or just what's going on in their region. There's plenty of great stuff going on even if the region you're in isn't the best. Not every area is perpetually doomed, places have their ups and downs, just gotta learn to roll with em.  - Midwest based psytrance group

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Posted : Mar 31, 2010 16:12
A little off topic but......

The really sad part about the whole psy culture is that countries / regions having good artists / producers get practically less support from their own country / region.... people are really quick to get judgmental and criticize..... instead of backing up their talent they hunt for foreign talent and this can get really de-motivating for up and coming artists.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Mar 31, 2010 19:48
I don't see this happening in the regions I know best. Germany has loads of local talent that often has bookings. Same goes for Belgium, UK and the Netherlands. Others I wouldnt know though. 

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Posted : Mar 31, 2010 22:04

that's what i think to be one of the bigger 'problems' on earth.

Quick judgement. lack of open-ness
Even in this scene.. or maybe especially in this scene..

But oh how simple it is to disregard all the useless Isratrance discussions so, no matter...

To who cares, let's keep on keepin' on. Doing what you or i might LOVE to do.

I spotted this photo depicting hiphop dudes dressed like mushrooms going to a new Inf.Mush. concert.. I guess your scene is also gaining "fans"

Don't care about ANY of this. I'm not some FAN of the scene.. . more of a fan of the people and musics i've met through it..

actually... getting more and more against the idea if this 'psychedelic scene' because of despite the few good discussions...


IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 11, 2010 15:32
Over here in Australia, as some visitors may have discovered, there are some parties that are totally 100% psy trance, but most have something else, and in some areas, dubstep, electro and other varieties are quite common.

Often some very good organizers manage to keep everyone well entertained. Goa had its time and it was nice at one point, but honestly, the people crave something different.

The mystical age of psy trance was a part of yesteryear... Now it's all about sounds and emotives....

Have an open ear.... In my opinion there is still always a place for good psy. And let psy be free... It doesn't need to be constrained to a 145 bpm 4/4 kick drum.
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 12:31

On 2010-04-11 15:32, Marsoupial wrote:
Goa had its time and it was nice at one point, but honestly, the people crave something different.

The mystical age of psy trance was a part of yesteryear... Now it's all about sounds and emotives....

Have an open ear.... In my opinion there is still always a place for good psy. And let psy be free... It doesn't need to be constrained to a 145 bpm 4/4 kick drum.

who's 'the people' really and what is this different they're craving for??
the mystical will always exist in music, is a need, no matter what the tendecies are. people crave for good music, they're bored, they need smthng fresh to keep the intrest. the real deal to me, is the mystical feeling (not age) combined with new methods and technologies
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