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Psychedelic scene loosing fans?


Started Topics :  3
Posts :  21
Posted : Sep 22, 2005 21:18
Yes, my friend surrender I don't feel happy about the scene in Greece and a lot of people does.Are u feeling ok with all this?
Are u feeling ok when the saturday comes and u don't have no(or 1)options to go to a club and hear our music? I'm not trying to make or give bad vibes to the people man, I'm just telling the truth.

I'm in the scene 10 years now my friend and I have seen manny things and I understand what's happening.
I don't want this scene ends cause it will be a shame.And for your sure conclusion I'm not going to leave it.

And chill man stop telling me what to write.
I didn't commit a crime.
we just have a convesation don't take it personal.           Imagination is more important than Knowledge!

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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 21:25

On 2005-09-22 18:24, Bungula wrote:
ok I will agree with surrender but not with all that he says.I have lots of friends in a lot of countrys that says to me that the scene is not like 5 or 10 years before.

And we see that,back old days we wend to partys for only to have experiencies and for the music.The people was so pure and everybody(ok the most)nue what was going to hear.Now all tha concidering of most people is what drug thay will take and that's all.
ok I don't say that the scene it will going to end but is extremly in a bad shave.


It's more than 10 years that I've been going to parties (still not many 2 or 3 every year), and the magic I liked in the first party I went to I can still find it today.
Because I go to only a few parties I try to choose well, because if I go to a bad one I'll be disappointed for the next 6 months!
I think I've learned to choose which party/festival go and which one to avoid.
The magic is still there, look for it and choose carefully, that's my advice.
"IT's NOT LIKE THE OLD TIMES"? And how can it be? You can fight as hard as you can but things DO change costantly! That's one of the few things in life that u can be sure about! The old people in the Bar of the small Italian village where I live spend their days moaning and saying things like: "IT's NOT LIKE THE OLD TIMES!"..for everything! I woved to myself to never turn like that and try to find the good in things, instead of the trance community want to end up like the old people of my village? Hope not!

But I do agree that trance is on a bad shave, too many drugs in the scene are killing the vibe in most of the parties and (especially here in Italy, I have to say) a lot of the party people are zombies in disguise and it's very decadent and sad to go there. In fact, most of the times, I prefer to go abroad!
But I think that worldwide the party scene needs to clean up a bit (more than a bit) as part of its own evolution.
Again these are my personal opinions...
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 21:34
Bungula , i think u misundertood me
i was doing the opposite actually... my previous post was directed at psychedelia, not you. please read it again as i was trying to have him understand that he should ask you for more info before passing judgement on who you are.           "On the other hand, you have different fingers."
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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 21:38

On 2005-09-22 21:18, Bungula wrote:
I don't feel happy about the scene in Greece

I totally understand you. Now I have not been in Greece for a long long time but I have friends there and I also follow the debates in the Greek forum and boy have things changed a lot in Greece since I partied there. 360 degrees turnaround! To me it seem the soul of the parties, the people and the scene in Greece have totally dropped out and been replaced with agressive people, greedy selfish organisers and people who dont go to the parties for the love of the music but for the love of drugs. The result is the same boring Full On artists week after week and people that will shout killarghhh to whatever KIK and bass they hear. The drugs talk. NOT the ears.
Of course there are exceptions and good people around. Sadly they just drown in a scene that have outdated itself.

But it's not something special to greece. I only have to go 30 minutes to Copenhagen to see the exactly same situation. I think the only difference is that in many many parties in Copenhagen they also dress and behave like people going to a Mega Rave in Germany to see a Scoooter consert on way too many drugs. And then there's the obliogatory every weekend fights because some organisers are too good friends with steriod drugged Bodybuilders and Hell Angels types. People that only want to fight. And their girlfriends that also like to fight with innocent gitrls on the floor. It's not uncommon to see the same 10 most popular Israeli, 1 or 2 UK and ocassionally some copy & paste Full On artists play weekend after weekend in Copenhagen. I think IM have played there 5-7 times in 2005 and Astral also the same amount of times. And then there Hujaboy, Pixel. Eskimo etc. etc. etc. that all play there atleast 5-8 times a year... yawn.

Luckely there are some nice organisers in other parts of Denmark but they are not many.

Welcome to party land ano 2005!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 21:38
Well, thanks to Techsafari, here in Montreal the psyscene is growing... only it might not be growing in the direction that the true "freaks" would like. The people attending parties might not be the "true devoted goahead" who listens only to once specific sub-sub-sub genre of psytrance. It is filling up with various types of people (Perso, i think its great for the scene).. On the flip side, our small local parties have lost tons of attendee's and are getting smaller and smaller (due to an over saturation of psytrance parties here in the city)..

If i were to blame anything for this global decrease, it would have to be the lack on innovation from the artists in our scene. They are the only one's who can bring back innovation to this scene and stop all the oldschoolers from leaving to listen to different styles of music to find new sounds..

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Started Topics :  3
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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 21:54
Yes dude i misundertand u. Sorry dude I was wrong, that was defenately for psychedelia.
Vagator Vibhushan
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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 22:36
in india the scene has definitely hit a low since past few years and i think the 3 main reasons are -

- lack of availability (gettin music from online stores is very expensive)
- lack of fresh blood (newbies come thinking about drugs than music and vibe)
- lack of fresh air (outdoors have almost stopped)

also, there is still no/very less money in trance...and talent also needs to seriousness since no stakes, no standards

the scene is full of joggers, all running scared because no one feels 'right' enough to stand for their choices (how many have their emails on profile?)

i also think trancers need to shed their 'we are different' attitude and integrate better into the whole music scene...too much smoke, too little fire

my 2 nickels, and i betting them on a breakthrough           helping apple pies take over the world since Damion predicted so
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 23:01
On 2005-09-22 21:38, HandA wrote:

special to greece. I only have to go 30 minutes to Copenhagen to see the exactly same situation. I think the only difference is that in many many parties in Copenhagen they also dress and behave like people going to a Mega Rave in Germany to see a Scoooter consert on way too many drugs. And then there's the obliogatory every weekend fights because some organisers are too good friends with steriod drugged Bodybuilders and Hell Angels types. People that only want to fight. And their girlfriends that also like to fight with innocent gitrls on the floor.

So true...
          "Love is a way of life"

(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna)

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Posts :  1660
Posted : Sep 23, 2005 04:34

On 2005-09-22 16:40, Surrender wrote:

am i the only one to think that psytrance is not dying? i think on the contrary, its growing day by day globally, there are plenty of new quality artists emerging and numerous artists that are in their prime and not going anywhere for a few years and will unload musical joy on our ears.

Gadi, the only problem with this Psytrance, is that in 95% of the cases is not quite psychedelic. In 95% of the cases it is extremely powerful and agressive eletronic 4x4 dance genre, that uses squeeks and blips and random melodies that in minds of some ppl make it PSY. Since psychedelia is a very personal issue, I dont claim those that find this music psychedelic are wrong. But for me, the true psy is for instance in Shulman's music, but if u want me to name dancefloor stuff then I guess in one track of Sun Controlled Species there is more psychedelia then in 10 PSY tracks.

That was my 15 paisa to close the night           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  660
Posted : Sep 23, 2005 04:55
I agree with surrender, psychedelic music is growing big-time. Obviously, as the amount of artists is going up, more and more artists are going to be shitty and non-psychedelic. THis is natural, but there are still so so so many truelly psychedelic artists(new ones) in all genres of psychedelia.
Yuli you have Grand Avenue in your signature, do you claim this is psychedelic music? Don't get me wrong, I downloaded it illegally on DC++ a few days ago and I think its fucking awesome, but I dont see anything psychedelic about it, its just very good and atmospheric music.           We are all visitors to this time, this place. We are just passing through. Our purpose here is to observe, to learn, to grow, to love... and then we return home.

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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 06:13

On 2005-09-22 21:18, Bungula wrote:

i'm in the scene 10 years now my friend and I have seen manny things and I understand what's happening.
I don't want this scene ends cause it will be a shame.And for your sure conclusion I'm not going to leave it.

And chill man stop telling me what to write.
I didn't commit a crime.
we just have a convesation don't take it personal.

chill man i know v r just havin a conversation....never took it personal ..its just that u could hav asked the same question in may b an more appropriate manner... its been a decade for me too into this scene . at 14 . i had a chance to witness gill baba and also my first psy-gathering .... since then i hav scene so many things change ...

everybody has to go into the fututre today or tomm or day after what if our time has started

revolutionary evolution in progress.

          out now
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 06:15

On 2005-09-23 04:34, Yuli wrote:

On 2005-09-22 16:40, Surrender wrote:

am i the only one to think that psytrance is not dying? i think on the contrary, its growing day by day globally, there are plenty of new quality artists emerging and numerous artists that are in their prime and not going anywhere for a few years and will unload musical joy on our ears.

Gadi, the only problem with this Psytrance, is that in 95% of the cases is not quite psychedelic. In 95% of the cases it is extremely powerful and agressive eletronic 4x4 dance genre, that uses squeeks and blips and random melodies that in minds of some ppl make it PSY. Since psychedelia is a very personal issue, I dont claim those that find this music psychedelic are wrong. But for me, the true psy is for instance in Shulman's music, but if u want me to name dancefloor stuff then I guess in one track of Sun Controlled Species there is more psychedelia then in 10 PSY tracks.

That was my 15 paisa to close the night

Exactly i can go more deeper with psychedelics with any song from sun control or sensient than , any "same bass line super hi tech efects full on music" that kids are making this days , and yes i one of those huge fans of psychedelics music that is turning the face the other way, now i got more pleasure to listen to some acid jazz or flamenco that full-on           If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 07:00

On 2005-09-23 06:15, Dual brother(janue) wrote:
now i got more pleasure to listen to some acid jazz or flamenco that full-on

i agree, but we are talking about scene here and not the music.
i have found myself gravitating away from "psy" trance almost completely recently, as in I barely ever listen to it anymore, and I rarely like the stuff being played at parties. however, the party experience is something completely different. to go to an outdoors festival that features mostly music i would never listen to at home, see beautiful people is a special experience; something i have not experienced with the jazz bar scene, while i love jazz (but then again maybe i simply have not looked deep enough).           Load Universe into Cannon. Aim at Brain. Fire.

Started Topics :  40
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Posted : Sep 23, 2005 13:40

Yuli you have Grand Avenue in your signature, do you claim this is psychedelic music? Don't get me wrong, I downloaded it illegally on DC++ a few days ago and I think its fucking awesome, but I dont see anything psychedelic about it, its just very good and atmospheric music.

What I have in my signature is barely a promo for my tracks that are getting released, but except the first and the last tracks on this compilation, which are definitely housey and non psy, all the rest are much more psychedelic then the psy music of today IMO. Athmospherics are the basis for psychedelia for me, and modern psy music doesnt have that almost at all, just agressiveness.           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman

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Posts :  129
Posted : Sep 23, 2005 14:06

On 2005-09-21 22:47, va¤n wrote:
i think the times of "its all about 145bpm" are slowly fading away.

very true.. it seems there is a tendancy for slower bpms in all genres...  | Raving beyond borders
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