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Psychedelic scene loosing fans?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 11:58
I think the title of the subject says it all.. Did you write it on purpose, Bungula ?

Some people in this scene liked the ideas of acting like rockstars (artists), U2-concert promoters (party orgas), Major records companies A&R (labels) and the "nature" of the relation between what I'll call the "global staff" and the audience changed.. The audience changed from "freaks" (replace with your own qualifier if you prefer) to "fans"..

Doing this, they made Psytrance becoming something "consummable", u know.. "ephemeral".. Something that one throw away when he's fed up of it..

But I won't be as negative as DETOX, especially after the week-end I've spend at the Arcadia festival.. There are still artists, labels, party promoters that are doing it for the love of it and that will go on thinking about the "audience" as human beings and not wallets..

It's exactly like with cooking : you make the best things with simple ingredients..

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Inactive User

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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 12:05
In my opinion I got no problem with the scene collapsing. It will just lead to something new and probably much more interesting. Why hold on to something that are done and gone?
And here I think about Goatrance, most psy, most progressive trance and House for that matter and for sure Full On. All those mentioned are repeating themself these days without going nowhere. With a few (very few) exceptions.

There's no point in living your life in the past. You cant relive the past. Only the future is certain to happen.
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 12:15
I think it’s great that the scene is diminishing; I think there are more then enough psychedelic people around. The people who are destroying the scene are mostly the newcomers, let them LEAVE for god sake. There is still being produced lots of terrific psychedelic music, you just have to be selective and honestly it’s that EASY. In my opinion a party with 50 people who are REALLY into psychedelic music is far better then party with 10.000 people who are into coke and ecstasy. I was at the Sonica festival this summer and it was filled with amazing people, off-course there where some people that I didn’t fancy, but they where definitely not the majority, they where the minority. I stopped going to commercial parties in Copenhagen a long time ago. Instead I create my own underground parties or go to other underground parties with people that I like. It’s that EASY.

Just be the change you want to see. You don’t like the parties in you area: make your OWN free parties in the nature. Too cold to be out in the nature: find a BASEMENT

Love and light sisters and brothers from different mothers.
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(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna)

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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 12:15
the scene here is still existent but its not growing anymore. mabye the big events have more guests today, but the local partys, the "base" is drying out, but I can only speak for myself.

in my point of view the music is not as exciting as for a view years, every possible combinations have been produced many times and I am every day more interested into club-electronic music and watch myself getting more and more happy producing it. I think I am not the only one. Slowly but surely I am fading away. It feels like taking a fresh shower.
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 12:53

On 2005-09-22 00:05, The Green Channel wrote:
Big scene = bad vibes ,, Small scene = good vibes ,, "Keep it small" ,,


Please repeat after me:

Big Scene = More bad vibes in terms of chemical drug usages and drunk kids.

Small Scene = Better vibes, more "real" psy fans, more psychedelic substances.

*Keep it small*
Beartrap Machine
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 13:22
Over here in Cape Town the scene is getting bigger and bigger.

The traditional ways have changed though.

It is harder to find good music because there are so many sub-genre's in trance now. That does not mean the scene is dying. There is still a lot of good music and people out there.

I reckon the scene is just a bit confused at the moment. But, it will recover.

Artists like Deedrah, Synthetic, Hallucinogen, Absolum, Koxbox and Dino Psaras are still making great psychedelic music.

My prediction is that there will come a new wave of psychedelic artists who will redifine the genre and will reach cult status under the fans who understand what the original spirit was about...

Maybe the suppourt in countries like greece is fading. But I can tell you that it is growing at warp speed here in South Africa. The "scene" will have to be split into a commercial side and an underground side so that everybody can be happy.

The scene has changed. You can see this with all the artists making their own labels...


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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 14:13
Now is the time of a new era of psychedelic trance. There are loads of good music coming out, you just have to filter it from the shit. Well I guess some of the old grumpy guys are to prejudiced to get some interest in it because some people call it dark music, and there are indeed lots of shitty "dark" music. The full power psytrance is going to continue to grow aslong as artists continue to make trance with sparkling psychedelia.

HandA said it good
There's no point in living your life in the past. You cant relive the past. Only the future is certain to happen.

RIP fullon

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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 14:51
I'm a big fan of psytrance but my profession is to book "rock" concerts ar run a small "rock" label....and I have to tell you that the similarities are many more than you can imagine: music, as everything else, goes in circles; if there's enough passion into the music genre it will come back!
How many times I've heard "Rock is dead"? And after a while it comes back stronger than before!
I think Psytrance has given (musically) most of it. I think artists need to find new inspiration from other sources and then bring it back into psytrance, to make it new but still psytrance will be.
Things DO evolve, that's life..somethimes the evolution slows down, sometimes speed up, sometimes seems to have stopped but it's just moving slowly.
If psytrance would have been only a marketing affair with no soul, maybe it could die. But I think that the passion I see from artists and (part of the) audience alike will keep the spark alive to make sure that there's evolution.
That's my opinion!
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 16:40
wow ok... my previous answer was laced with sarcasm, i think people misunderstood me. am i the only one to think that psytrance is not dying? i think on the contrary, its growing day by day globally, there are plenty of new quality artists emerging and numerous artists that are in their prime and not going anywhere for a few years and will unload musical joy on our ears. i think the people who complain about the scene dying are going through a change themselves, maybe trance was just a phase to them, maybe their not into it anymore and wish to rationalize it by explaining that it must be over. but the truth is, there are more and more festivals each year, more countries where trance is appearing, more internet related trance sites, i could go on....
some of this may not be entirely a positive (healthy) type of growth (to some) as kako said (not the first time he says this, his way of analyzing is interesting and intelligent), but its certainly not going anywhere anytime soon.
cheer up, listen to what you consider the good artists and simply dont listen to the bad.
if this was rock, does everyone have to listen to EVERYTHING out there? the answer is no, there is too much bad stuff, one should focus on the quality.

          "On the other hand, you have different fingers."
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 16:46
nice points there licio2 ...
as long as the people are passionate about 'it' can never fade away ...

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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 18:24
ok I will agree with surrender but not with all that he says.I have lots of friends in a lot of countrys that says to me that the scene is not like 5 or 10 years before.

And we see that,back old days we wend to partys for only to have experiencies and for the music.The people was so pure and everybody(ok the most)nue what was going to hear.Now all tha concidering of most people is what drug thay will take and that's all.
ok I don't say that the scene it will going to end but is extremly in a bad shave.

And yes there are many many new artists that creative bad hearing music.What?They doing for money?ok not only for that but thay have mist the point before they started.

The situations are completly chenged year by year that DETOX says, and again i agree with tha words that the most people going to a party to take drugs and the real and pure vibes are disapearing.


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Started Topics :  7
Posts :  199
Posted : Sep 22, 2005 18:47
i can only hope the scene is getting smaller, its so saturated at the moment. it broke my heart at the Glade Festival when i saw 10,000 ppl there!!! ive been to parties with only a few hundred people. i only wish it could get like that again.

Started Topics :  83
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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 19:44
i think our friend bungula is not happy with the scene in greece and he's leaving the scene for sure .

so his plan is y not create a negative energy in the ppl who are into it .

if u r not happy with it leave it and tell all of them to leave who dont like it .

u r just 5 days old in here and u talk all this .

by the way its just started ..
this is called evolution.bad vibes are being thrown out slowly but surely
anyways purification of the psy-scene is long overdue .
only hardcore psy will exist .thats the need of d hour...

forever psychedelic

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IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  506
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Posted : Sep 22, 2005 20:46
i dont agree psychedelia, i think he is inquiring about an issue that is important to his heart, he is taking the time to read it all here.... please dont jump to conclusions, isnt it better to ask him then write what you wrote?           "On the other hand, you have different fingers."

Started Topics :  83
Posts :  2374
Posted : Sep 22, 2005 21:16
@ surrender --i just wanted to put it across to him in a way in which he might understand.........

and by the way he is talking about fans of psy-trance .. fans always keep on changing places .. i think he was mentioning more towards some of the artists (i think)....

well all the ppl here are not fans . fans keep changing things , its the matter of heart for me also .
coz i think i am not a fan of this scene ..i m very much a part of it .. thats how u build a community , by being a part of it .

just being a fan is not big enough . i am a fan too ofof all kind of music in general


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