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psychedelic meditation

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
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Posted : May 4, 2010 15:03
yup maine coon nailed it .....           "Whoever said the best things in life are free... obviously grew their own bud"
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : May 4, 2010 15:08

On 2010-05-04 13:00, psy-junky wrote:

On 2010-05-04 12:01, TimeTraveller wrote:
it's easier to meditate without music at all at the beginning since it's about emptying the mind and switch out all possible thaughts.
Concentration is sth else than meditation.

Thats the thing this music isnt really music that takes away from the experience but very ambient kind of deep sounds which help you to empty the mind. when your on the bed in the middle of the session you feel like your floating/flying in thin air.

you need to try it before judging this technique.

Meditation is my 'religion' for more than a decade I truely love it.Please don't judge me that I just write some stuff from fun without any background what I write and than even on a forum etc .

I also said,at the beginning.Or if you want to meditate ,and not concentrate - on words for example.Meditation comes after concentration.
When you listen to some guide you more concentrate.I like some music too for meditation.At the beginning it was for me not helpful to be receptive.
It worked faster in silence.
I'm not very disciplined I like to smoke often,so when I have periods of meditation I'm absolutely sober so it is not regularely but on the longer run it is.
It was not my intention to sorta smart around here more to help.
So excuse me as I thaught you might be beginning.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  3207
Posted : May 4, 2010 15:38
meat battery

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  59
Posted : May 4, 2010 16:04

On 2010-05-04 14:58, Maine Coon wrote:
I've tried guided meditation - and it works. Except the technique is thousands years old and has nothing to do with high-tech scientifically designed sounds. The instructor's voice is there just to keep your mind from wandering off and to keep you from falling asleep. It's really simple, actually. The instructor tells you to pay attention to a particular body part for a few seconds and goes through your whole body one part at a time. At some point you become completely relaxed physically and kinda emptied mentally. Then you try to listen to the sounds of the outside world and travel in your thoughts to the next room or to your back yard, across the street etc. Then you "come back", count your breath movements backwards (a test for not falling asleep) from some number. And you are done. The whole thing takes 15-30 minutes, depending on the instructor. Its "official" name is "yoga nidra".

In my course, they actually tought us this and gave us CD's. It's really simple but awesome. I love when you open your eyes at the end, you feel so serene and relaxed, it's like you've had a benzo  
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