Psy Trance Partys VS. Rave Theory in Mexico
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Oct 10, 2006 15:59
I think psytheriatsunami post was very direct. The main problem is the attitude of people at the parties, which is usually defined by the kind of music being played.
For example, at commercial parties, some people have the attitude of "I'm paying for it", or "someone else is being payed to collect my garbage", etc...
And on small gathering the attitude is "I'm part of this".
Read this article for more on this subject:
Yes, people who enjoy Dark psy usually "complain" more, but you can also notice that "complain" may also mean "discuss the issue to try to understand it better".
Full on is definitely more commercial than dark, and dark is usually less well produced than full on (you can usually notice a bounch of junk between 2.000 and 6.000 hertz). I hope the quality of dark improve in the next years, but keep in mind that in the golden age of Goa the quality was worse than the quality of dark today. Also there are a few dark producers in Mexico and Brazil that produces music in a nice quality.
Please let's not make of this thread another dark vs full on thread, otherwise this will be locked.
...Be gentle with the earth...
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...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 10, 2006 19:41
On 2006-10-10 15:59, full_on wrote:
I think psytheriatsunami post was very direct. The main problem is the attitude of people at the parties, which is usually defined by the kind of music being played.
For example, at commercial parties, some people have the attitude of "I'm paying for it", or "someone else is being payed to collect my garbage", etc...
And on small gathering the attitude is "I'm part of this".
Read this article for more on this subject:
Yes, people who enjoy Dark psy usually "complain" more, but you can also notice that "complain" may also mean "discuss the issue to try to understand it better".
Full on is definitely more commercial than dark, and dark is usually less well produced than full on (you can usually notice a bounch of junk between 2.000 and 6.000 hertz). I hope the quality of dark improve in the next years, but keep in mind that in the golden age of Goa the quality was worse than the quality of dark today. Also there are a few dark producers in Mexico and Brazil that produces music in a nice quality.
Please let's not make of this thread another dark vs full on thread, otherwise this will be locked.
ajuaaaaaa..... well said full_on, please dont take it the wrong way, but finally i agree with something you write
  Memento Mori |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 10, 2006 23:52
yeah i apologize for that big post of mine
i was triped.
in conclussion about th whole real topic.
lets just say that calling parties "raves" its not bad but is definitly incorrect.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 11, 2006 03:28
hey psytheria!, thanks for the time you take to answer my silly topics .
i knew deep inside that in deed was incorrect to call them raves.
i mean,, is not just going to hang out with your friends to the "rave".
Is the same if somebody tells me :
"hey! how many peyotes do you want?, 20 30? and i say: yeah whatever lets take 50 just peyote..."
well,,, is not just the "rave", is a really fckng special experience,
involving many things that if you dont take care, it becomes meaningless, loosing all the magic.
do i explain my self or im to high again?
pls somebody encode this words.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 11, 2006 04:24
On 2006-10-11 03:28, Serag wrote:
is not just the "rave", is a really fckng special experience,
involving many things that if you dont take care, it becomes meaningless, loosing all the magic.
do i explain my self or im to high again?
pls somebody encode this words.
ok for first time im totalty agree with you serag, you got me on that one...........
thats why i go to parties two times a month at the most so its something im really looking foward and not a every other weekent thing .........
  -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 11, 2006 06:35
Isnt raves dead since 10 years ago???
all i know is that i have gone to natural open parties the last 5 years
And all i know about those 5 years is that have been the best of the my life
  If u are Something, Dont ask for nothing
If u are Nothing, Dont ask for something |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 11, 2006 06:41
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 11, 2006 10:06
is a really fckng special experience,
involving many things that if you dont take care, it becomes meaningless, loosing all the magic.
YES !!! For sure we want it to be special and magical. YYYYEEEESSSSSS !!! That is the whole point and the only reason its all worth it.
We need to put our whole being into making the psy trance gatherings something special.
Think of the tibetean monks when they do the sand mandalas on the ground, you see them and can't believe they do it with just sand.
It takes the monks several days to complete each mandala, and the great beauty and exquisite details of the finished mandalas are obvoiusly the result of the monks putting their whole being, their whole heart and soul into creating those mandalas. Every stroke is a meditation, every grain of sand they move a ritual. And the most beautiful thing is that when they finally finish they then proceed to destroy the mandala in a ceremony honoring the transitory nature of things.
Well I think we need to be like the monks when we make the psy gatherings. We need to pay attention to everything down to the subtle details as if the gathering is dear to us. We need to create a special space, a magic environment, yeah we need to make of our psy trance gathering an exquisite beautiful mandala.
In our own free way, with our own song and dance, but we have to step out of the vulgarity of doing parties as if it were nothing more than a cheap tv comercial. Yeah people, we need to start appreciating the value of doing something beautiful and magical, its a feeling hard to beat. You can touch the stars with it, its real.
Like the feeling of going to the desert to eat peyote where you enter a magical land where you don't have all the garbage that is fed to you through society. With the purity of nature.. wooowww, la neta. Yeah well our psy trance gatherings also have to be free of that garbage. Otherwise its just cheap masturbation, far from anything special and as psychedelic as watching soapoperas on the TV. Frankly not worth our efforts. Yeah, specially when the doors are open for us to make real psychedelic events, with real beauty tickling your soul, with pure art, with magic. You know its like spending all our time collecting pieces of charcoal when in the fields there are these beautiful dimonds, but we fail to see them because of our obsession with collecting the charcoal.
Come on psychedelic warriors, lets get some psychedelic dimonds that reflect ufos in distant galaxies. Venga locochones !!!
The Maya saying goes:
"El que cree crea y el que crea hace."
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 12, 2006 17:18
bro aluxe you always bring your magic and good vibes cool bro .
all the best |
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Posted : Oct 14, 2006 13:51
On 2006-10-11 10:06, Aluxe wrote:
is a really fckng special experience,
involving many things that if you dont take care, it becomes meaningless, loosing all the magic.
Like the feeling of going to the desert to eat peyote where you enter a magical land where you don't have all the garbage that is fed to you through society. With the purity of nature.. wooowww, la neta. Yeah well our psy trance gatherings also have to be free of that garbage. Otherwise its just cheap masturbation, far from anything special and as psychedelic as watching soapoperas on the TV. Frankly not worth our efforts.
Hehehe you got it so right there man, psyparties can be absolutely powerful experiences and with the right mindset, crowd and atmosphere it can be heaven on earth for a few days, one night or ten seconds, the important thing is that it was there and that experience is unforgettable.
Peace - Respect
  Gormik - Cuernavaca/Vancouver
Trancing and Dancing Since 2001
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IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 20, 2006 03:00