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Psy Trance Partys VS. Rave Theory in Mexico

IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 08:57
In the past as i remember there were a few freaks who knew about some new wierd sound comming from europe and then a small party with almost 300 people was taking place in the forest.
But now, i can see that we are calling to this partys "raves" and still dont feel like is right at all, because as i know the raves were made mostly for tecno lovers and always indoors for 3000 people or more, in big warehouses, massivelly .

Nowdays, acts like INFECTED M., GMS, SKAZI, ALIEN PROYECT, etc... are playing mostly in massive events..., so, should we call this: music for "raves"?

but in the other side, acts like KDD, COSMO, QUASAR, GOA GIL, etc... are giging mostly in small partys with 1000 or 1300 people max.
so, should we call this music, music for real psy trance "partys"?

If this Theory is right,,, so, those "massive acts" shouldn't fit anymore in the "psytrance" scenne while they are no longer underground???

tell me, what do you think ?

or maybe im too high?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 6, 2006 18:32

On 2006-09-06 08:57, Serag wrote:
In the past as i remember there were a few freaks who knew about some new wierd sound comming from europe and then a small party with almost 300 people was taking place in the forest.
But now, i can see that we are calling to this partys "raves" and still dont feel like is right at all, because as i know the raves were made mostly for tecno lovers and always indoors for 3000 people or more, in big warehouses, massivelly .

Nowdays, acts like INFECTED M., GMS, SKAZI, ALIEN PROYECT, etc... are playing mostly in massive events..., so, should we call this: music for "raves"?

but in the other side, acts like KDD, COSMO, QUASAR, GOA GIL, etc... are giging mostly in small partys with 1000 or 1300 people max.
so, should we call this music, music for real psy trance "partys"?

If this Theory is right,,, so, those "massive acts" shouldn't fit anymore in the "psytrance" scenne while they are no longer underground???

tell me, what do you think ?

or maybe im too high?

I do believe u r 2 high haha, but i also believe that what you say its true, but u also have 2 consider that 4 most people, thats the true psy-trance music, psytrance hasnt been underground 4 the last 5 years, but since the big boom of gms, and skazi, and all those who sold their souls to the devil, our scene went with it 2... Luckily, the real underground music, stayed underground, and has been kept that way...
I find true psychedelic nature in the music of artists such as kdd, quasar, ocelot, gil, and many many more. But in the other hand, i find the current psy-trance really really commercial, and popstyle, and a big lack of psychedelia...
Hence we should call that music 4 raves man, and our underground 4 real psy-parties...           Memento Mori
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
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Posted : Oct 7, 2006 04:06
thank you very much my friend.
So... when is the next rave???

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Posts :  70
Posted : Oct 7, 2006 17:46

On 2006-10-07 04:06, Serag wrote:
thank you very much my friend.
So... when is the next rave???

sanatorium (6) yeeaa!
and the nice psytrance parties:
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Oct 7, 2006 18:47
well, here we have an issue,,

Sanatorium = PsyParty (petit commite)

Mikology = RAVE (massive, lets full our pokets)

Big Bang = combination, RAVE with PsyParty (lets full our pokets --> with good music)

kisses and hugs
Substance / The Ataris

Started Topics :  15
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Posted : Oct 7, 2006 21:31
Bio Genesis
Bio Genesis

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Posted : Oct 8, 2006 00:31
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 8, 2006 07:01
u know what??? i just call them "parties"..... thats it, where not a bunch of candy ravers....

raves: in the 90's, with techno or house

          -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
Substance / The Ataris

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  172
Posted : Oct 8, 2006 20:06
alfreak line is the smartest over ... 60 i dont know...
serag u have issues with the way thing's change?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 9, 2006 06:40
thanks substance , im just being realistic and not complaining. Too bad i had to get out of mexico to see whats going in the mexican scene and u know how??? comparing it with other scenes and the way people from other parts of the world think compare to us mexicans which im very very very proud to be but we have our problems like every other comunities , we just have to work on those problems and move on........

          -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS

Offtopic posts:  2
Posted: Oct 9, 2006
haha thata arfela thing cracks me up... guess now have a clue why mods r the way they r huh           Memento Mori
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Oct 10, 2006 00:50
I understand your point, Serag, but I have to disagree with your theory.

Psytrance is psytrance, it doesn't matter if it's GMS, Astrix, Hallucinogen or Penta.

The problem, as I see it, is that the big commercial parties usually do not provide a good ambient or atmosphere for a psychedelic/introspective trip.

I know some artists produce music more directed to the commercial side of the scene, but (unless you're talking specifically about Mexico) don't even for a second think that the dark genre is more underground than the other genres, what happens is that on the full on genre there are a lot of already stabilished commercial acts and all the logistic to make parties with them (also they bring more people to the party, which means more money to the organizers).

Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
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Posted : Oct 10, 2006 02:27
cool point of view full_on,
at last somebody brings something to this nonsense.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 10, 2006 02:53
this is a good topic.

i agree with full_on.

and now i must agregate my felling about the nowadays scene.

i think its badly fucked up.

since istarted to get into psytrance i have never bein in a great spiritual tripin party, im not like a raver party freak or what ever you may call it, but i actually never beein fully satisfied with ANY party.

i have read a decent amount of expiriences in partys mostly on the net, and i most say that partys 4 me have always beein fucked up.

sometimes for the drugs, sometimes for the absence of drugs sometimes people are very badtriped, and in the worst case....when violence emerges or when police forces get in a fucks everything up .

even so i love the psy parties (never beein in a massive event, too paranoid to assist those).
when i go to parties i always concentrate in the music and try to fly away and ocationally check the crowd specially the ladies.

but at the end of all parties i have the feeling that something was missing. im far away of being an oldskool "psytrancer" and so im very far to assist a great sipiritual event like the ones described over the beaches of Goa when the scene became to emerge and i think i ve never beein in a similar event.

About the comercial side of psytrance i must say that either way, it was inevitable i enjoy both comercial and underground sounds and think that the problem is not in the sounds at all.... i think the main problem is the attitude of the people, the artists the producers and the audience wich feed back the whole thing.

In todays world power equals money, everybody likes money in diferent ways and intensties, but everybody prefers more money than less. So money involved in music generates an industry" a human invention that works in lenguaje of cash.

its easy to see it.
more people in partys its equal to more money.
more money equals to more investment.
more investmen ecuals to more people.

until reaches the human categori of "comercial sound".

like "music designed for massive audience available to pay for it".

after all this:

my conclusion.

we should literaly educate (not in classrooms duh)societyabout the true meaning of this so called parties cause i think that the 2 main problems that fuck the scene are

A) fucked up audiences:

people that go to parties with wrong porpouses, these can turn (have seen it) a nice party in to a junkie zoo, fighting arena, fashion festival, and other tragedies.

B)fucked up industry:

i dont know for sure about the situation around the industry but i think that artists and producers that seek the succes trough money are really fuckng up the audience.

but what can we do to change industry and then the audience?


the best for us would be to simply enjoy what we like, philosofy of the scene its FREEDOM so be free to hear what pleaces you.

about the main topic (lol)

call the events "raves" or "parties"......

well i agree that rave its part of terminology of the techno scene.

so i call the parties by an adjeive that discrbes how well was the party.


-yeah man i was in a big "stinky shit" last weekend,skazi was playinn, jumping and waving his well cared hair, you should saw him-


lets keep the good stuff that left the real partys and evolve wisely as audience, we audience are the main power and industry is suposed to please us.


IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
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Posted : Oct 10, 2006 04:14
aaaammm i think this isnt about the mexican scene....... this about comparing two genres dark and others, i myself like Others.......... im not saying dark is not well produce but its just not my style but i dont hate it either.

and i also noticed that dark style listeners complaing more???? why that????? cuz they think dark is the new style of music??? do they think they are the new kids in the block???? i mean just live and let other ones live..........


          -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Psy Trance Partys VS. Rave Theory in Mexico

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