psy-trance music or alien digital communication
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 28, 2008 18:16
On 2006-04-19 22:54, Aluxe wrote:
Do you guys ever get the feeling that we want to open the door but actually just to peak, we really don't want to open the door because its like to much to handle? Sort of being scared of the point of no return.
yes.... Just getting scarry, and feeling that if i "go there" I will never come back, being afraid and preferring to come down and choosing to ignore.... Dudes, I only said this to my very best friends before, bur here I recognize myself in your post |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 29, 2008 11:05
On 2006-04-21 22:56, dE.Tonatik wrote:
Body invaded by some alien intelligence...
Invaded by some alien spirit...
this quote used by Eran-Point in his track is actually from the exorcist |
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Posted : Aug 29, 2008 15:29
I cant say, since i cant comprehend what an Alien is like!
In a way, they are in those dimensions stimulated by the sound! Maybe some music acts like a trigger in your brain, that activates a communication!
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Posted : Aug 29, 2008 23:04
we are all aliens! beings living in space...psytrancealiensse.... |
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Posted : Aug 29, 2008 23:06
On 2006-04-19 20:06, Gopendragon wrote:
some times I wonder if it is music that I hear,or a way for digital communication with aliens,to produce such as those psychedelicious space sounds you have to reach a level that goes far beyond the human conciousnes...
Do you think that an alien spiritual being wich is thousands of years more evoluted from us in technology and mind have found the change to communicate with human whos are open minded by digital sounds?
They see us and lauph,they are everywhere but we cant see them,only feel their pressence and their iluminated vibe with the music and dance,a digital code of loopy sounds and patterns as a cosmic universal language for all beings around the universe...
what do you you believe???
yep you are right! cheers! lets be connected!
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IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 30, 2008 11:10
You know I am thinking that perhaps instead of looking for a new planet maybe we should better try and create Utopia and peace here on this amazing planet we call earth.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 30, 2008 11:17
On 2006-05-12 12:35, Gopendragon wrote:
my dear Aluxe is all about ego, the "I"s...Hitler had the vision of the Arian race but killed milions of people,"The Aryan race" is the last race of humanity on earth, the holy scriptures mentioning...and thE one who wILL remain in the end and live peacefully,I am not a racist I hate Hitler,dont confuse Hitlers vision with the one I say here,although is almost the same....and if you afraid about our lovely Gaia, after the big disAsTer ,earth for some years will be an unhabit place for a human to live,but after some more years the evolutionary cycle and recycle spirit of the earth will find again back the normal naturally life,and we Aryans as a perfect and completed race without ego and high evoluted in technologie, mind, spirit and concioucnes go back again with our cosmic spaceship up on our lovely earth and start again a new cycle of beaware oF WHat the music commands,those who understand are the chosen,those who dont is because they dont want,they prefare to stay as they are here and now,without sight seeing in front of them in future only few years,without making any kind of efforts and practises for the wealth in future...
better start gives advises to you self man,sure you need it much
and as you said Aluxe love is the key....
ther is an old psychedelic trance track from a greek project Psychonauphts and mike veros wich says "maybe we return back on earth again"....
you are tripped!!! Well... to quote from Stevie Wonder: "People believe in things, they don't understand, very superstitious peedahdahdeepeedaadaabeebapeedampee" but .... why not? and also..... why?
Utopia here one earth now! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Aug 30, 2008 11:28
On 2008-06-06 12:06, allillusory wrote:
Something I wrote after getting fried one night:
I had a vision...
I was with my mother... we were cruising outer space in some sort of invisible current. Actually, there was a huge group of us... And we were migrating or something. We were energy beings, and we were just flying through space in our bodies, in some sort of formation. We were wearing some sort of outfit, but our exposed bodies were made up of light energy. The colors of each being's energy varied in different hues of light blue to orange. We had eyes (2 of them). I will never forget the look in my mother's eyes when I suddenly decided to make a stop and take a human form... Or rather, possess a physical vessel.
I remember leaving the current... and watching my mom's outstretched hand loose her grip on my hand. Her eyes expressed utter horror at our separation. We maintained eye contact as long as we could, as the fast current swept her far away. The anguish I felt at the time was one of the worst feelings I have ever felt, but was not the first time I have felt it... (The separation from a loved one). I told her "I want to be human just one last time, a better human this time...". Once the group had faded off into another dimension, I felt sad and regretful. I even tried to convince myself to just leave and catch up with my family... But I remembered I also had ties to my earthly existence that I needed to fix.
I remember our beautiful means of communication... through flashing lights and complex sounds. The sounds were created somewhat through our throats and mouths (which were made of just energy, not physical matter in the sense that we know as humans)... and also telepathically, a beautiful combination of both. The closest representation of these sounds on earth that I know of is psychedelic trance. We would communicate through this music, but we would also often produce the music for entertainment. Sometimes when I am lying half asleep, I catch my self mentally creating those sounds.
I remember promising to return to my family in the future. I am on earth, in my own dimension, but have access to a physical body (the body that is responsible for writing this story). I still continue to make this music, even though I am alone. However, I'm trying to inspire my physical vessel to manifest this music in his dimension, even though he is limited to digital hardware and software...
wow!! Reading your "trip report" makes me feel homesick as well, like if it sounded way too familiar... |
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Posted : Aug 30, 2008 13:19
Soul Kontakt
Soul Kontakt
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Posted : Aug 31, 2008 15:51
phewwwww owow what a trip lololol Digital Alien Communication? Space technology future dimensions hyperspaced psychedelic wonders wow it's all there in the music isn't it?
Even though i don't know were todays aliens are lololol i think they took a break!
  Boom :)
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IsraTrance Senior Member
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Posted : Aug 31, 2008 21:30
before we communicate with aliens we should first learn to communicate with bees and wasps..if we cant understand them aliens are going to be who wants to talk to my bees?
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