psy-trance music or alien digital communication
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Posted : May 14, 2006 10:59
I stand corrected mate . |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 16, 2006 23:31
hehe The Green Channell analysed and explained who are and why ,and we know how ,a good respectfull discussion with Ayahuasca gives the solution in each different answer you ask and problem we have,but is not for parties is more for calm meditation and rituals...also music and parties do the same if we know how...metalaxis is something that we must not ignore,the theory of evolution from Darwin,explains how spiecies follow an evolutionary cycle in progress higher and higher till reach the perfect state,we just follow time in space till the end of aquarious period and then till the last one zodiac period wich is the pisces period,12 different cycle periods comes to close the life of the universe...and then start to recycle,the evolution of lemurians passed from titans and atlantes ...till what we are now,we who connect our selves with naturte and universe as one,we became the Arians,electronic music is here to help us awake,and program our future....
dont stay non active,move...
After the End,a new Begining startS.. |
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Posted : May 31, 2006 21:16
Homo sapiens, the first truly free species, is about to decommission natural selection, the force that made us.... Soon we must look deep within ourselves and decide what we wish to become..
But consider who we really are. Or once were and will be again. Who else can do it? There is no one else. There is only yin, which does not know. The part of the organism that knows must help the part that doesn't know, but this means abandoning its own knowing. It becomes what it helps, a dreadful irony, one that hurts.
But it is only temporary, just for a little while. And then we go home for all eternity.
p3ac3 OUT
:.: pagandreamdrop :.: |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 31, 2006 23:06
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 3, 2006 13:23
according to those two links the term "ARYAN" is misunderstood my bro,in relation for about what I mean and try to say is maybe here on that link wich I trust more I though
"all men have spiritually and physically the same origin"just see on theosophy what says about the fifth race and the Aryans...
no coments...
everyone have his own mind to make conclusions....
this one also link is full of gnosis for the Aryan subject check it...
I am glad to see you searching it...
as you see the term Aryan is used for much different purposes and meanings in the history of humanity...
After the End,a new Begining startS.. |
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Posted : Jun 6, 2008 12:06
Something I wrote after getting fried one night:
I had a vision...
I was with my mother... we were cruising outer space in some sort of invisible current. Actually, there was a huge group of us... And we were migrating or something. We were energy beings, and we were just flying through space in our bodies, in some sort of formation. We were wearing some sort of outfit, but our exposed bodies were made up of light energy. The colors of each being's energy varied in different hues of light blue to orange. We had eyes (2 of them). I will never forget the look in my mother's eyes when I suddenly decided to make a stop and take a human form... Or rather, possess a physical vessel.
I remember leaving the current... and watching my mom's outstretched hand loose her grip on my hand. Her eyes expressed utter horror at our separation. We maintained eye contact as long as we could, as the fast current swept her far away. The anguish I felt at the time was one of the worst feelings I have ever felt, but was not the first time I have felt it... (The separation from a loved one). I told her "I want to be human just one last time, a better human this time...". Once the group had faded off into another dimension, I felt sad and regretful. I even tried to convince myself to just leave and catch up with my family... But I remembered I also had ties to my earthly existence that I needed to fix.
I remember our beautiful means of communication... through flashing lights and complex sounds. The sounds were created somewhat through our throats and mouths (which were made of just energy, not physical matter in the sense that we know as humans)... and also telepathically, a beautiful combination of both. The closest representation of these sounds on earth that I know of is psychedelic trance. We would communicate through this music, but we would also often produce the music for entertainment. Sometimes when I am lying half asleep, I catch my self mentally creating those sounds.
I remember promising to return to my family in the future. I am on earth, in my own dimension, but have access to a physical body (the body that is responsible for writing this story). I still continue to make this music, even though I am alone. However, I'm trying to inspire my physical vessel to manifest this music in his dimension, even though he is limited to digital hardware and software... |
corta mocas
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Posted : Jun 6, 2008 18:11
too much poetry here........i think for shure that aliens would hate killer dark psy and thinking that music is a major vibration to communicate with them is adolescent fantasy....whatever!!!!!!!!!
i think they are sad for us to continue taking drugs and having destructive behaviour....if trance were really doing something useful...........but no at the moment is just entertainment....with spiritual merchantilism entertainment too.... |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 11, 2008 12:56
There is an alien conspiracy,its purpose is to control drug users through psychedelic music and dance,a dangerous trap for the trippy minds...
After the End,a new Begining startS.. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 2, 2008 06:17
I think some of those old Goa tracks that talk to your heart and reach out to the stars could probably serve as an antenna to connect into other dimensions where maybe extraterrestials exist.
I think a lot of it has to do with INTENT.
So if you with your mind reach out to the stars and open your heart to connecting with other beings from the universe you will be creating some kind of connection just like you create a connection to anything you open your heart to.
And back in the Goa days, much of the music was filled with real subtle genuine vibes of psy freaks reaching out to extraterrestials. Well lo and behold UFOS were seeing everywhere in those parties.
A lot of that is lost these days. The people and artists do not have a thirst for reaching out to the unknown, to the stars or magic. So the magic becomes a dream and not a reality anymore. The music becomes more just like any music, talking about everyday states of being which can also be great but... they are not really tales of the inexpresible like some of the early sphongle stuff.
I think if you make a song that from your sincere inner soul opens to the universe and welcomes all life in other planets.. my feeling is that the song will reach out beyond the planet (somehow!!!!) |
Cosmic Tandav
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Posted : Jul 2, 2008 08:57
On 2006-04-19 20:06, Gopendragon wrote:
some times I wonder if it is music that I hear,or a way for digital communication with aliens,to produce such as those psychedelicious space sounds you have to reach a level that goes far beyond the human conciousnes...
Do you think that an alien spiritual being wich is thousands of years more evoluted from us in technology and mind have found the change to communicate with human whos are open minded by digital sounds?
They see us and lauph,they are everywhere but we cant see them,only feel their pressence and their iluminated vibe with the music and dance,a digital code of loopy sounds and patterns as a cosmic universal language for all beings around the universe...
what do you you believe???
interesting..i ve also felt something similar...
i dont know if i look at it as alien technology but i ve felt it as a code of some kind...and after that i ve always believed that producers somehow download these codes with their mind and out it into music form for all of us to hear...
it might not be alien might be coming from the source that we are all created from ... |
Inactive User
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Posted : Jul 2, 2008 09:08
I'm an alien |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 2, 2008 14:24
On 2008-07-02 06:17, Aluxe wrote:
I think some of those old Goa tracks that talk to your heart and reach out to the stars could probably serve as an antenna to connect into other dimensions where maybe extraterrestials exist.
I think a lot of it has to do with INTENT.
So if you with your mind reach out to the stars and open your heart to connecting with other beings from the universe you will be creating some kind of connection just like you create a connection to anything you open your heart to.
And back in the Goa days, much of the music was filled with real subtle genuine vibes of psy freaks reaching out to extraterrestials. Well lo and behold UFOS were seeing everywhere in those parties.
A lot of that is lost these days. The people and artists do not have a thirst for reaching out to the unknown, to the stars or magic. So the magic becomes a dream and not a reality anymore. The music becomes more just like any music, talking about everyday states of being which can also be great but... they are not really tales of the inexpresible like some of the early sphongle stuff.
I think if you make a song that from your sincere inner soul opens to the universe and welcomes all life in other planets.. my feeling is that the song will reach out beyond the planet (somehow!!!!)
This is it
Yes we receive messages for the future,and if we tune our antenas with the cosmic vibe of the universe,then we may get in contact with living beings who exist in higher planes at other cosmic areas from outer space..
The universe is chaos ,trance music is chaos,we have a connection here..
After the End,a new Begining startS.. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 2, 2008 14:32
On 2008-07-02 06:17, Aluxe wrote:
I think some of those old Goa tracks that talk to your heart and reach out to the stars could probably serve as an antenna to connect into other dimensions where maybe extraterrestials exist.
I think a lot of it has to do with INTENT.
So if you with your mind reach out to the stars and open your heart to connecting with other beings from the universe you will be creating some kind of connection just like you create a connection to anything you open your heart to.
And back in the Goa days, much of the music was filled with real subtle genuine vibes of psy freaks reaching out to extraterrestials. Well lo and behold UFOS were seeing everywhere in those parties.
A lot of that is lost these days. The people and artists do not have a thirst for reaching out to the unknown, to the stars or magic. So the magic becomes a dream and not a reality anymore. The music becomes more just like any music, talking about everyday states of being which can also be great but... they are not really tales of the inexpresible like some of the early sphongle stuff.
I think if you make a song that from your sincere inner soul opens to the universe and welcomes all life in other planets.. my feeling is that the song will reach out beyond the planet (somehow!!!!)
Absolutely right Aluxe!
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 2, 2008 17:28
On 2004-08-20 13:19, Kitnam wrote:
Psytrance has been imported to our planet by the "Greys" of Alpha Centauri. It is a part of an longtime-project to prepare the human beings to have a communicative connection to their deeply komplexed minds. Without this audioaccustic preparation, the human brain would blow off caused by the intensive flood of hyperintelligent informations the Aliens would like to communicate to us.
"Psytrance" is sequencepart 2.03 of this project after some other interstellar gifts like Chess, Ghandi and Bill Hicks for example. (No, they have not invented to drugs!). Today the Greys use Psytrance to prepare our accustic-intelligence and to test out our boundaries of overflooding the brain with audio-informations. This is the reason of acts like Skazi, GMS, etc..
Earlier psytranceacts had the mission to test the human hypersensibility for psychedelic informations in saw-wave audiocodes in the overtones between 130 and 140 pbm (which masks a primitive telepath-model of the Alien-speech-frequence-modules used for messages above 4.56 lightyears distance) Examples: X-Dream, Atmos, etc...
Anyway, the humans have to go trough this lesson and it is nearly finished. As far as I know, the next lesson has something to do with multivoiced harmonies and brainwaving-modulation.
Take care!
keep seeking!! |
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Posted : Jul 14, 2008 23:47
LOL? |