psy-trance music or alien digital communication
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 25, 2006 21:44
They want to create the perfect being,and seacrhing DNA from all beings,they mix diff dnas search for the perfect combination....
the more egos you got the more uselles you are for them....
I don't know how well that sounds, because as imperfect and full of ego somebody might be I believe everyone is still equally important and should not be left out or thought of as useless. You know maybe I don't really want to get in the ship, specially if dear loved ones are left behind because they still have ego. Where is the love here? And trying to create the perfect being somehow reminds me of Hitler, of course I know that is not what you meant. Its probably just that it sounds funny.
Music without love?
Magic without love?
Enlighted beings without love?
More advanced aliens but without love?
Well in my humble human mind their spaceship ideally should be made from love maaaaan. Party for all, come as you are. Dance like you want, be yourself. Unique as the grasshoper. Perfectly imperfect.
I wonder if the animals are also out of the vip. You know my kitty cat can be a real bad ass sometimes.
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 25, 2006 22:50
On 2006-04-20 17:10, Gopendra wrote:
What you wait for my friend to relese their music in the trade and then sell copies?
Their presence sure is discreet, and extremely confidential in those who are ready to accept them.
I believe that they have accomplished to pass in our spirit the time where we produce music when we dance also, they intellectually influence us elevating our conciousnes in superior higher 3dimensional levels of existence, in a parallel dimension in the space and time, so for as to be prepared suitably for a future situation or one closer contact with them...
Why they don't have communicate with you yet? Because you are not ready to face them, you have not left the suitable margins you they approach.
If we accept that they exist then sure they are more developed intellectually and technologically from us and able to visit us and leave us whenever they want without the human beings to see them...
We have a mystery here...THE MYSTERY OF THE 13 CRYSTAL SKULLS...
Lets unveil those secret messages from outer space,beaware of those alieneted luminus signals...
for the quote wich is down
IC just stated a simple fact. Sound is a presuure wave. It is analog. Soundpressure (wave amplitude) on the vertical axis, time on the horizontal. It is not a binary signal. Binary would mean there are only two possible values and that all the data is composed of meaningul arrangements of those two values. Aliens or no aliens, sound is not binary. The computer that makes the sound works in binary, your brain to a large extent works in binary (neurons are either "on" or "off"). But the sound in between the computer and your brain is most def not binary.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 25, 2006 23:11
is this the stoner thread?? hahahaha, you guys are all cracked! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 5, 2006 10:13
yes you are right,Hitler had a vison of the arian race,and this one vision is also the same for those we call "aliens",the vision of Utopia a perfect world were people live peacefull with no any kind of egos.
Ther a psychedelicious planet like earth somewhere out there,maybe your pet cant come but sure there you will find another pet.
we have 2 diff kinds of egos,the lower and the higher,first we start to get rid of the lower(50% of egos) and then the higher(50% of egos),if you manage to keep 50% and the space ship is living you will have the chance to come with the arians,and stay in a another planet to be prepared till you left back the other 50% of higher ego,and then emanicipate from the ego bondages ,free to enjoy Utopia,the dream land....
Lower egos maken as thing and feel stupid,higher egos maken as fell smart..
each one ego keeps a piece of energy from our conciousnes,so when we get rid of one ego we take back the energy that was stolen from our conciousnes,and then we became little more awakened.
so if we wanna comunicate throught the music, egos make it more difficult,each ego is a block in the channeling of comunication throught the sounds...
when the alien being asks you someting and you say "I" you seperate your self from him,so how do expect guys from those perfect beings to take you serious...beaware of your egos...
After the End,a new Begining startS.. |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 5, 2006 20:47
Ther a psychedelicious planet like earth somewhere out there,maybe your pet cant come but sure there you will find another pet.
You know Gopendra, I would not like to leave earth behind unless all my family and friends can come, as well as my pet.
This reminds me of the end of the mythological epic from India, the Mahabharata. At the end the Pandava brothers retire, leaving all their belongings to make their final journey of pilgrimage in the Himalayas to die. They throw their weapons into the river, and go along with their wife Draupadi to begin the ascent to Swarga, Indra's heaven on Mount Meru, but a dog begins to tag along.
As they near the summit, each one of them falls to die because of each person's pride, hunger, love or other kind of attachment. But Yudhisthira, the oldest of the brothers reached the mountain peak, because he was unblemished by sin or untruth. The only survivors now were Yudhishthira and the dog.
On the mountain peak, Indra, King of Gods, arrived to take Yudhisthira to heaven in his Golden Chariot. As Yudhisthira was about to step into the Chariot, the Deva told him to leave behind his companion dog, an unholy creature not worthy of heaven. Yudhisthira stepped back, refusing to leave behind the creature who he had taken under his protection. Indra wondered at him - "You can leave your brothers behind, not arranging proper cremations for them...and you refuse to leave behind a stray dog!"
Yudhisthira replied, "Draupadi and my brothers have left me, not me [them].
As long as they were still alive, I did not renounce them. To abandon the dog would be like injuring a friend, or like frightening someone under my protection. And he refused to go to heaven without the dog.
Then Indra relented, and praised the man for the mercy he demonstrated towards the animal. Just then, Dharma emerged from the dog's form and blessed the man. The dog changed into the God Dharma, his father, who was testing him...and Yudhisthira had passed with distinction.
Some say that this Dharma is the one who is the man's father, and that he had come to test Yudishtira's loyalty and was pleased with his son's conduct. Others say that it is the Dharma-rajah who is Yama, Lord of Death but still others, that Dharma stands for the dharma that is the law of the universe itself.
each one ego keeps a piece of energy from our conciousnes,so when we get rid of one ego we take back the energy that was stolen from our conciousnes,and then we became little more awakened.
NICE thought man..
You know I am thinking that perhaps instead of looking for a new planet maybe we should better try and create Utopia and peace here on this amazing planet we call earth.
Cheers mate !!
Hey BTW, what music would you say is good alien communication examples?
Maybe Shulman? Or the mysteri of the Yeti?
Is Pink Floyd maybe to earthy? I guess then Mozart is out of the question..
One album I really like which makes me think of deep alien groovy vibes is "Infinite Excursions 2" by TIP records.
"...and we looked up in the sky and couldn't belive what we saw"
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Posted : May 7, 2006 11:38
Geo-thermal activitiy volcanos. Where there is pressure, and a lot of heat. This creates and forms a quarz crystal, in six sides. It grows right-handed and left-handed according to the largest face. It has postive and negative, qualites on each of it's faces. So thats where we can have our modern radios, televisions, computers, watches, sonar, radar. Everything thats communication, comes from (...) quartz crystals..
Revelation no.Sixth |
CRX(HSS Records)
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 8, 2006 12:15
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Posted : May 10, 2006 21:32
we cam frm PLAnet OAR .13.000.000 light yearz away frm eartH
OAR waz attackd frm the VAINE planet and turnd int0 pieces , on the OAR year 969696.
Dat waz known to pplL of OAr long time bfr it happed and so all our scientists were searching fror anodar planet toLive ON..OnE of da few Solar systems found. waz EArtH.
SO all The OARS moved to the new WOrlds, into teams, and we as a TEAM CAME on Your PLAnet .
WE can be in any shape & style we LIke, so that you can never find THE dIFFERENce .
The Reason why we decided 2 appear wit our REAL identity, iz coze WE see Life On Earth bcomes Worse every Day .
Day by Day Plants And Animals disappear..
The Air.The Sea ; bcome more&more InfeCTED..
The Human RelationshiPs .are vanished or HARD..
to face together
the Catastrophy we made
b4 we start looking for an0dar planet aGAIN..
P3ac3 0N 3ArtH & MUSIX SAVE US ****
:.: pagandreamdrop :.:
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Posted : May 10, 2006 22:12
On 2006-04-24 21:14, Gopendra wrote:
So we all agree that they exist and that music sometimes is like digital audio translations,from numerological systems and other stuff,so with few words no just an ordinary music but a code also wich transfers datas in a sound form...
about aliens,let me tell you that on the past before 10 years maybe remeber my self at psy party dancing in the rythm of trance and trying to be one with the sounds...sudenlly I remeber A NOISE ...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....wich came iNside the center of my HEAD ,it was so much noisy if I compare it with the other soundson the party,this one was completely diff with many much more KW ,my head was ready to make explosion you know boom,I felt pain,I saw a light cloud around my head,my head in pain like something the music done to my head,the sound was the same for half a minute a thing,I couldnt resist and start to scream aaaaaaaaa,me ears bleed my ears like deff after...
anyway from that night till now I am not the same I used to be....
and this is not ma only one alien experience I have had,hehe
They want to create the perfect being,and seacrhing DNA from all beings,they mix diff dnas search for the perfect combination....
the more egos you got the more uselles you are for them....
man,you talk like rael...
look what equation we have here:
some trancehead*(heavy drug use+discovering his accouphene)*1/trance party = "the aliens visited me inside my brain" ...
quit the drugs !!! |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 11, 2006 07:32
as you see I wrote before 10 years,and be sure that I dont expect from u or from anybody else to say "quit the drugs",please dont destroy the topic...
maybe the danger of an alien invasion inside someones mind from music could happen even without drugs...
what wicc@ wrote is something that surely much trancers have think of it...
wow thanks man,soo inspiring example what you gave...
Dont you believe that a dog who have a man to keep it and give to it food water and love,makes the dog to think and act like a human,as the dog is following an evolution on the spiritual level, start to became like human in mind,comes closer slowly slowly to the human conciousnes,with all those human discussions and human habits that dog after the death it might follow a higher evolution and make a proggres to reborn as a human ,is very possible something like that, so dont worry your pet will follow you as a spirit and the right time will be born again close to you...close to those things that used to live with and like and seem more familiar ....the subconcious mind as it comes up in the surface of the conciousnes is closer with human...the same happens wit the evolution of a human who lives a psychedelic trance life,the more we expand with psy our conciousnes in higher 3dimensions the more we elevate higher our spirit and pass through the future far beyond the human mind and conciousnes ,and so than come closer in what we call "alien" being prepared to evolute the human race up and higher in something more perfect more beautifull,the aryan race....
After the End,a new Begining startS.. |
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Posted : May 11, 2006 15:26
On 2006-05-11 07:32, Gopendra wrote:
maybe the danger of an alien invasion inside someones mind from music could happen even without drugs...
again...quit the drugs! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 11, 2006 21:15
being prepared to evolute the human race up and higher in something more perfect more beautifull,the aryan race....
The Aryan race???? isn't that like Hitlers vision where pure WHITE people are Gods ONLY choosen people, and the rest of humanity like blacks, jews, asians, etc are just inferior??? I hope that is not what you mean. Its just the term Aryan has been used extensively by hate groups who promote their racist agenda as white pride activism.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 12, 2006 12:35
my dear Aluxe is all about ego, the "I"s...Hitler had the vision of the Arian race but killed milions of people,"The Aryan race" is the last race of humanity on earth, the holy scriptures mentioning...and thE one who wILL remain in the end and live peacefully,I am not a racist I hate Hitler,dont confuse Hitlers vision with the one I say here,although is almost the same....and if you afraid about our lovely Gaia, after the big disAsTer ,earth for some years will be an unhabit place for a human to live,but after some more years the evolutionary cycle and recycle spirit of the earth will find again back the normal naturally life,and we Aryans as a perfect and completed race without ego and high evoluted in technologie, mind, spirit and concioucnes go back again with our cosmic spaceship up on our lovely earth and start again a new cycle of beaware oF WHat the music commands,those who understand are the chosen,those who dont is because they dont want,they prefare to stay as they are here and now,without sight seeing in front of them in future only few years,without making any kind of efforts and practises for the wealth in future...
better start gives advises to you self man,sure you need it much
and as you said Aluxe love is the key....
ther is an old psychedelic trance track from a greek project Psychonauphts and mike veros wich says "maybe we return back on earth again"....
After the End,a new Begining startS.. |
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Posted : May 12, 2006 13:37
Off topic: If I remember right Aryans were ancient culture somewhere in India.
Hitler's reference to Aryans derives from a theory that Aryans in fact had Nordic origins ie. were Germanic descendants, however there's no factual evidence of this.
The Green Channel
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 12, 2006 20:03
On 2006-05-12 13:37, shamanizer wrote:
Off topic: If I remember right Aryans were ancient culture somewhere in India.
Hitler's reference to Aryans derives from a theory that Aryans in fact had Nordic origins ie. were Germanic descendants, however there's no factual evidence of this.
Almost correct ,
The Arians were from Persia, later they moved to India and founded Hinduism. Hitler believed that the Germans (northern people) were direct descendents of this ancient people (a crazy notion, if one considers the physical attributes of Germans – and compare these attributes to those of Iranians). Hitler’s outrageous theories were based upon the foundation of several books, amongst them; the Tibetan book of the dead, and another book written by an Austrian occultist.
One of the latter mentioned books goes into detail regarding a future people, which were described as “the people of the light”. A people that would create a massive empire of light, with the population having godlike physical and intellectual capabilities – Hitler understood this theory, as if he should kill everybody which he didn’t consider to be an “Arian” – which basically meant everyone besides the northern folk – and thus force this empire into existence.
Regarding the “aliens”:
I regard them as being the Logos (a sort of Gaian god – if you will). They are us, and we are them. The shamans refer to them as the ancestors, which fits rather well with my own felt experiences.
Anyone who thinks “we” (people who have heard and communicated with these/this being/s) are crazy, should drink a huge cup of Ayahuasca (and practice breath control), Smoke DMT (the ultimate convincer!) or take 5-7 grams of dried mushrooms. I believe most people can have this experience; however, it necessities courage and a diminished EGO, as previously mentioned.
The coming transformation:
I guess what it comes down to, is whether you want the mushroom’s (the voice inside the experience) solution, which is a nomadic solution (the mushroom is in favor of great expedition to space, leaving the earth behind) or whether you are in favor of a more Ayahuasca like solution, which is; care for the sick, clean up the rivers, replant the forests and so fourth. Keep in mind that the Ayahuasca is a giant creature of the rainforest, whilst the spores of mushrooms are ideally suited for travel into hyperspace. The mushroom is nomadic extraterrestrial entity, which pushes nomadic solutions. Some think that mushroom at time sounds like hortatory techno fascist male. Nonetheless, the decision is hard to make, since; imagine we would fix our planet, and then a commit would strike our earth, good intentions alone, are not enough. I might be rather biased, since I’m emotionally very much under the influence of the mother, Ayahuasca.
  "Love is a way of life"
(Gaia, Love, Nature, Shamanism (, Terence McKenna) |