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psy-trance music or alien digital communication

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 15:41
every person has his own alien spirit and mistirious side deep inside.....
i guess the psytrance just release or magnify this small instinct inside of us and make bigger and bigger in time !
as a matter of fact .....i love the alien inside me coz its ruling !
          Let The Game Begin....
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 17:10
What you wait for my friend to relese their music in the trade and then sell copies?
Their presence sure is discreet, and extremely confidential in those who are ready to accept them.
I believe that they have accomplished to pass in our spirit the time where we produce music when we dance also, they intellectually influence us elevating our conciousnes in superior higher 3dimensional levels of existence, in a parallel dimension in the space and time, so for as to be prepared suitably for a future situation or one closer contact with them...
Why they don't have communicate with you yet? Because you are not ready to face them, you have not left the suitable margins you they approach.
If we accept that they exist then sure they are more developed intellectually and technologically from us and able to visit us and leave us whenever they want without the human beings to see them...
We have a mystery here...THE MYSTERY OF THE 13 CRYSTAL SKULLS...
Lets unveil those secret messages from outer space,beaware of those alieneted luminus signals...

for the quote wich is down

After the End,a new Begining startS..
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 17:11

On 2006-04-20 10:00, l337 wrote:
i am sorry to say but making psy trance a commmunication form to aliens is tooo far-fetched...

firstly if there is anything out there which would be considered extraterrestial life, who say that they are more technologically elvoled then us? what is we were the pinnicle of the universe's technological advances.......think about that for starters...

and say there were other lif eout there who are more advanced/....why am i not receiving comunnication from their music huh???

i am not receiving any alien communication....are you??

those I wrote up

and for something last here.....
...are you??
sure I do hehe
After the End,a new Begining startS..

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  354
Posted : Apr 20, 2006 18:24
it comes frm above in modified form to be useful readable aceptble sometimes understandble for low life forms wich human beings r
its somethin totally out of this world
extraterrestrial interconnected communication           " And as the gods have given us , so we return the gift " - Bill Cosmosis " Gift of the Gods "
" That's right - otherworld lifeforms . A fucking alien ! "
'Strange word like 'psychedelic,' you know - drugs, the whole bit, you know, 'fre

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  354
Posted : Apr 20, 2006 18:32
RA,the God of the Sun
wich means the Real Alien
comes frm above , RA
'Created in the earliest of time. RA. Guardian of the Inner Light. Descending from high. RA. RA. The traveller has come'
          " And as the gods have given us , so we return the gift " - Bill Cosmosis " Gift of the Gods "
" That's right - otherworld lifeforms . A fucking alien ! "
'Strange word like 'psychedelic,' you know - drugs, the whole bit, you know, 'fre
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 19:31

so the user "Traveller", is an alien too           ...
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 21:32
As we all are entities of this universe, the Divinity of All has gifted all self-realising beings with the understanding of music. Music has been worshipped as a God - Goddess, by many ancient cultures. Every sound contains music. There is no such stuff as binaries or even waveforms. They're just graphs, images too weak to reveal the true substance and essence of a higher undestanding that music actually stands for. Ofcourse one can communicate through music. And it is the only possible language that an alien would understand. As the T.I.P albums of the past stated...We Speak Alien !!!           Bring yourselves into the light

Started Topics :  20
Posts :  268
Posted : Apr 20, 2006 22:20
Well said, Other_Reality! It's a matter of understanding the illusitory nature of symbals(language,numerical systems,etc.). All information exists at all times, in subtle form, far beyond our present comprehension. But yet we somehow 'know' or 're-member' this. Music is the 'purest' symbal to transmite information.           "Any act, if in accordance with the Will, is an act of Magick."

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  268
Posted : Apr 21, 2006 22:27
well this seems to be turning out to be the production script of the sequel to Arrival 2 starring charlie sheen and Leslie Nielsen.           For the TT beliver:
Le S4B0T3UR - Ground Effect (UNRELEASED)
Le S4B0T3UR - HooverKraft (V/A Night Vision compiled by Oscuro)
Le S4B0T3UR - Coroded (UNRELEASED)
Le S4B0T3UR - SumoRider (UNRELEASED)
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 21, 2006 22:33
Someone should call S.E.T.I
          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=

Started Topics :  83
Posts :  2374
Posted : Apr 21, 2006 22:56

Alins r coming

Proceed to the nearest evacuation facility.
Proceed to the nearest evacuation facility.
Body invaded by some alien intelligence...
Invaded by some alien spirit...

- How much more time?
- Not enough.
When he reaches code red, the treatment shield won't be able to hold the aliens particles.
- Engaging bio-etheric laser.
- Do not move

BpOOM          out now
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 21, 2006 23:30
This all reminds me of I think its the movie "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" where they welcome the UFOs with loud speakers and some synth playing a note sequence. I heard the note sequence was mapped from the pyramids of Teotihuacan in Mexico.

Maybe just like the sacred sylable AUM is used by some mystic to connect to higher realms we can use trance to connect with aliens or higher realms. But I guess the trance has to be really damn good, not just some DJ in his ego ass mission. And please no dark trance, what if that gives the wrong message to the Aliens and they annilate us with laser beams. LOL
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
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Posted : Apr 24, 2006 21:14
So we all agree that they exist and that music sometimes is like digital audio translations,from numerological systems and other stuff,so with few words no just an ordinary music but a code also wich transfers datas in a sound form...

about aliens,let me tell you that on the past before 10 years maybe remeber my self at psy party dancing in the rythm of trance and trying to be one with the sounds...sudenlly I remeber A NOISE ...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....wich came iNside the center of my HEAD ,it was so much noisy if I compare it with the other soundson the party,this one was completely diff with many much more KW ,my head was ready to make explosion you know boom,I felt pain,I saw a light cloud around my head,my head in pain like something the music done to my head,the sound was the same for half a minute a thing,I couldnt resist and start to scream aaaaaaaaa,me ears bleed my ears like deff after...
anyway from that night till now I am not the same I used to be....
and this is not ma only one alien experience I have had,hehe
They want to create the perfect being,and seacrhing DNA from all beings,they mix diff dnas search for the perfect combination....
the more egos you got the more uselles you are for them....           ~~~~~~~namaskar~~~~~~~~~
After the End,a new Begining startS..
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
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Posted : Apr 24, 2006 22:06
nice one Gopendra
i like that feelings, some times i think that im alien

hope to have the chance to speak with aliens
          ~.~ Psy party means Aliens World ~,~
"-Ever had that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?
-Mmmm, all the time.
-It's called mescaline... It

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Posts :  302
Posted : Apr 25, 2006 08:52

On 2006-04-24 21:14, Gopendra wrote:
So we all agree that they exist and that music sometimes is like digital audio translations,from numerological systems and other stuff,so with few words no just an ordinary music but a code also wich transfers datas in a sound form...

about aliens,let me tell you that on the past before 10 years maybe remeber my self at psy party dancing in the rythm of trance and trying to be one with the sounds...sudenlly I remeber A NOISE ...eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee....wich came iNside the center of my HEAD ,it was so much noisy if I compare it with the other soundson the party,this one was completely diff with many much more KW ,my head was ready to make explosion you know boom,I felt pain,I saw a light cloud around my head,my head in pain like something the music done to my head,the sound was the same for half a minute a thing,I couldnt resist and start to scream aaaaaaaaa,me ears bleed my ears like deff after...
anyway from that night till now I am not the same I used to be....
and this is not ma only one alien experience I have had,hehe
They want to create the perfect being,and seacrhing DNA from all beings,they mix diff dnas search for the perfect combination....
the more egos you got the more uselles you are for them....

can i get a link where i can learn more about such things or links giving proof or somekinda write up..
cause i think or feel i have had a few experiences but no one take them seriously and just think of it as another topic......
          "Cause we're living in a world of RULES breaking us down when they all should let us be."
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