psy-trance music or alien digital communication
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Posted : Apr 19, 2006 22:53
On 2006-04-19 21:55, Dopamin wrote:
Well yes you can embedd binary data into sound but isn't this music man made? My belives are that we are not alone and yes we could be recieving data in the form of sound but to go to the extent of saying psymusic could a form of communication is a bit far fetched. Sorry if i offended anyone. Cheers
Yes, but only if your assuming that whoever is laying down the binary is human...if we're open to the fact that non-human, intelligent life exsists, and quite possibly are amoung us on this plane, couldn't they be producers of psytrance? The psychedelic experience and alien encounters are common place.
  "Any act, if in accordance with the Will, is an act of Magick." |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 19, 2006 22:54
Well if the mind is like a vehicle, maybe music is like a superhighway for this vehicle to travel better or faster or so it can reach new heights. So the music grabs the mind and has the potential to send it flyhing anywhere you want. There are no rules, it can take you to everyday feelings, to loving atmospheres, dark areas, surreal areas, magical areas and maybe to even extraterrestrials populated areas. And well maybe in some other worlds extraterrestrials also tune into these fantasy lands through something like music, who knows, maybe after your mind travels long way these places become more real and become crossroads to other dimensions where other galactic beings are traveling and thus meeting.
BTW, how many people have seen UFO related phenomena at a party? I think I have, or then what in the world was all that?? Ad far as I could tell in the Venezuela Eclipse party there was a UFO and apparently many people there thought about it like a normal thing. Maybe I was just tripping to hard. I later asked the organizer of the party and the guy answered: dude the whole party was a UFO
Interdimensional travel? Can anybody explain?
"they do not fly, they oscillate between dimensions."
Do you guys ever get the feeling that we want to open the door but actually just to peak, we really don't want to open the door because its like to much to handle? Sort of being scared of the point of no return.
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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 02:20
Great topic. Here's my $.02:
The cultural attitude towards aliens in general is double-edged: we imagine them to be vastly more intelligent and advanced than ourselves, but whether that leads them towards enlightened kindness, or towards destruction and evil, is ambiguous, both in hollywood, in psy music, and in psy art.
This ambiguity is actually a case of "projection" - in which we project our own fears about what we are becoming as a race onto another entity. The rise of digital technology - manifested directly in our music - provides so much power that humankind itself is at a crossroads. Which direction will we go with this new found power? Our future is every bit as ambiguous as our imagination for what aliens might be like.
In a more literal sense, it also seems possible that we are indeed aliens. The idea of panspermia has gain recent scientific acceptance, with the finding that asteroid impact may provide sufficient energy for a life-bearing rock to be catapaulted into space as a result of the impact. So it is indeed also possible that we are "aliens" in this sense. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 02:29
In a more literal sense, it also seems possible that we are indeed aliens.
Alien to what?
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 03:11
Maybe even to ourselves. Some people have suggested that we are so alienated from our *true* or inner self, that we would not even recognize it and could percieve it as something completely alien.
I think that is certainly true in some way, like what do we really know about who we are or what we are. And the magnitude of something like what the mind might emcompass could be something we humans have not even come close to imagining yet.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 03:27
good answer
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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 05:29
indeed! The more we 'evolve', the more 'alien' we appear to...ourselves, or at least to the common and agreed upon version of who we are as a species.
  "Any act, if in accordance with the Will, is an act of Magick." |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 08:30
nice thread
completely agree with aluxe about the mind travel thingi .. besides ive always felt that there is something out there which we have no clue about which is the guiding force in the feeling sensation when we go deep into our own consciousness ..
besides i have this alien friend who keeps a watch over me .. i see him as a illusion which the mesh on my window creates as a result of the lighting outside .. jokes aside
  missing plug-in |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 09:55
On 2006-04-19 21:34, mukti777 wrote:
The binary code that presents itself to us as sound is configured to create a certain frequency that in turn creates a certain neurological effect. This is the effect on the gross, explicate order. The binary code, which contain assignable patterns(messeges), are holographically embedded in the sound waves, which traval along the Akashic throughout the Metaverse in implacate form, available to those who choose to listen...
uh...or something like that. Anything is plausible, if not entirely possible
sound waves have no binary whatsoever....
sound waves are only converted to binary in the computer, but when leaving any audio speaker , its a physical wave....which does not contain binary...the wave will die when it runs out of energy to travel any further...and then the sound is "lost" |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 10:00
i am sorry to say but making psy trance a commmunication form to aliens is tooo far-fetched...
firstly if there is anything out there which would be considered extraterrestial life, who say that they are more technologically elvoled then us? what is we were the pinnicle of the universe's technological advances.......think about that for starters...
and say there were other lif eout there who are more advanced/....why am i not receiving comunnication from their music huh???
i am not receiving any alien communication....are you??
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 10:04
chill l337
well they r more technologically and here is one example
WE can traveling from one galaxy to the other NO!!!
BUT THEY CAN if they not more tech how they doing it, can u explain me? is just a simple question
  ~.~ Psy party means Aliens World ~,~
"-Ever had that feeling where you're not sure if you're awake or still dreaming?
-Mmmm, all the time.
-It's called mescaline... It |
Inactive User
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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 10:08
shiva , space ship, alien landing, kundalini, zen, saints , little green people , other dimention , free love , peace and respect , ``plur`` , spirituality , more alien stuff .. loli <-- thats so e tard .. its just music .. take it easy on the substances dood
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 11:22
On 2006-04-20 10:04, aless wrote:
chill l337
well they r more technologically and here is one example
WE can traveling from one galaxy to the other NO!!!
BUT THEY CAN if they not more tech how they doing it, can u explain me? is just a simple question
what are you goin gon about, i think you misread me......are you saying there are aliens on this planet....skazi maybe huh? try rereading what i was saying....but i didnt know we has aliens travelling to earth |
Raoul V
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 13:06
i used to think my step mother was an alien, guess she was a member of isratrance the whole time..... |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Apr 20, 2006 15:34
israliens..i landed ( ) in the forum almost 3 years ago, and no one noticed nothing?
  ... |