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Psy Trance Mixes Required For Internet Radio Streaming

Peak Productions Radio

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  0
Posted : Aug 26, 2009 21:26:41
Hi guys.

First off , big hello to everyone on the forum!

Peak Radio is an internet radio station splitting into 3 different sections.

Peak Dance - covering the full range of Dance music from House/Trance to Hard Dance/Hardcore , Dubstep and Garage to Jungle and Drum 'n' Bass and everything in between.

Peak City - your pretty standard run of the mill tunes that are heard on a lot of day time radio - the full spectrum of commercial music.

Peak Gold - tracks from the archives of yesteryear - classic anthems from many genres.

At the minute we do not have any Psychedelic Trance mixes , which although we love - we can not acquire anywhere.

We are looking for DJ's to submit Psychedelic Trance mixes if possible and were wondering if anyone had they would wish to stream ?

The DJ's will be given 100 percent full credit in the slot title when streamed to our listeners.

Big thanks for your time for reading this , hope to be in contact with you soon.

Justin @ Peak Productions Radio.

( P.S hope this is in the right part of the forum )
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  254
Posts :  2638
Posted : Aug 28, 2009 08:36
check your message box mate 
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Psy Trance Mixes Required For Internet Radio Streaming
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