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Psy trance is dead

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2009 02:50
Ste. Trip to this noise and find divinity

e. psytrance is as dead or alive as you make it my friend. And please, give us a link so that we can listento what psy-techno you're digging these days. Please


On 2009-09-23 02:51, rich wrote:
It's there if you really want it.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2009 02:51
nod away to techno, who the fuck cares! sheesh like we give a shit. Thats funny

You said Texas Faggot. Start there and search if you really care. Trust what you like, cos it'll lead to more of what you like.
I was ready to write off psytrance as well till I stumbled on a bunch of artists that resonate with me. Psychedelic, funky, funny, deep, and most of all don't give a shit about formulas and rules.

It's there if you really want it.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2009 02:54
hey nortynorty, can you provide us some links so we can listen to some of this psy techno you talk about?

Inactive User
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Posted : Sep 23, 2009 02:54
I'd offer you my techno Elad - but I won't as many here just look to rip u apart - I'm doing OK atm at parties with it, and some psy I make

keep the suggestions flowing - Terrafractyl was spot on for what I was looking for
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Posted : Sep 23, 2009 02:56

On 2009-09-23 02:51, rich wrote:
nod away to techno, who the fuck cares!

shut up - u know nothing - speak when spoken to u twat
Inactive User
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Posted : Sep 23, 2009 02:57

On 2009-09-23 02:50, psytones wrote:
Ste. Trip to this noise and find divinity

Thanks Jan Erik - really appreciate that

But it's fast and NOT trippy

got any trippy ideas?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2009 03:09

On 2009-09-23 02:56, nortynorty wrote:

On 2009-09-23 02:51, rich wrote:
nod away to techno, who the fuck cares!

shut up - u know nothing - speak when spoken to u twat

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2009 03:09
Yea,i would like to listen to some of that techno too..and dont come on with this clicka clacka electroshit..just way too boring..

For trippy psy check out ekoplex album for free on ektoplazm website..or Attoya pretty cool as well(actualy not on that site)           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-
Inactive User
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Posted : Sep 23, 2009 03:24
Cheers mate - will defo check out Ekoplex - dl it now

keep the ideas coming

and rich - gimme a kiss - love u really - u twat

Got sidetracked with Art from the heart dl

can't find an Ekoplex dl there - gimme a link
or fuck off - just loads of tweets about hoe ektoplasm is in love with Ekoplex *sigh*
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod

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Posted : Sep 23, 2009 03:42
Morning Ishwara.           Mastering - ::
OOOD 5th album 'You Think You Are' - :: ::
Contact for bookings/mastering -
Inactive User
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Posted : Sep 23, 2009 03:48
OOOD = Out Of Order Drama Queen - you can never resist can u Colin u spastic

deja vu Colin - did u not just say that in another thread or are u trying to be a clever cunt?

we all know ur a gay twat - so please Colin - get outa this thread with ur gay full on boringness - thanks

Unless u have some intelligent techno ideas to present to us

You can make Ffrancis apologise to Timmy on ur forum, but really - don't push ur luck here mate as many will see you for what u are have a nice day and please - drop some intelligent techno here

hERE - and stop scaring people off Colin as if they are afraid of a BLUE twat like you - luv ya

must say - Terrafractyl is the dogs bollox - wicked tunes - thanks Elad for that

I think I just contradicted myself there

Gimme some Intelligent techno
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
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Posted : Sep 23, 2009 07:12

On 2009-09-23 03:48, nortynorty wrote:
OOOD = Out Of Order Drama Queen - you can never resist can u Colin u spastic

deja vu Colin - did u not just say that in another thread or are u trying to be a clever cunt?

we all know ur a gay twat - so please Colin - get outa this thread with ur gay full on boringness - thanks

Unless u have some intelligent techno ideas to present to us

You can make Ffrancis apologise to Timmy on ur forum, but really - don't push ur luck here mate as many will see you for what u are have a nice day and please - drop some intelligent techno here

hERE - and stop scaring people off Colin as if they are afraid of a BLUE twat like you - luv ya

must say - Terrafractyl is the dogs bollox - wicked tunes - thanks Elad for that

I think I just contradicted myself there

Gimme some Intelligent techno

take your "intelligent techno" home and fuck it. why you coming here to bitch? going on about your techno nonsense. You want to prove to us your techno shite is so much better give us some fuckin links so we can hear, we dont have to provide you with anything, you are the one bitching in the forums.

specially your post from this thread:

"we wern't playing psy either - techno ftw - psy is dead and travelling tourists don't give a flying batshit about the holy 'psy' or 'goa' - psy is dead

Intelligent Techno isn't dead - and that's what the masses wanna hear - not the same repetetive crap from wanky psy artists (they call themselves artists these days)"

yah im sure in Hampi everyone is listening to techno, wtf. Im sure they loooove music for the masses in Hampi eh?? (heavy heavy sarcasm) You are so full of shit. quit your bitching.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2009 07:51
norty so i guess you became a member to attend the funeral services we have planned for or dearly departed psytrance?           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2009 09:11
if you cannot find it on that site then its problably too intelligent for you and even better you don`t get it..           -------......-------...-..-..-..-.-.-.-.-

Started Topics :  150
Posts :  3315
Posted : Sep 23, 2009 09:11
Hey Nortynorty, show us some of your stuff.
Would love to hear some of your sound man.
So quit jerking around and show us the real tunes, that is if you got any..

          Upavas - Here And Now (Sangoma Rec.) new EP out Oct.29th, get it here:
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