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Psy Couples

IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  236
Posts :  6106
Posted : Nov 6, 2009 03:11

On 2009-10-22 14:22, Dogon wrote:
thanks mk47: that's a wise suggestion!

thats actually both wice and well balancing to common sense
to rush may create unwanted surprises and at the same time to stall may lead to the same

but people make up their own choices and paths, thats a beautiful possibilety of being human

Dogon, I’m unsure if I should ask in private but since it seems you’re talking about psycouples (and you seem very open and telling about your love I guess it’s ok if I ask what sort of marriage are we talking about here Dogon? A hindu? Christian? Symbolism, ritualistic? - Is she a piefan since you wish it to be at a nice and large festival with the music and vibe? sorry if this has been written somewhere already then ive missed it :

i guess there won’t be a priest and wedding ring involved ?

I'm thinking marriage in symbolism is a reach to announce their love in a ritualistic manner. And it can be quite beautiful. And from the little I know Dogon in person he is a very devoted and passionate person and I’m sure his love is true. Life will take you on a rollercoaster with surprises of how the river turns and what true love can accomplish.
I wish you and your love all the divinity one may get,

Life without love and music is life not worth experiencing I think

On 2009-10-24 23:06, toogoodforyou wrote:

On 2009-10-21 10:53, Run Lola wrote:
That is a beautiful topic! and you're right to ask about the people here in the scene because we pretend to be liberal and so called open minded and we believe in free love, right?

so take the scenario where are you are in a beautiful relationship and you adore your woman/man, and you go to a festival or party and you have this incredible connection with another person... what would you do? we are all human, it will happen, especially if you are a passionate person in your nature.

I think the solid base of a lasting relationship is honesty with yourself and with your partner... that you elevate the bond that you have to beyond "good and evil" "right and wrong" and you set your own rules with your lover.. it takes work, and understanding, and trust.

once you start break this bond
As long as there is honesty and respect... there is love so be open and communicate.


Good one

+ indeed :wub:

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