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Psy Couples


Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Oct 16, 2009 13:36

On 2009-10-16 11:15, Forest dreams wrote:
Mr. Peterson?
ofcourse.. i remember watching you guys perform right here in mumbai.. i think Davina wasnt really playing but just stood beside you through the set. anyway.. good memories

Wrong guy... Only ever played outside UK once, at Boom2000.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 15:01
gutter &           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.

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Posts :  233
Posted : Oct 16, 2009 15:30

On 2009-10-16 09:31, Forest dreams wrote:
id be lying if i tell you that its only always the first time that its exciting to take off a woman's bra.

I dont see why you are viewing what I said as a binary proposition of either being exciting or not.
Of course its always more exciting to take a girls bra off than it is to say be posting on this message board.
I don't see how you can argue though against that the most exciting time is the first time. Simply because there is a whole other dimension going on as far as, do you like the person enough to even try, does she like you enough to even let you try,how far is going to go if you do...
Once you have been with someone even a couple of times there is no great mystery of what is going to happen if you get the bra off.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 16:03

On 2009-10-16 15:30, braininavat wrote:

On 2009-10-16 09:31, Forest dreams wrote:
id be lying if i tell you that its only always the first time that its exciting to take off a woman's bra.

I dont see why you are viewing what I said as a binary proposition of either being exciting or not.
Of course its always more exciting to take a girls bra off than it is to say be posting on this message board.
I don't see how you can argue though against that the most exciting time is the first time. Simply because there is a whole other dimension going on as far as, do you like the person enough to even try, does she like you enough to even let you try,how far is going to go if you do...
Once you have been with someone even a couple of times there is no great mystery of what is going to happen if you get the bra off.

I think you create the mystery your self by creating the atmosphere.
There can be a first time all the time if you like it to be. To some extent
just by not doing things the way you usually do... and not expect what you usually expect

but i get your point and i think you are correct, but non the less its exciting to make love and you can make every moment special
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 16:07

On 2009-10-16 16:03, Freeflow wrote:
but non the less its exciting to make love and you can make every moment special


making love is always special!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 16:22
Could someone tell me what a binary proposition is?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 16:34

On 2009-10-16 16:22, Dennis the menace wrote:
Could someone tell me what a binary proposition is?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  27
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Posted : Oct 17, 2009 00:36

On 2009-10-16 09:53, Scrambled Headz wrote:
ps:i think atomic pulse were a couple.........?or am i confusing them with some other name...

atomic pulse used 2 be A.pulse +the guy from safi connection           <~< "the best things in life aren't things" - art buchwald >~>

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Posted : Oct 17, 2009 04:32
human behavior is caused by the chemicals in theire brain, neurotransmitters impulses causes theire behavior, remember human being have to reproduce to continue theire specie, that fantastic history envolved to "love" is caused by serotonine and the human imagination, its a trick of the nature, of course relationships are beatiful but brain causes a "hook" of chemicals to attain youre attention to that person with Statistically you have more oportunities to reproduce you.

this is not a negative point of view, is the nature, yourselve contains the true love, bacause you create this universe for youre own fun.

art is the only think who takes appart the human from the other animals
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 17, 2009 05:49

On 2009-10-16 04:53, braininavat wrote:
I actuall think open relationships will become much more normal in the future but its just a bit too early at the moment.
There just is not enough people into it at the moment to really look for one.

Depends where you are. There is quite a healthy poly community in most places in North America. It is more than just a subculture too--many people have open or polyamorous relationships without having anything to do with local communities based around supporting such a lifestyle.


On 2009-10-16 04:53, braininavat wrote:
While of course there is great happiness to be found in monogomy, it is limiting the experiences that your partner could have almost entirely out of jealousy and a lack of trust in your commitment to eachother..
Not to mention the obvious divorce evidence that marriage is not working out like it use to.

Yes, I agree completely. It always amuses me that when an open relationship doesn't work out some people are quick to say, "See? It doesn't work." If a monogamous relationship ends there are lots of reasons why but it is seldom monogamy itself that is blamed. That's just one of those amusing things about social norms and traditions

I've been in a long-term open relationship before. I really like that you can't ever sit still; you are pretty much forced to develop high-level communication abilities and emotional maturity. I really appreciate an open framework for the personal development such a system necessitates. Of course, you always have to deal with bigots that don't understand what it is you do or what you're about. And you aren't often given an opportunity to share your world-view; prejudice, by its very definition, is judgment before the facts, and it is all too common. So, there are external challenges as well. But that's alright, you have to live by your own rules.
Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 18, 2009 08:51

On 2009-10-16 13:36, TranceVisuals wrote:

Wrong guy... Only ever played outside UK once, at Boom2000.

oops, sorry. my bad


On 2009-10-16 15:30, braininavat wrote:

On 2009-10-16 09:31, Forest dreams wrote:
id be lying if i tell you that its only always the first time that its exciting to take off a woman's bra.

I dont see why you are viewing what I said as a binary proposition of either being exciting or not.
Of course its always more exciting to take a girls bra off than it is to say be posting on this message board.
I don't see how you can argue though against that the most exciting time is the first time. Simply because there is a whole other dimension going on as far as, do you like the person enough to even try, does she like you enough to even let you try,how far is going to go if you do...
Once you have been with someone even a couple of times there is no great mystery of what is going to happen if you get the bra off.

On the surface, if you look at it as just an experience, then you are right... but my post came from many similar emotional experiences that have led me to believe that its not just the first time that sex is 'new' - when you make love its new each time.. though the whole process or transformation from him/her being an absolute stranger and then a close mate is exciting only for the first time as such as it wouldn't quite happen again. my point however was that there after lies a totally different world of deep connections that make it all far more interesting and exciting. and i get what you're trying to say that there is no mystery as such - later, there is only a bond that binds and commits two people to each other. and that too is all about how well the two manage each other.
          Nothing is said that has not been said before.

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Oct 18, 2009 10:44

On 2009-10-18 08:51, Forest dreams wrote:
oops, sorry. my bad

Not at all, nice to be mistaken for someone "famous"
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  57
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Posted : Oct 18, 2009 21:44
I have a boyfriend for 4.5 yrs and we produce music together . hope it lasts forever           +=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+=+
Infernal Terror -
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  191
Posted : Oct 19, 2009 03:40
Well , this has nothing to do with the Trance Scene.

It’s a subject by its own.

its like talking about the greenhouse effect…that’s not related to trance neither to anything else.

But if you already have asked , its cool to answer anyway.

Me personally witness for many weird stories including my self in this field.

I see many married couples with healthy relationship ,that hang out by secret with other people. (both husband or wife).

So if the relationship is good, then why the hell they do that?!

This generally happens after few years being together…and this happens because the relationship becomes boring and expected…so the sex start to get normal too…then come the cheating part….
If there is no challenge , life is boring ! and it’s the same in relationships……..when that happens , you lose attraction to your partner , and once this happens , you start looking for something exciting to make your sex life better.

It doesn’t mean you will stop loving your partner! Vise versa! Once you hang out with other people , you find its ugly and that you love your partner……but then again you get bored then cheat………coz you just have met a hot chick! Or a fucking hot cocky guy (if you are woman).

In order to have as less as possible ugly cases like the above or eliminate them at all , then the relationship should be built from the beginning on Trust and Devotion! With less as possible of jealousy but not being too apathetic .

the main thing is to keep jealousy faraway from suspicion against your partner coz then it turns into sickness and will destroy the relationship. Coz you will be paranoid that your partner is hanging out , while he/she is not. And this is disappointing the other side.

You can be jealous but keep it very low , this is in order to show that you care for your partner ,but don’t turn into diseases as mentioned above.

Ok , if that is done ok , then you should keep on the next things: you should be funny , enjoyable , not a pain in the ass… you should be mysterious some times, and not expected….

Do you think you can do some of the above? If yes then there are lots of thins things that you can read from articles written by best of the best of psychologists that specialize in attraction and relationships…

They have researched many successful and unsuccessful cases of couples… can learn from them then reprogram your mind.

I believe , that being with a 1 partner is the best thing , coz everything becomes better if the relationship is working fine.

Now I am committed to a very sweet girl that I love and she loves me….and I hope that we hold this relationship as much as possible…………but if it will be destroyed someday, then its not the end of universe , I will find another 1. And will learn from my mistakes.
and if I commit to someone then I will never hangout! Coz I did it once , and it hurt me and her a lot in the past.

Btw , I have hangout with many girls without being commit , and once you do it a lot , then you find its boring too………then you realize that having 1 , and having love is the best thing!

Have love ! it’s the best! ((maybe this is the only thing connected to trance ))

Wish you all the best!

Good luck

          Break The Matrix!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
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Posted : Oct 19, 2009 10:39
if its nothing special ,just another girl than it is determined to end anyways. Having lots of girls is a waste of time.There is nothing better in this life than a partner like a soulmate. And you have not such problems. With love. The problems can lay than whereelse.
So heavy it is when it is parted maybe by a before written fate or a split of paths.It is hard to be satisfied or to even fall anyhows in love.
Jealaous is also a waste of time.Its better to shine. 
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