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Psy Couples


Started Topics :  6
Posts :  212
Posted : Oct 15, 2009 21:17:13
Till now i have been totally committed but recently I've really been wondering whether i can stay committed to one person for life.

How many people in this scene have thought this way??

Also how many of you couples here who are going out/engaged/married follow open relationships. And to those who don't do you guys believe that you can stay committed to the other for life?? Or do you keep changing partners till you find 'the one'??

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 22:24
Of course you can stay committed for life and truly reach more satisfaction than the other way around! IMO
But each to their own, i love the idea of being faithful and having sex as a pearl and not a way of saying hello!

Of course desire is a difficult beast to tame and you will most probably get attracted to others, but this also has its explanation, and its different for everyone. finding out about your self and reach for the inner might be a good way to stay connected and knowing why you act in certain ways...

life with a partner has its pitfalls and you must find a method for dealing with troubles you both create!
If love is there you can forgive a lot, even if it might take time and a lot of insight, i think both must be patient with each other and most important humble!

And one thing i must ask you, why is it so important what people in this scene thinks about this matter?

But its maybe not so important about that you stay committed, but that you are totally honest about it in a very early stage! otherwise you become a lier and a lier is someone you cant trust...

Good luck! hope you can stay committed and your future wife too hehe
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Oct 15, 2009 23:14
Wow excellent post from you Freeflow! A lot of wisdom there.

"having sex as a pearl"

I like that


Started Topics :  5
Posts :  233
Posted : Oct 16, 2009 04:53
I actuall think open relationships will become much more normal in the future but its just a bit too early at the moment.
There just is not enough people into it at the moment to really look for one. Its hard enough to find someone compatible without limiting selection to such a small group.
To me committed has nothing to do with my body. To me its a simple reality that there are some amazing experiences that you have when single that simply can not be recreated with the same person..You only get one chance to go from someone being a stranger to knowing them deeply, taking a chicks bra off is never quite as exciting as the first time..You can only have one first kiss with someone.
While of course there is great happiness to be found in monogomy, it is limiting the experiences that your partner could have almost entirely out of jealousy and a lack of trust in your commitment to eachother..
Not to mention the obvious divorce evidence that marriage is not working out like it use to.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  212
Posted : Oct 16, 2009 07:15

On 2009-10-15 22:24, Freeflow wrote:
Of course you can stay committed for life and truly reach more satisfaction than the other way around! IMO
But each to their own, i love the idea of being faithful and having sex as a pearl and not a way of saying hello!

Of course desire is a difficult beast to tame and you will most probably get attracted to others, but this also has its explanation, and its different for everyone. finding out about your self and reach for the inner might be a good way to stay connected and knowing why you act in certain ways...

life with a partner has its pitfalls and you must find a method for dealing with troubles you both create!
If love is there you can forgive a lot, even if it might take time and a lot of insight, i think both must be patient with each other and most important humble!

And one thing i must ask you, why is it so important what people in this scene thinks about this matter?

But its maybe not so important about that you stay committed, but that you are totally honest about it in a very early stage! otherwise you become a lier and a lier is someone you cant trust...

Good luck! hope you can stay committed and your future wife too hehe

Lovely post

Even i love the idea of staying committed. Maybe i need to explore more before jumping in one relationship again.

Lol, i asked what people in this scene think about it cause there are people out here who have a creative or a different way of thinking (maybe its the 'cid) than the mainstream way. I'm not saying mainstream is always wrong or anything... i just wanted different views on this topic.

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  212
Posted : Oct 16, 2009 07:18

On 2009-10-16 04:53, braininavat wrote:
You only get one chance to go from someone being a stranger to knowing them deeply, taking a chicks bra off is never quite as exciting as the first time..You can only have one first kiss with someone.

He he , rest of your post is pretty interesting... but i don't agree with this part too much

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Oct 16, 2009 08:45
10+yrs with my companion, and recently a small child, to which I am a full-time father.
She does the career thing, I do the artistic/householder thing. Hasn't been easy, and that is mostly down to me finding it "hard to accept no matter how wonderful it is"... grrrrr male cultural expectations.
We met at a party, and spent the first four/five years partying quite hard, me VJ'ing, her DJ'ing.
It would take an amazing party, or a shit load of cash, to make me go to a party without her, as I simply don't enjoy it half as much, and end up missing her, cause I am soppy bastard.
Also I have found, quite early on, that we tend to occupy roughly the same "neurological chemical state", i.e. the family that trips together, tends to stay together (sic).

I also found that I seemingly have the "same companion"/reflection of other, regardless of the person playing the role it seems. Not something I talk about too often...

At the end of the day, you just got to do what is go(o)d for you....
Personally I always wanted "a litter of alternative female subbies" to explore all my sexual perversions with, but hey, seems like you can't have everything.
Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  107
Posts :  9697
Posted : Oct 16, 2009 09:31

On 2009-10-16 04:53, braininavat wrote:
Its hard enough to find someone compatible without limiting selection to such a small group.
To me committed has nothing to do with my body. To me its a simple reality that there are some amazing experiences that you have when single that simply can not be recreated with the same person..You only get one chance to go from someone being a stranger to knowing them deeply, taking a chicks bra off is never quite as exciting as the first time..You can only have one first kiss with someone.

id be lying if i tell you that its only always the first time that its exciting to take off a woman's bra. This would mean you either haven't met someone so beautiful that you dont find it exciting after only the first time.. or its the first or only thing that your brain wants to do when you meet that someone for the first time.. to me, this whole opening the bra or whetever feeling looks like something the mind wants to accomplish.. obviously out of desire. and hence once done and accomplished the mind no longer finds it exciting anymore and looks for something new. maybe this is how open relationships also work.. just maybe.

this whole subject is very relative to what a person is looking for in a relationship in the first place. To me, im only reflecting myself through my companion, and she herself through me..getting to know 'me' better, being honest to myself. there are some divine moments of love, happiness and joy that you share with a person that are just beyond sex and such.. that come out of complete comfort, security and openness. i doubt i would share those same moments with 10 women in 10 different open relationships.. in the end i would only either end up with one, or wish that id end up with THE one!
          Nothing is said that has not been said before.
Scrambled Headz
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  47
Posts :  955
Posted : Oct 16, 2009 09:53
well....every person is has different ticks i think....
i met my girl when we both were starting off in the party sence..
8 years later we still love and respect each other(now engadged and living together) ....oh yeah...and we have our music project kicking also
have a look if you want

the thing is man........every person needs another 1 to call his 'own' that i dont mean 'hey i own you,you are my bitch... ;p ' if you know what i mean....

ps:i think atomic pulse were a couple.........?or am i confusing them with some other name...

ps2: On 2009-10-16 04:53, braininavat wrote:
taking a chicks bra off is never quite as exciting as the first time..

I agree on that one xexexex          : Panaiz *25 Motorbrain :
Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  107
Posts :  9697
Posted : Oct 16, 2009 09:56
sirius issness?           Nothing is said that has not been said before.
Scrambled Headz
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  47
Posts :  955
Posted : Oct 16, 2009 10:38
yep !!           : Panaiz *25 Motorbrain :

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Oct 16, 2009 10:57
She's my "miss us?" if that makes sense.

It's nice to know that there is someone who will.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Oct 16, 2009 11:13
i have been committed to using my left hand           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Forest dreams
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  107
Posts :  9697
Posted : Oct 16, 2009 11:15

On 2009-10-16 10:57, TranceVisuals wrote:
She's my "miss us?" if that makes sense.

It's nice to know that there is someone who will.

Mr. Peterson?
ofcourse.. i remember watching you guys perform right here in mumbai.. i think Davina wasnt really playing but just stood beside you through the set. anyway.. good memories
          Nothing is said that has not been said before.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  50
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Posted : Oct 16, 2009 13:33
I am comitted to my girl. I am from India & she from Austria.

We met this summers in himalayas, fell in love & stayed together for 3 months & then she had to leave back to Austria. But we are comitted for sure, though we are far off!

We speak almost everyday and i will be going to marry her next summers in Europe.

Last time i was comitted to a girl was around 6-7 years back when i was in college but there were some problems so we decided to let it go!
          We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
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