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psy artist making prog, techno minimal, electro?

Martian Arts

Started Topics :  187
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Posted : Feb 22, 2009 14:42

On 2009-02-21 23:46, Spiitoon Psyton wrote:
psy artist making prog, techno minimal, House, electro?

Sounds like the typical music producer that found out he/she didn't really love psychedelic trance music anyway and fell in to the club scene to escape 'it' Or they realized they needed to make some money and get some DJ gigs. sorry, couldn't resist.

Bullshit post of the day goes to Spiitoon Psyton.  

Started Topics :  40
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Posted : Feb 22, 2009 15:28

On 2009-02-21 23:46, Spiitoon Psyton wrote:
psy artist making prog, techno minimal, House, electro?

Sounds like the typical music producer that found out he/she didn't really love psychedelic trance music anyway and fell in to the club scene to escape 'it' Or they realized they needed to make some money and get some DJ gigs. sorry, couldn't resist.

I will make your statement more accurate - ...producer that found out he/she is listening to the same stupid full on track for 7 years, sometimes even the key didn't change ( always A, so many samples on that note huh ), and suddenly there is this amazing music, less predictable, much more musical, much more psychedelic too and no more to the plastic sound with no 50hz frequency... WOW, must try to make something like this!!!

Sorry couldn't resist...           A man with a "master plan" is often a woman
Inactive User

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Posted : Feb 22, 2009 20:51
^ perfect reply
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 22, 2009 21:00
just make music whatever .When not letin yourself categorize to one genre or direction its much more magic on music itself.Id like to produce all sort of music Ive heard ,the genres in my style, before im dead.Even r and b well maybe a new psycedelic rnb lol,flamenco ,jazz i love music at all and think guys that concentrate from inner at one style are more or less at the real beginnnings .
(no matter if they released plenty releases Completely no matter in this times these are musical rookies.)
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 23, 2009 12:30

On 2009-02-22 14:42, pipe&slippers wrote:
Bullshit post of the day goes to Spiitoon Psyton.


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Posted : Feb 23, 2009 18:52

On 2009-02-22 21:00, TimeTraveller wrote:
just make music whatever .When not letin yourself categorize to one genre or direction its much more magic on music itself.Id like to produce all sort of music Ive heard ,the genres in my style, before im dead.Even r and b well maybe a new psycedelic rnb lol,flamenco ,jazz i love music at all and think guys that concentrate from inner at one style are more or less at the real beginnnings .
(no matter if they released plenty releases Completely no matter in this times these are musical rookies.)

Well put
+ 1 for that
el presagio

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  312
Posted : Feb 25, 2009 19:34
Maybe there are so many artists changing to the Electro dance scene because the Trance scene is with lack of criativity.

Everyone here complains "how there arenīt good full on albuns since...bla bla " "or where are the god old days..." or this and that copy catīs... the same shit... bla bla bla!
So with this response from the public artist are forced to create on other styles of electronic music. Otherīs like mister Yuli moved because it combines 2 brilliant world the creativity plus the chicks ( not my words). Otherīs like Time Traveller said changed the style just because they donīt want to feel limited ( very good reson).

We the fans are the main responsibles for this changes, because nowdays there arenīt so many artist working just for their soul with no recognition in the goal.

So If people (majority) like it many( artists) will follow and thats wht the trend is all about .

I read here in the forum that artistis like hallucinogen will never change their style. As a matter of fact i was told that mister Simon are still in the scene just because the fans/promoters/organizers still make is performance very high profitable. So as you can see neither mister psychedelic is untouchable. Not to talk about is other projects that are much more electro orientated than is halluciogen one.

anyway for the oneīs that donīt know here are more 2 projects in the electro progressive house scene

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 25, 2009 19:48
Just wanted to comment on the topic.
I expect psy artists to expose their new music only after they have reached a certain level of competency in it. First attempts are usually to 'feel it out', often using formulas or borrowed styles to become familiar with the new style.
It's like any new artist. Only after they've learned to walk can they start walking with their own unique style. I applaud psy artists going in new directions, but I don't need to get excited over their first attempts if they're really not that good.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Feb 25, 2009 19:50
Please don't put me on the chopping block!

segment 7
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 26, 2009 02:45
i make psy, electro, some minimal beepy stuff, dub, some breakcore and jungle and even some bassline, purely because i happen to love those types of music. theres obviously people out there who sell out and make whatever music will sell the most records but i think most of the people that make lots of different genres genuinely love those genres, otherwise they wouldn't enjoy making them. can get boring making one genre over and over aswel.

making lots of different genres makes you learn new production techniques and adds a different flavour to your music aswel. don't really think theres a problem at all here in the broader sense.

          Projection makes perception. The world is what you gave it, nothing more than that. It is a witness to your state of mind, the outside picture of an inward condition. As a man thinketh, so does he perceive- Anonymous

Started Topics :  6
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Posted : Feb 26, 2009 04:36
Sure, i think this is not about artist making different styles, you can listen hux flux in his ambient project and you can perceive his soul, in both ptojects, real artists can make different styles and they re keepin genuine, also i think the point is how this massive impact of progressive in the begining, and now minimal techno and shades of electro shocks with psy scene, and how some psy acts who are in this freedom, peace and love culture just turns to slow music and clubs, possing attitude, but have a possitive point, just real psy artist gonna keep rocking the scene, and fakers have to go, when this massive impact of that styles finish, they gonna change to other style,vocious circle
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Feb 26, 2009 22:14
Don't know if anyone of you really know about this group: It is super trippy stuff!

Some member formed his own Electro/House stuff, it's not so bad at all.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  168
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Posted : Aug 17, 2009 22:54
Here is a post containing links to most of the projects I have found in the last little while:

Suggestions welcome.
Trance Forum ŧ ŧ Forum  Trance - psy artist making prog, techno minimal, electro?
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