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Progressive Morning trance from Denmark (Full Track)

TimeDrained / Pythagoraz

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  337
Posted : Mar 29, 2005 22:51
Hopefully the track will be released this year. I've been contacted by two labels after posting the track here.

I will do something about the fatness of the bassline and add a few ambient sounds to keep it from getting boring.

thanks for all the great response

Principles of Flight

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  35
Posted : Mar 30, 2005 11:19
Hi there, nice overall track

but :

- the bassline : weird stereo, you inverted it right? that shouldn't be done on the bass, gets weird render on big sound systems, try chorus instead

- lacks a bit of diversity, I'd see well a big sound like a snare or reverse snare avery 4 kicks, something to drive in more the track. that sound could be morphed along the track into another sound like synth lead or something

- the rythmics sound a bit "cheap" they sort of clip in very high frequencies, that's not really a pleasant sound

-the pitch of the kick is not the same as the track's pitch, this gives a sort of "plip plop" impression when you hear the kick/ bass

-the arp sound at 2.58 is way too loud, at least -3 dB on that one

hope this helps u
good luck!!

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Posts :  13
Posted : Mar 30, 2005 12:40
Well, pyth... Congrats!

Started Topics :  69
Posts :  581
Posted : Mar 30, 2005 14:18
Amazing track Pyth!!!
this is very groovy and very catchy... love ur synths in the track!!
TimeDrained / Pythagoraz

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  337
Posted : Mar 30, 2005 21:08

On 2005-03-30 11:19, Pierre-POF wrote:
Hi there, nice overall track

but :

- the bassline : weird stereo, you inverted it right? that shouldn't be done on the bass, gets weird render on big sound systems, try chorus instead

- lacks a bit of diversity, I'd see well a big sound like a snare or reverse snare avery 4 kicks, something to drive in more the track. that sound could be morphed along the track into another sound like synth lead or something

- the rythmics sound a bit "cheap" they sort of clip in very high frequencies, that's not really a pleasant sound

-the pitch of the kick is not the same as the track's pitch, this gives a sort of "plip plop" impression when you hear the kick/ bass

-the arp sound at 2.58 is way too loud, at least -3 dB on that one

hope this helps u
good luck!!

I totally agree when you say it lacks diversity, and i'm still building on the track coz of that. I just posed it here to hear "under construction" comments.

The stereo thing with the bassline is also a problem. the reason why it ended up this way is coz I used my new Nord 2x for the bass and really hadnt figured out how the mono stereo thing worked. This problem and much of the other things you mention, such as the too loud arp and the High freq. thing, is hopefully going to be fixed in the mastering process.

the bassDrum pitch is however as it is and I'm not changing it.. lol

Thanks very much for the Constructive comment

-and thanks gambi and lauge too... vikings of trance...


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Posts :  13
Posted : Mar 30, 2005 22:45
"vikings of trance... "


Started Topics :  69
Posts :  581
Posted : Mar 30, 2005 22:48
hahahaha nice reply pyth!

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Posted : Jun 16, 2005 13:26
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  39
Posts :  988
Posted : Jun 16, 2005 16:28
Great stuff, period.
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  216
Posts :  4980
Posted : Jun 19, 2005 18:12
link has expired ...plz upload it again!!!            “What we need is the development of the Inner Spiritual man, the unique individual, whose treasure is hidden in the symbols of our mythological tradition and in man’s unconscious psych.” - CJ Jung
TimeDrained / Pythagoraz

Started Topics :  8
Posts :  337
Posted : Jun 20, 2005 00:27
Yes I had to remove the mp3. it is prolly being released soon so you will have to go buy it.


Trance Forum » » Forum  The Workshop - Progressive Morning trance from Denmark (Full Track)
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