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Progressive, Dark are not Goa!!

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 22:58:03
I have been talking to some people I know about this new Goa wave and it's been really confusing: most of them relates Goa to compilations using the name "Goa" but featuring 100% progressive trance tracks. Yellow Sunshine Explosion is just one of the labels that have been misleading people who are not well informed. Their last release features under the same umbrella different styles like DNA's and Liquid Soul's!! This is what I call wrong information. Other labels have been wrongly using the term "Goa" too, Goa Records and Discovalley Records release pure Dark trance and not Goa as one might expect from their covers,
IMHO, these labels just want to take advantage of the mystic cloud that still surrounds Goa trance. People who lived it still are here, helping keep this mystic thing alive. People who didn't live it want to experience what was so magic. So, this is pure marketing. But it's wrong. Goa is not Dark or Progressive, it's utterly different.
And now that Goa is having a strong revival as Neo Goa, it's time to make things clear. Stop releasing progressive or dark tracks as Goa!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 23:19
Punch em in the nuts!

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Posted : Dec 28, 2009 23:47
Cool story bro!           Everyone in the world is doing something without me
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 00:14
How about Fullon?
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 02:07
Goa trance = trance music played in Goa. It isn't complicated.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 02:38
How about Fullon?

F.O. is there too, disguised as Goa. Check YSE releases and you may find, who knows, hip hop sold as Goa trance.

Basilik, problem is Goa, the location, has been a stage for dark trance too. I think Discovalley Recs is based there, hence their dark compilations sold as Goa trance. As if Dark has replaced Goa somewhere down the road.

I want you to know that I brought this up because it does matter. Talk to 20 something DJs who are sharing the decks with you in front of 300 people, and you will realize how confused they are. I was invited to play in a party where Goa was to be played, according to the flyer, and guess what? All DJs played prog trance, Liquid Soul alone circa 20 times. When I played Neo Goa, there was this surprise in everybody's face. Fortunately, everybody liked it and I even shared my set with 3 of them. But, and that's a big but, they could not see how Neo Goa is Goa, if Goa is prog to them.

I might be a little zealous here, but I think this is worth fighting or discussing. No wonder there are a lot of people complaining about the quality of parties, DJs and artists nowadays. They don't know even the most basic things about the music they love so much.


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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 03:04
It is just a marketing technique by labels to appeal to wider/different crowd.
Probably works well.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 04:07
bro wat u want is good music ,its available everywhere . just look for it , dont find it , go make some .
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 04:32
I understand your point but in my opinion:

-The real name of this music was and is Pychedelic Trance.

-The concept of "Psychedelic Electronic Music" have envolve of course during the years and have been experimented diferent mutations: Goa, Psy Prog, Full On, Psy Tech, Dark, etc.. and diferent flavors and technics influenced most of the times by te countries where the tracks was produced (Sweedish Prog, Mediterranean Full On, Israeli Full On, etc..)

-Goa music is just the first style of Psy Trance (and the place where maybe first partys and movement started). Astral Projection was probably the most famous band in the genre.

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Demoniac Insomniac

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 06:12
there is dark goa too
and people are smart enough to make the diffrence between melodic goa trance and discovalley records releases. marketing?
commoan man you must be kidding           VA - Spiritual Science out now!
Inactive User

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 10:02
Some artists dont play goa trance like Emantra ie who is dedicated to it though they use minor melodies as the music goes and find ways to pass the music journey from the Goa era too (ie Logic Bomb, Kox Box etc etc - but they dont name their music goa trance),
Agree with your point no point at all to use the word without having any characteristic of what the title refers too

But there no need also for a tune to be 100% melody driving to be Goa, indeed many artists succeed to please me with Goa hints in their music even if that will be a hidden 10 seconds little melody that will instantly bring these emotions/colors/vibes up
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 12:25
For many people "goa" just means psytrance in general. There is no central authority who polices what the word means.

Also "goa records" is just another name for Geomagnetic, which doesn't really have any particular style, just releases any music that they think will sell
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 13:11

On 2009-12-29 02:38, goa-ganges wrote:

I want you to know that I brought this up because it does matter. Talk to 20 something DJs who are sharing the decks with you in front of 300 people, and you will realize how confused they are.

What there is to be confused about?
They should play good music and tell a good story and the people in the party should dance and have a good party.

What does it matter who calls what music in what name.

I don't understand.           ---------------------------------------------
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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 13:17
call the cops!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Dec 29, 2009 13:49
Call Detox.
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Progressive, Dark are not Goa!!

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