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Producers "Guild"

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2006 20:23
I like this idea... I'll give it some thought and discussion. Could do either a mini forum or/and a live chat. Both is well within grasp. What you say?

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2006 20:27
It must be done in person.
Its all good being able to talk to each other over the internet, but it would be alot better to get together blaze copious amounts of good marijuana, and make fuckin loud trance music!
Don't u guys think it would be better to do it in person?
kinda the difference between cybersex and real sex, lol           [[[G|L|I|T|C|H]]]
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2006 20:47

I don't have real sex in groups. Desides what blows your hair back... you need at least a better foundation to be able to have a meet at all.

Plus your getting carried away. Jamming in groups is pointless. I struggle to keep my head straight with a duo as is.

We need niche forum. Monkeysfist could host a Psytrance Producer Forum. Just that. 

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2006 21:21
i just think that meeting up on the internet is a bit dull, id prefer to actually meet u guys.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2006 21:54
ja, way. I feel you. But you want to have a meet and we don't even know who we are inviting. see. Deviant art does this brilliantly.

We could just start by doing it at parties and then live chat or some shit..
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 6, 2006 23:03
haha,... ok you guys made me laugh....

well...i think in december us boys in CT will have a meet, somewhere public where no one will feel uncomfortable aboutt taking their clothes off....

a dedicated website is an idea, however i have been involved in seveeral of them and well, they never seem to work....

i think the poiint is to learn from each other in person, live crits of our music, etc and have a good time sorta ethos...

however obviously we arent all in the same province....

maybe what coul dbe a good idea... if what is learnt from the real meets, can be transferred to the site for a discussion...

i duno, but i still think isra production forum is phat enough, i have been on it for the last 3 years, and i think everything is covered from...well...making a GMS bass... to ahh....copying a shift synth...

what you think munkyman?
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 7, 2006 00:54
or like a live video feed, or text-to-speech effort that tells the rest of the world what is happening in the minds of whoever is doing whatever at what moment:)

does that make sense??

prob not, coz of the state of mind im in but, as L337 was saying it must be different, completely, maybe one that has a live chat with ppl during the workshop, or live chats linking multiple workshops located all around South Africa.

Wot provinces u guys from??excluding L337, u basically live in my flippin road lol:)

What have we done???
we've created a monster, now we gotta try keep it in the cage!!!!!!!!!!!
WOOHHOOOOO!!!           [[[G|L|I|T|C|H]]]
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 7, 2006 00:55
lol @ the fakt there was a thread entitled "Daft Punk Basslines"!!!!
WTF?           [[[G|L|I|T|C|H]]]
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Nov 7, 2006 11:50

On 2006-11-07 00:55, Glitch_CapeTown wrote:
lol @ the fakt there was a thread entitled "Daft Punk Basslines"!!!!

Maybe its there to go with the BRUTAL RMX's of satisfaction
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 7, 2006 12:23
yeah yeah

or D-nox-Switch(Bulletproof RMX)
one of the worst songs known to man           [[[G|L|I|T|C|H]]]
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 7, 2006 14:43
I'm scumerset west. basicaly CT. The meet is something that could have potential. But i'm standing with leet on this one... a online thing has great potential to fail... 

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 7, 2006 21:15
yeah, todays BOM incident might give you some insight :|           [[[G|L|I|T|C|H]]]
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 8, 2006 23:39
You lost me. I odn't make time for BOM. Why tell me. It Sounds Bad. 

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Nov 9, 2006 02:11
Yeah, it's pretty Bad. It was just me going completely off for not much reason other than I was angry, introduced to many people into the shenanigan's.           [[[G|L|I|T|C|H]]]

Started Topics :  38
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Posted : Nov 9, 2006 06:48
these little "producers guild" thingys have been happening for a long time and still do

what do you think all the "labels" are?

eg,, timecode was a bunch of new producers/dj's who decided to group together and share knowledge,,, hence the success of almost all of our "guild members" from the past 4 / 5 years

nano is another classic axample,,, just look at all the cross-poliination between all the acts,, how do u think they all got their skills?

looking further afield,,, chemical crew ( love it or hate it they get it right with the skills vibe ) and homega recs is another one,, or go back in time a bit and think of flying rhino ,, and all the various mixup projects and time together in studio by those guys,,,

this is how labels develop their "particular" sound,, so the "guilds" tend to be small enough to support a label's needs but not too big so that everyone is doing "your sound" otherwise we all sound the same and then the punters get peeved

there is definately someting to be said for sgaring skills and knowledge ,,, ESPECIALLY in new and upand coming artists,,, the acceleration in progress can be phenomenal.. and even as an established producer i'm still always earning new things from peers here and wordwide

the trick really is to get connected with the people who can benefit you,, and vice versa,,, its got to be dudes that are serious and at about a simillar production level,, cos if one guy is a lot better than the others he's not going to feel its fair sharing all his tricks and tips with the vultures ,, there must be a 2 way flow of info,, so get some serious people together and make a plan.

if its just a buch of smoking buddies.. then u arent going to go anywhere except the couch

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