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Prestige Music - Diversity CD

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  31
Posts :  236
Posted : Dec 19, 2006 21:17
“Prestige Music is the newly established sister label of the successful Iboga Records.

Prestige is here to bring you releases that don’t have the same ingredients as an Iboga release, but to bring some hot n’ spicy new tracks for those more progressive club moments.

Complied by British born DJ, Glen.C of the Iboga/ Prestige family. “

Ok So new CD new sub label of the now infamous Iboga Records. I picked this up at the same time as the new Nuance CD so I will attempt to avoid contrasting them.
That being said I should share that I usually go for the harder Progressive Psy so that may color my perceptions of this CD.


1.Feeling Good (Trentemoller Rmx) -
No doubts this track starts with some very warm stabbing pads that are both mellow and inviting. Both simple and melodic the song builds nicely with some lovely arrangements that suggest intelligence behind the simplistic intro. Around the two min mark the track gets darker and more complex. All in all a good mellow progressive house/trance track.

A harder kick begins this track that starts all rhythm. About the 1:30 mark we get a bassline that hints at Son Kite or Ticon. The bassline gets very 80’s with changing chord patterns that remind me of Blue Monday "How does it feel to treat me like you do?” Nice filters and effects but the basslines repetition keeps asking me where are we going? The track ends without really expanding on the story and is a little too repetitive for my tastes but it is a good track with excellent production.

3. Let me take you - 9WEST
Solid beat, moody pads, electro voices, this track starts strong. Lots of vocals samples and an electro bassline that changes key as it rolls along. Colorful and shimmering effects move the story along to a very interesting breakdown. At 4:20 this male vocal comes in that just about ruins the track for me. I just do not like this kind of male spoken vocals. I would have mixed out by this point in a set. Still this track has some very interesting ideas in it.

4.Oddessey House – FIORD
A softer more interesting intro from the Antix boys. A moving grinding sound at the start makes this track stand out. I love it. Very 3d sound production. Around 1:30 the track really starts to shape itself. Some strings sweep in for a moment and just as fast are gone. These guys are top of their game and this track stands out as the best so far. Psychedelic without being forceful, interesting without being repetitive. A pure joy of a track.

5. Electric Division - SONIC CUBE
Sonic cube put out a very good album in 2006 that I enjoyed so lets see what they are up to now. Simple melody and bassline start the track out with a long breakdown around the 2:30 mark with groovy hard to understand vocal samples (the better to trace you with). Around 3:55 a playful and slightly unusual melody line comes in. A good solid track.

6. Robotika – DUCA
Nice and funky right from the start Duca draws me in with nice solid percussion and interesting production. Good filter use and interesting changeup around the 1:30 mark. Key changing basslines abound on this cd and this is no different. A melody right from the 80’s comes out towards the end. Unlike most of the sound on this cd this track is VERY trance.

7. Egg in a hole (Souzz rmx) - MONDAYS MILLIONAIRES
Modays Millionaires is Hayden Storm of Antix fame and Jeppe Ornkilde from Phony Orphants. I have not heard the original track but this remix is very nice. Synth heavy with floating pads and stabbing melodies. At home in a very progressive set or a house set this track also stands out on the CD. Around 3:40 some very interesting changes take place background percussive melodies melt into a fantastic breakdown with a very strange sample about a prostitute (actually she claims she is not one). Good track for daytime dance floors.

8. Dirty Monday (Bart Van Wissen rmx) – PHATJAK
Very 80’s sounding electro breakbeats open this track. Playful colorful tones and killer bassline morph into a nasty distorted lead. I love this style of electro. It hints of sweaty dance floors and while a bit heavy on the house tones this track stands out as well. Cheese is cheese but I am eating it up. Lots of talent on this track and I think a remix that’s a bit lighter on the house music influences could be a monster of a dancefloor track. As it is it would be a stand out track in any house set.

9. Kinky girl - ELEGANT UNIVERSE
The last track on the cd come from ELEGANT UNIVERSE. A slow shuffling start tells a story of lazy Sunday afternoons. Vocals samples and a funky bassline come in with a voice like lead that shift underneath you. Dissonant and funky.. How did he pull that off? A very interesting closer for the first CD from Prestige

Overall I enjoyed this CD quite a bit but it strays fairly far from what I would play in a set. Still it’s a great dj tool and one I would not hesitate to pull out for those clubbier gig’s where the darker stuff won’t fly. Thanks to Glen and the Iboga/Prestige family.

Faves 1,4,6,8

Glen.C (Iboga Rec)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  52
Posts :  686
Posted : Dec 20, 2006 12:49
Nice and honest review. Thanks for the comments.

As you can tell, I wasn't really aiming at the trance floor... more the club scene. Keep us warm for those cold winter months!


Spikers & Midinoize - Lisbon Hooker (Glen C rmx) coming soon on Earhead Audio
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  31
Posts :  236
Posted : Dec 20, 2006 18:20
After a few more listens on much better speakers some of these tracks really opened up for me. I recomend this CD for anyone that plays daytime sets or has bookings at clubs. The Fiord track is simply fantastic! Looking forward to the next release from Prestige. Nice work Glen!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  40
Posts :  449
Posted : Dec 20, 2006 18:54
Really good v.a
Keep this spirit ! 
Out Now! va PROFESSIONAL MATCD12 - Compiled by Dj Anahata
Mauricio Duarte

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Posts :  4
Posted : Dec 21, 2006 07:43
Awesome release!!
all the best guys, really an excellent start for the new sublabel of the giant iboga!! love all the V/A )
Keep up the good work!!

Started Topics :  74
Posts :  507
Posted : Dec 21, 2006 20:07
Fantastic Compilation!
Enjoying every track...specialy the Fiord one!
more of this!
s.h.e.e.p.(y) greetings

PINKE PUNKTE - progressive Grooves
Freedom Fighters
Freedom Fighters

Started Topics :  35
Posts :  162
Posted : Dec 23, 2006 19:28
Modays Millionaires & The Bart Van Wissen remix to Phatjak & Elegant Universe
are defently the best tracks on this comp.
way to go Glen & Prestige music.
          Freedom Fighters @ Utopia Records. - Music & Profile.
Glen.C (Iboga Rec)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  52
Posts :  686
Posted : Dec 24, 2006 15:42
thanks for the very kind words.
I had a launch party friday and played almost all the tracks. They worked very well!

Spikers & Midinoize - Lisbon Hooker (Glen C rmx) coming soon on Earhead Audio
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  131
Posts :  306
Posted : Jan 14, 2007 21:16
Cool one! Hard to pick a favourite, but I guess it´d be no. 8....also 1, 6, 7 work nicely...great stuff!           Out now:
*V.A. - Vanguard vol. 3 compiled by Duca & DJ Slater
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  41
Posts :  319
Posted : Jan 25, 2007 00:03
Wonderful compilation! As Slater said its hard to pick a favourite.. but has to be the Souzz RMX of MONDAYS MILLIONAIRES.

Good work Glen! Thanx for a cool releaseparty as well.. allthough I think I drank to many drinks ..           ------------~~---------~~--------------

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  166
Posted : Feb 1, 2007 12:51
8,9 my favourite
really nice compialation man
keep going
more house stuff in this great label

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  13
Posts :  149
Posted : Feb 3, 2007 12:47
Massive cred to u Glen, for making such an amazing compilation.. I just love it!           "The Only Good System.. IS A GOOD SOUNDSYSTEM!"
Glen.C (Iboga Rec)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  52
Posts :  686
Posted : Feb 6, 2007 23:46
thanks guys for the kind words.
Seems to getting recived very well. 5 of the tracks are currently in the Release Promo chart... are our very own Mr Tikis (9west) is currently sitting at number 1!!!

Spikers & Midinoize - Lisbon Hooker (Glen C rmx) coming soon on Earhead Audio

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  166
Posted : Feb 8, 2007 16:12
Thanks glen for kind words

look forward mate for nue tunes

regards to everybody
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Prestige Music - Diversity CD
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