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IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  30
Posts :  281
Posted : Aug 23, 2006 00:16

we're getting a bit off-topic and the line up for this party is already settled... so there's really no point in arguing here... but maybe someone else will eventually listen           A clear conscience is usually the sign of a bad memory.
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2006 05:42
Compadre and Dana I do feel you.
To me the saddest part of it, its to have so many Killer artist that hail from our land, that are not appreciate or booked here in Mexico.I've seen quite a few outside of Mexico for the first time, you know what Im talking about Alfreak! amazing turns out with over 500 people, going crazy because a Mexican artist is headlining the Gig . if we turn around we have parties here in our crazy city Guadalajara, where you get 3000 people going nuts with skazi .. funny isnt? no even one mexican live,maybe one or two but hardly ever exist the support for newbreed talents. or they just dont want to pay a fee that would be like 10% of what they are paying for a international act.
you might wonder why?
Because I do?
getting offtopic but that the way it is..

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Aug 23, 2006 08:30

On 2006-08-23 05:42, kin beat wrote:
Compadre and Dana I do feel you.
To me the saddest part of it, its to have so many Killer artist that hail from our land, that are not appreciate or booked here in Mexico.I've seen quite a few outside of Mexico for the first time, you know what Im talking about Alfreak! amazing turns out with over 500 people, going crazy because a Mexican artist is headlining the Gig . if we turn around we have parties here in our crazy city Guadalajara, where you get 3000 people going nuts with skazi .. funny isnt? no even one mexican live,maybe one or two but hardly ever exist the support for newbreed talents. or they just dont want to pay a fee that would be like 10% of what they are paying for a international act.
you might wonder why?
Because I do?
getting offtopic but that the way it is..

          -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS

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Posts :  98
Posted : Aug 25, 2006 14:03
what happen with the chill stage ?
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
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Posted : Aug 26, 2006 00:03
na na naaaaw.

Is not the money, the artists listed for this party are kinda expensive .
So the trick is : "lets bring no matter how expensive or how comercial is the artist like Skazi or whatever!,, to fill our pockets with all the flog .

IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  34
Posts :  351
Posted : Aug 28, 2006 20:03
ok, that was a bad humor comment. -sorry for that-
off-topic actually. -i accept-
but nothing personal ok!.
just a point of view.

peace and love to all.

Started Topics :  2
Posts :  180
Posted : Aug 28, 2006 21:12
Live Acts:
Skazi (chemical crew – israel)
Astrix (hommega – israel)
Space Cat (vision quest – israel)
Alien Project (tip world – uk)
Alien VS The Cat (tip world – uk)
Eskimo (phantasm – uk)
Eyal Yankovich (hommega – israel)
Void (chemical crew – israel)
Visual Paradox (compact records – israel)
Bizare Contact (compact records – israel)
Exaile (chemical crew – israel)
Visual Contact (compact records – israel)
Blue Lunar Monkey (basic-music – mexico)
Mexican Trance Mafia (basic-music – mexico)
Antigravity (phantasm/basic-music – mexico)
Chronos (basic-music – mexico)
+ 7 international artists

Kechu (spun records/basic-music – mexico)
Monky (basic-music – mexico)
Kali Arkta (basic-music – mexico)
Erick (basic-music – mexico)

Maldek (spun records/basic-music – mexico)
Cuca (ismerai/basic-music – mexico)
Katze (kinetik/basic-music – mexico)

Like ever... the same DJ΄s of ever... of all parties... and very expensive... I have seen those DJ΄s over and over again; Im tired of this, our opinion dosen΄t matter; Im gonna wait for Audiophatik in November. Its hopless to wait for a "big organization" bring us diferent Dj΄s.           UGLY BEFORE!
Substance / The Ataris

Started Topics :  15
Posts :  172
Posted : Aug 29, 2006 01:31

anyways, we're getting a bit off-topic and the line up for this party is already settled... so there's really no point in arguing here... but maybe someone else will eventually listen

hope this makes clear many doubts.

Started Topics :  9
Posts :  63
Posted : Aug 31, 2006 07:40
Maldek & Basic Music Crew GO GO GO
Bigggggggggg Love from Japan !!!

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Posts :  13
Posted : Sep 3, 2006 20:56
eei you guys i was waitng 4 a better line up on Beat on the beach.. why did you want to bring skazi?? bring some dark killers acts and even mexican talent to heard them and be proud of them, and the people who dont know some acts start to know about them:good:..i hope it will be a killer best wishes to all my friends

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Posted : Sep 3, 2006 21:10
and we have to make the festival something atractive not just for us in mexico, we have to make it atractive to people in other countries to they come and have a party..and they leave with an 3 good days of good music and not with a sad face...

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  19
Posts :  803
Posted : Sep 7, 2006 08:30
hey you guys should get Intersys (psytropic rec) to the play !!!!!!!! bring that fucker to mexico           -PaRtYcLeS aLL oVeR tHE WoOdS
kin beat
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  62
Posts :  953
Posted : Sep 8, 2006 01:47
fuck yeah,bring him, Intersys kick asses!


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Posts :  31
Posted : Sep 8, 2006 16:47
Yeah!! Get Intersys, i would like to see intersys kicking asses righ here in mexico.

but i think , the party will be amazing just without intersys, bad
-> kechu

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Posts :  2
Posted : Sep 19, 2006 09:42
I think its a nice line up but I also think can be better .
in my personal opinion im glad to be part of this party as a dj , but.... I cant hide that im a bit sad about comentaries like cheap and shit mexican talent on the party ?
It's not just !!!!!
but its true in all mexico we need to learn to have respect for each-other and apresiate the work even in the most little town in the country .
its like guadalajara vs mexico city all the time if i live in guadalajara i dont play in mexico city festivals and the other way around , dont u think its stup... i love my friends shove barak vasik rhyno d-tek tron forza artur dende panda and I also respect and enjoy xibalba odiseo sky-fi ojos and many many more lives and set's .
people who for a long time I have seen and I have partying with and they all live in mexico city .
is not right and just to judge people ..
cos u play to often in ur country .

just it is when you think by a better plan without harming third people .

dont u think so?
and yes i think will be better if they invite my friends to the stagge.
respect. kechu
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