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Pre Boom Festival Lisbon meet up!


Started Topics :  1
Posts :  36
Posted : Jun 23, 2010 19:45:35

Okies! Boom festival is round the corner! Closer than we think it is!

A friend and me are heading to Boom. I am sure, like us, there will be loads of people hanging out in Lisbon on their way to Boom. So lets all sync up on 16th of August.

Lets figure out a time and a place! Lets spread the vibe!

Cosmic Tandav

Started Topics :  67
Posts :  1026
Posted : Jun 24, 2010 08:35
you will come across a lot of boom ppl at Baixa and Chiado and later on the evenings at Bairro Alto sitiing outside the Fado bar (i forgot its name)starting atlast 4 -5 days before boom... 
Horrordelic Records

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  1247
Posted : Jun 24, 2010 09:13
There is a festival forum here, use that post maybe ?            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  36
Posted : Jun 24, 2010 09:40
Thanks guys!


On 2010-06-24 08:35, Cosmic Tandav wrote:
you will come across a lot of boom ppl at Baixa and Chiado and later on the evenings at Bairro Alto sitiing outside the Fado bar (i forgot its name)starting atlast 4 -5 days before boom...

Hey Cosmic Tandav! It will great if you can share some of your experiences at Boom for the benefit of all of us! We wanna get the feel of the vibe, culture and the experience on the whole!
Scrambled Headz
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  47
Posts :  955
Posted : Jun 24, 2010 15:24
hey ppl we have 3 cheap tickets for the booom if anyone is interested !
1 x 120
2 x 150           : Panaiz *25 Motorbrain :

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  1
Posted : Jun 25, 2010 02:34
Hey bro!! My first time to BOOM!! got my tickets and am almost ready to go... love your idea of starting the party right from Lisbon.. would like to hear some more first hand experiences to kinda build the excitement.. can't wait to get there already

Started Topics :  6
Posts :  40
Posted : Jun 27, 2010 17:32
hello psyppl if you're comming early for boom, Blissful would like to invite you to the Blissful Festival @ Azambuja Beach @ Portugal on 16 - 19 July and also the Blissful Mega Free Party on 14th August @ Almeirim.

All info @

All the best.

Let's Feel Blissful           http://BLISSFUL.BE
Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Pre Boom Festival Lisbon meet up!
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