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Posted : Nov 14, 2012 14:55:24
recently i watched a movie about postmodern human machine interfaces and evolution 2.0 that brought me to new perspectives that i would like to discuss with fellow humans
normally we tend to glorify the cyber evolution 2.0 and to believe that the latest achievements of science and technology can only bring prosperity to humanity. we hope that the artificial intelligence, the new human machine interfaces or the social networks will only turn our society to a mush more advances and intelligent collective and collaborative global mind. we tend to hope for a better future as the advanced medicine and life sciences will bring us longer healthier lives and even immortality, as far as the fusion of human brain and computer chips is concerned.
well , after i watched that one, i had a lot of new questions in my mind. does this movie have the same influence on you?
how do you imagine our future?
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Nov 26, 2012 18:00
I havent seen the movie, but I will answer your questions:
Technology and science are neutral to humankind, it's the humans who decide it's use.
The very fast pace of technological development is a novelty in human history and we have still not learn how to deal with it. We are pretty much teenagers when it comes to adapt and choose technologic innovations.
For example robots and 3d printing will have a big impact of human economy, many jobs could be lost and society as a whole is not prepared to give those workers another way of living.
Many invididuals stop at some time i their life and sit down, take a look around, they account all they have down in their lives and carefully evaluate how they want to continue living. I feel humanity needs one of those moments.
"The dedication to repetition — the search for nirvana in a single held tone or an endlessly cycling rhythm — is one of electronic music's noblest gestures."
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jan 25, 2015 22:49
Thanks for the answer.
How can technology be neutral to human race if it is the very reason why our life expectation has grown up to double and if there is not even one single field of human activity that is not totally interconnected with technology?
The technological singularity hypothesis is that accelerating progress in technologies will cause a runaway effect wherein artificial intelligence will exceed human intellectual capacity and control, thus radically changing or even ending civilization in an event called the singularity
Here is a video that I watched about the future of human race and I really recommend it to you too:
It is about the role machines would play in our lives ten years from now - about humans transcending biology. As a matter of fact, if I see the hundreds of youtube videos about singularity, I even ask myself if I had slept all the time in the last two-three years to see where the boat is really heading too. But I have to say, I am lucky that I am awaken enough to place the issue in a spirituality forum and not in a technology forum. At the end of the day, it is still fiction.
Anyway, the latest trends of technology - not only 3d printing but also evolutionary biology, self driving cars, the cities of the future, the nanotechnology, the robotics, virtually reality - all of them are highly interesting and I think there can't be anything better than doing our best to become a small part of the further development in these fields ( which is hard enough), but to be honest, I really believe that we should never forget where we came from and that there is more to reality than that. There is ethics, philosophy, dreams, emotions, and finally the science is still far alway from explaining (at least to me) in a plausible way, what was there before the creation of the universe.