IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Feb 10, 2009 13:37:50
Hello dear Isratrance members,
Before you start a topic or post in any of them, please read some short "guideline rules".
1. This is an international forum; Express yourself in English.
2. We also know that sometimes some "smelly" vocabulary is going to be used, some words which could offend users here. So, try to avoid those words as much as you can.
3. Before you start a new post, please read carefully the topic purpose, otherwise you could go into offtopic.
4. If you are an artist or a DJ and you are coming to visit Italy or if you are coming to Europe and trying to be noticed that you are arround, please post your notification into a topic which is placed on the TOP of Italian forum. Every alternatives topics regarding this "issue" are going to be deleted without any warning.
New party topics:
We all would like to have a nice, well overlooked party posting; Try to use "party system" ( ) which is placed above in the Italy section.
When you post a party, please be carefull and make a full INFO party promotion ( Price, place, DJs, venue etc.. )
Have a nice time
  Psynthex [ Vertikal Records ]
Minniq [ Parked Below Records ]
Frequent Pill [ Ultimae Records ] |