Polyphonia-Future World (Insomnia 2008)
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 11, 2008 23:14:18
Polyphonia-Future World
1. Future World
2. Voodoo Style
3. Other Reality
4. Altered States
5. Viva La Revolution
6. Distorted Reality
7. Expander Of The mind
8. Spiritual War
9. The Last One
10. Volt Thrower
This is the first album of Greek producer Romolo Cherie.
I put Future World in the same category with The Nommos, Psykovsky, Derango and KinDzaDza. It’s dark psy, but music made for the mind.
Polyphonia is really a mind expanding kind of music, futuristic yet spiritual, a marriage between machine and human.
The style here is dark. Real dark, not cliche stuff. It’s filled with transforming sounds floating all over which blending into a obscure chaos.
It’s spacey, mind expanding and psychedelic in its real meaning of the world=soul confession.
The bassline although monotonous fits perfectly with the effects. There’s no real melodies except some lines scattered around that appear and dissapear through the rest of the mayhem.
To be honest I was waiting for more of these lines, exactly in the same way of his Challo track in Worldbridger compilation. The only track that really reminds me of that track is Volt Thrower, which I guess is a tribute to the metal band Bolt Thrower. There’s a guitar sample at the start right before the track opens your mind and distorts reality. Unbelievable!
Other great tracks are Altered States, Distorted Reality, Mind Expander and The Last One although all of them work great for why they were made after all... tripping!
At the end, this is music difficult to be described with words. It’s this kind of music made not to be danced wild in a party, but for mind travelling while you' re sitting around fire, somewhere deep in a forest, watching the dark sky and use a lot of acid.
It’s not a perfect album, since some tracks could be done better, but this is for sure Ritual Music!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 13, 2008 19:52
On 2008-07-11 23:14:18, Ormion wrote:
I put Future World in the same category with The Nommos, Psykovsky, Derango and KinDzaDza. It’s dark psy, but music made for the mind.
Distorted Reality, Other Reality, Voodoo Style & Last One are the Polyphonia i know. The rest was nothing too impressive imo. And definitely no comparison to the Psykovsky or Derango albums. Moreover i feel this music is more for the dancefloor, if you have heard old Polyphonia you will know what music for the mind is
Anyways some very good work on this CD as well + the new production rocks.
Boom |
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Posted : Jul 13, 2008 22:21
really great album!..intelegent darkpsy...
Zman - unfortunately we cannot do the music only for u.... we are dont care of u! because u are Mister Dissapointed and Nothing Impressiveman))
People are difficult when they inspired only one music flow(way)
DerangoDerangoDerangoDerangoDerangoDerango blablablablabla))))) We are all know that they are the best!! but we dont want to do what they do to will like u)) hehehehe
nothing personal
Psyfactor - Futurised (ambient album) OUT NOW!!! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 13, 2008 22:48
On 2008-07-13 19:52, Zman wrote:
if you have heard old Polyphonia you will know what music for the mind is
I found Volt Thrower (just like Challo) really mind music, unlike Illuminati for example which was more dancefloor oriented (great track btw!).
But of course different ppl, different thoughts |
Fright Rate
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Posted : Jul 13, 2008 23:17
Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jul 14, 2008 17:22
Great album with nice production
Liked the evolution in polyphonia project
kudos to insomnia records
keep it like this
bom bolenaut
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Posted : Jul 14, 2008 18:46
totally offtopic..there was nothing unrespectable in Zman words..but just a metter of taste..and even if i can understand u pinachet and psyfactor..i guess you should moderate a bit and write what u think in private. dont even know why i'm writing this
anyways relly good work baba!
keep it up!
bholenath! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 14, 2008 19:41
totally agree with anam
zman has only expressed an opinion
btw the album of mr Polyphonia is really good!
like so much : voodo style , other reality, distorted reality and future war...
good work romolo
waiting for more
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Posted : Jul 14, 2008 23:02
Agree with psyfactor here. Very intelligent album. Really amazing soundscapes..... And as the author said... this is more of an album ... tht u just sit and listen and get transported. Stellar production. All this is just based on the samples i hear on Saiko. I think im gonna love it once i get the album in my hand now. So i'm lookin fwd to hear it very much and in the mountains too
Great job Rolos!!!! |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 14, 2008 23:33
Ouch, did i offend somebody?
Dear Mr. Psyfactor, your uncouth, third rate, hooligan-like slang really makes me feel sorry for a peasant you because it is quite obvious that the feedback i posted on your album stroked some sensitive chords eh? And if you really didn't care you wouldn't have wasted your precious 3 minutes of time responding to my crap. Worry not, it takes a certain caliber of artists who can handle criticism, you don't come close to that league, so boo.
As for pinachet, time to stop hiding behind that account sir.. I know things pinch when someone is critical, sorry im this way, my post illustrated my own opinion, you probably dont give a fuck, but neither do i
The funny bit is, Rolos is probably least bothered by all this, so lets not waste time arguing over something such as this. The truth is about 40% of this album is very good work, the rest didn't stand out to me.
Have a great day
PS- If either of you want to continue, hit me up via pm, entertainment guaranteed. cheers : ) |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jul 15, 2008 01:19
Please focus on reviewing the music.
Thank you.
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell... |
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Posted : Jul 15, 2008 08:51
This is a cool CD. I suspect it was a bit dated by the time it released.. but what CD isnt? This CD portrayed (sp? portraited? who cares right?) the style i knew Polyphonia for.
I admit i was a bit dissapointed that I didnt hear a completely new style of Polyphonia but how can I not enjoy the tradition sound? He is surely one of my favorites in darkpsy and i cant knock this album for not putting out a completely transformed sound when I enjoy the traditional sound so much. I mean what if it changed and i didnt like the new stuff? Its not like theres a bunch of other Polyphonias out there anyways, this guy is one of a kind.
This should be reguarded as a good release in darkpsy because there's not a whole lot of solid darkpsy full lengths out there. it is really hard for one artist to continually keep the listeners interest for an entire album.
Interesting comments so far. I think psyfactor was trying to say that this isnt a style suppose to be (wasnt specifically made for people who) like derango or psykosvky so like zman said this isnt comparable to derango and psykosvky. I agree Derango and Psykosvky arent like Polyphonia but as Ormion said its all darkpsy. Unless u wanna stick derango into what ive heard called "forest" psy. Which would be accompanied by Traskell, Hallucinogenic Horses, Zoolog maybe? Nonetheless.. derango, poly, and kovsky have their own unique qualities. He also mentioned nothing personal. Then again who can take an insult like having "hooligan-like english" personally? Who are you Ned Flanders?
Thx for keeping the review short and to the point. I dont need to read 80% fluff derived from a thesaurus to understand what you think of this album. kind of hypocritical of me though considering I wrote more than you did.
remember: dont player hate. congratulate. haha sorry i dont kno wut that has to do with this
sorry for turning this into my blog haha
gerald |
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Posted : Jul 15, 2008 08:57
hooligan like slang ... lol :P .. i skimmed thru it quickly , does indeed sound slightly softer? than his old stuff but definitely better sound ..crisp .. take care |
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Jul 16, 2008 21:28
to mee it's one of the best releases so far in 2008.
defently deep music for mind aswell for the DF.
Viva la revolucion psychedelica, hehehe.
  to use your head you have to go out of your mind |
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Posted : Jul 17, 2008 01:28