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Posted : May 15, 2012 03:04:50
hi... been listening to this track for a while now.. found it on soulseek about 5 years back under the name highko - dna soup.. thats when i used to like highko stuff... then i moved onto more scando psytrance like derango n sanaton stuff.. so havent listened to highko music since 2007.. but lately, i thought of just checking out all my old music and came across this track... eventhough it says higko - dna soup, i feel this is not highko.. maybe some trader or someone faked the name like they usually do to trade off for some ""unreleased stuff"".. no offense, but this track is way too cool and more complicated than usual highko stuff... so i'd love to know who made this track...
some sounds remind me of parasense, some other sounds psykovsky...
so if you identify the track or even the style or have heard it before, do post.
thanks yo!...through the darkness of futures past,
the magician longs to see...
one chants out between two worlds,
fire.. walk with me
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : May 16, 2012 17:56
@ 2:50 there is a sample from the movie "Extreme Ops":
...higher... I’m German. I’m never comfortable.
Hope this helps.
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...