PHYLER - Free rare unreleased tracks!
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Posted : Nov 26, 2012 17:14:00
Hi everyone!
For almost 8 years we had a Progressive Trance Project called "Phyler". Maybe even some of you have heard of us. However, some time ago we quit making music.
Cleaning up my computer I've found these years-old progressive trance tracks that we've made and that are slowly gathering dusk on my hard disk. They are all unreleased, unmastered and some of them in horrible sound quality, but still it would be a pitty to let them rot on the hard disk. We've played them in several live-sets but apart from that always kept the tracks under tight wraps, but now that we quit, we've decided to let you people out there listen to what we've produced over the years. That's why we've uploaded them on Youtube... Enjoy! Feedback is still welcome!
Here's the link to our channel: |
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Posted : Nov 26, 2012 19:58
Sounds awesome , you shouldn't of quit |
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Posted : Nov 26, 2012 23:51
Thanks! |
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Posted : Nov 28, 2012 03:35
Some of them have nice moments and ideas.
Why did you quit? It would be interesting to know something about your musical background.
  Fire Walk With Me |
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Posted : Dec 6, 2012 09:06
Thanks a lot, ierofante.
Phyler were my best friend and me. Being close friends since childhood days the two both share the same musical background. In 1998 we visited our first psychedelic trance parties in Hamburg, Germany and were immediately fascinated by psytrance. We kind of grew into the scene at the offspring of the new progressive trance style of artists like Haldolium, Bitmonx, Auricular and so on. Numerous parties followed that more and more sparked their interest in electronic music and 4/4 beats. We pretty much spend weekend by weekend on the dancefloor. Inspired by these festivals and indoor events we wanted to make a contribution to the scene, which back in the days was rather small and familial - everyone knew everyone. Initially we started djing in 2001, but soon conceptions for own tracks awoke and we felt the urge to unleash their own ideas. Consequently we made their first steps in music production in 2002 – though at the outset in a rather poor technical quality. We started learning by doing with Fruity Loops and Reason. We had no internet, no friends who were making music, there weren't any youtube tutoprials. Basically we had to teach us everything ourselves. By purchasing higher value hardware and software we then laid the foundation for future improvement and the adequate realization of our ideas andacquired more professional production techniques and soon better results were made.
In 2005 we were asked by a friend to performe live on a small party in Hamburg. Combining nearly all track we had made in the last 3 years we a 2 hour live set. Still being not really confident about our live set's quality, we were amazed by the positive feedback and were offered several gigs in northern Germany. With new improved tracks we played various live sets in Germany on numerous events such as the Psychedelic Circus Festival, the Intact Expanda, one of Hamburgs biggest indoor events, and the Shambala Open Air, building up a reputation in the local psytrance community. We really put our hearts and souls into our music. However, we were extremely self-critical and never reached the point where we would reach the point to say "This is exactlly the way our music is supposed to sound." and we never felt completely ready to release, though many DJs drove us to send out demos, but we always kept most of our tracks under tight wraps. Looking back after many years have passed, I think we should have sent out more demos, because in comparison to a lot of other stuff that was released back in the days, our stuff was on par. Of course there were far better and more profesional acts and artists, but still some of our tracks could have appeared on compilations, so that they become available for to the public.
In the last few years we simply became older and less less passionate about it and that's usually the point when you should stop imho. Our priorities in live changed. We live in different cities now, are too busy working so we can't spend day and night every weekend producing tunes. We still make a track here and there, but it's not enough to keep "Phyler" alive. That's why we decided to put all the stuff we have out there. It won't be realeased anyways, but it would be a shame to let our music slowly rot on our harddisks.
Cheers for the feedback.