Perfect Stranger & Eitan Reiter- Lizard (Echoes)
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 12, 2010 14:11:19
1. Perfect Stranger & Eitan Reiter- Lizard (original) 11:30
2. Perfect Stranger & Eitan Reiter- Lizard (Alex Di Stefano remix) 7:45
im a fan of both eitan reiter & perfect stranger so it was natural i buy this blind even though it is on beatport with its outragous prices for wavs. it was worth it i must say.
get ready to cry. this is what it is all about for me always. reminds me of the old days, very old days. a lot of space, powerful emotion, beautiful melody that goes straight to the heart and take no prisoner and total acid feeling. ACID! the original has a more trancey touch and a dreamy quality and the remix is more technoish and has more punch, but they both just work so well for me. great groove, massive sound.
beautiful shit! can't wait to hear it on a dusty morning dancefloor! highly recommended! |
Freakulizer / Khainz
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Posted : Sep 13, 2010 12:45
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Sep 13, 2010 13:18
Great EP. Oldschool to the bone, but in new clothing.
Review soon...
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi
"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley
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Posted : Sep 13, 2010 16:40
The original is great! |
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Sep 14, 2010 11:19
Perfect Stranger & Eitan Reiter- Lizard EP (Echoes, Sep. 2010)
1. Lizard 11:30
2. Lizard (Alex Di Stefano remix) 7:45
Perfect Stranger and Eitan Reiter collaborated so far only through remixing each other. Now Echoes bring us a first real collaboration between the two. It goes by the name Lizard and DJ Osho of Echoes brought an Italian force to do the remix work, as he often does. Prepare for the time tunnel, Doug and Tony are here!
The first thing I must say about Lizard is that it is so musical! In days when melodies and harmonies are often either non-existent, pale echoes of old used ones, or outright stale, Lizard is so full of real music. The second thing I must say about Lizard, and it is connected to the first one, is that if you've been around for a long time, it will throw you back in time. In an instant. 1993 or 1994, I think. It has that totally fresh naïve acid techno feel to it with a flavour of what came to be good old Goa trance, but in the time when it didn't really have a name yet. It is naïve, optimistic, full of beauty, yet psychedelic and out of this world, and purely magical. In my mind I cannot help but vision a bunch of colorful happy hippies dancing in the moments just before the sunrise on some faraway beach under coconut palms. It manages to capture for me moments in time that happened long long ago and yet it feels totally true. That is something that can be done, I suspect, only if the people making it truly have that special feeling somewhere in their hearts and minds. Oh, and one more thing- this track talks! I will leave it for you to find out what it says, though.
The remix by Alex Di Stefano is more in your face, it has more punch, and it too takes me back in time. A couple of years later this time, when things became more tribal, when the beat took control, when tracks started to explode. This is one of those tracks that gets all the dancefloor jumping together as one, if dropped in the right moment. It still carries some of the emotional charge from the original, of course, and serves as a perfect match for it.
Recommendation: A track that brings me to write so much about it… well… it says it all, I feel. Beautiful EP. A Must.
"Be the change you want to see in the world!"
M.K. Gandhi
"There is only one corner of the universe you can be certain of improving, and that's your own self."
Aldous Huxley
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Sep 15, 2010 13:44
Original is rocks!
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Sep 25, 2010 08:18
its amazing how many times i can listen to this ep in repeat and not get tired of it. i guess it's because it has real music inside... |