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partys in israel?

Iron Madness
Iron Madness

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  600
Posted : Jul 1, 2006 16:15
hi all...
well i decided to open this topic coz at the last year the partys in israel got a acceleration... i mean alot of new production's...
my point here is... first of all the selection most of the production's dont make good selection and some dont make at all!
i say Wtf? why its like that? why i need to go to some party with a bad feeling or to be scary that some "Ars" will look at me and will get some swich and i dont know what he can do... but i'm sure some bad things...
or whan that i'm play or some one else... all the organizer's most have to put some keeper near the dj position...
what i need to endanger my self???
organizers where is your responsibility
i had many times some incidents that i'm was playing and ppl was disturb me...
at the bad moment ppl can to threaten on u and then its realy bad!
again organizer's where is yours responsibility?

the second thing...

whan organizer's inviting some artist's or dj to play and they need to pay so today we need to fight with some of them for to get the payment!
is not need to be like that at all!!!
i dont say that they need to pay from advance but fuck damn why u dont have the mony for evry thing from advance in your pocket??? first of all its solver alot of problams... second its more easy and proffesional to work like that and if u (the organizer's) so whant to make a party and u dont have the mony from advance so DONT MAKE A PARTY or FUCK YOUR FRINDS AND NOT ANOUTHER PPL THAT COMING TO MAKE THE WORK!

and alot of things i whanted to say but i whant to see first opinions from u ...

so what do u think?

cheer's guys...

*i'm sorry that i'm so brutal now but i think its enough i was cant save it to my self any more...
Opus (Eli)
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jul 1, 2006 16:39
well iron, i really agree with you, but the world are not perfect!!!
like in every busnise we have the bad and the good things,bad ppl and good one!!!
keep eyes up and don't trust onlly on buetifull face!
im sure that you have somting to tell us about your experiance!
about the selection i have to say that not all the parties are like you have many good productions that make good selection on there crowd!!!


opus(senka tribe)

          "The harmony between heart and soul is the divine...
the divine trance".
Iron Madness
Iron Madness

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  600
Posted : Jul 1, 2006 16:47

On 2006-07-01 16:39, Opus (Eli) wrote:
well i really agree with you, but the world are not perfect!!!
like in every busnise we have the bad and the good things,bad ppl and good one!!!
keep eyes up and don't trust onlly on buetifull face!
im sure that you have somting to tell us about your experiance!


opus(senka tribe)

hi dude... for sure i have and i said it here and i still didnt finish to say all what i have... i also said some things in anouther's topic's but man look... the world its realy not so perfact yes? but evry one have a personal deliberatively... and in some things like "how to make a party?" have some ruls... and some important things that need to take common sense and if some ppl cant stant at this condition's so better not to do nothing...

i didnt got this phenomenon in anouther countrys...

but i'm sure that its happening in anouther countrys but not like how its happening in israel belive me...
psyball m.d.m.a

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Posts :  2
Posted : Jul 1, 2006 16:47
hiii man you are right
i see in some partys that ars rob some
discs and equipment...

i hope that everything will be ok
and we dont have to see this kind
of behavior any more
Opus (Eli)
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  24
Posts :  385
Posted : Jul 1, 2006 16:51

On 2006-07-01 16:47, Iron Madness wrote:

On 2006-07-01 16:39, Opus (Eli) wrote:
well i really agree with you, but the world are not perfect!!!
like in every busnise we have the bad and the good things,bad ppl and good one!!!
keep eyes up and don't trust onlly on buetifull face!
im sure that you have somting to tell us about your experiance!


opus(senka tribe)

hi dude... for sure i have and i said it here and i still didnt finish to say all what i have... i also said some things in anouther's topic's but man look... the world its realy not so perfact yes? but evry one have a personal deliberatively... and in some things like "how to make a party?" have some ruls... and some important things that need to take common sense and if some ppl cant stant at this condition's so better not to do nothing...

i didnt got this phenomenon in anouther countrys...

but i'm sure that its happening in anouther countrys but not like how its happening in israel belive me...

this is our fucking culture!!!
but steel you have some good guys that try in this secne


opus(senka tribe)           "The harmony between heart and soul is the divine...
the divine trance".
Iron Madness
Iron Madness

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  600
Posted : Jul 1, 2006 16:54
i forgot to say also eli u right 100% we have some good productions with a good vibes and with a good ppl and evry thing is good but lets do a analogue...

man... most of the partys its like what i said... and its realy like that... its a irresponsibility abaut evry thing...

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  314
Posted : Jul 1, 2006 17:12

On 2006-07-01 16:47, psyball m.d.m.a wrote:
hiii man you are right
i see in some partys that ars rob some
discs and equipment...

i hope that everything will be ok
and we dont have to see this kind
of behavior any more

then check the partyes u go to .
we as artists/ Dj's NOT choosing the partyes we go to (play i mean) and for sure as Ziv say its ORGENIZER'S RESPONSIBILITY to take care the ppl he invited play in his party ...
PEACE, out ...........           SpazZz - GBM Records
Urban Tropic
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  28
Posts :  372
Posted : Jul 1, 2006 17:22
You right Ziv & things like that just ruining the israeli trance scene.

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  195
Posted : Jul 1, 2006 17:31
You need to know where you're going to play at before you go, if you will go play at any 13 year old party you can't expect too much...
imo young artists care only about playing in as many partys as they can and make a lot of money out of it, and because of that they see many bad things in bad partys.
If you will go and play only at partys that you know are ok with the crowd and everything you won't see any problem + ask for your money before your set, and don't count on getting it after and then come cry on the forum like some artists do here.

my point - its better to play less at partys, make a bit less money, but to know that you're going to enjoy the party and not see any problems.
If you still have a need to play a lot you can always play for free in some partys, (no shame in that you know), you don't have to charge a full price for your set, and in that case if you see any problems you can always stop your set and ask for somebody to replace you, since you have no obligation cuz you're not getting paid.

While you are still an artist in "small scale" don't expect party organizers to treat you like marcus from x-dream. try to build up your name and create good music, a part of building your reputation is playing in the right places + the genre you're playing also is directly connected to how people see you and what kind of crowd you will see in the partys you play at.

Good luck

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  163
Posted : Jul 1, 2006 17:44
ok, let me tell you guys something...

iron madness wrote:
"the world its realy not so perfact yes? but evry one have a personal deliberatively... and in some things like "how to make a party?" have some ruls... and some important things that need to take common sense and if some ppl cant stant at this condition's so better not to do nothing..."

man, i think you just go to the wrong parties, ok? it's true, some productiond act like total ass holes and are very unprofessional, but hey, nobody is forcing you to play at their parties! so even though you say you look out for the good ones and try to be carefull, how come you get hurt evey time? may be you're not doing the right screening...may be the problem is that you just hook up with the wrong productions? (and i don't know who you are talking about, because i'm sorry but i don't really listen to that kind of music)
any way,i totaly disagree with sentences like " most of the partys its like what i said... and its realy like that... its a irresponsibility abaut evry thing" i'm sorry, but it's very childish of you to say that! from what i see, i can tell you we have a beautiful trance scene here in our little country, with beautiful peolpe that i would'nt trade for any other different nationality crowd!! and i've seen parties worldwise...
and as for what Eli said: "this is our fucking culture!!! " is that all you can say about your people? what about all the positive thing we have here, like the way we care for each other, like the way we face hardships in our every day life with bravery and maturity people in other countries just don't know about...but this is for a different discussion, and the list is too long any ways....
the bottom line - what i wanted to say is that i don't agree with these ideas you suggest here...if you feel that the quality of the parties you play in is not good enough for you i suggest you look better, before you decide to say something about most of the parties in this counry, or quit you job as a d.j...
Iron Madness
Iron Madness

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  600
Posted : Jul 1, 2006 17:50
Ben-G i'm agree with u and i'm not agree with u...
whan that i go to play and i'm sure evry one and i know who that going to play expacting first from evry thing to enjoy...
but look its dosent metter who make the party the organizer's need to take FULL responsibility abaut the ppl that coming to enjoy and abaut the ppl that coming to play... i dont whant to think abaut if will happen somthing realy realy bad to some body... its not need to be like that at all!!! as we have in every shop (most of them) evrey market every pub, "in every place" ppl with experience, ppl with knowledge & instrument... and i'm talking abaut the security... its most have to be also in the natural partys!
and as i said before who that no have the "wherewithal" to bring them or to cause to stand them so he cant make a party! man we talking here abaut ppl lifes...
is not a joke...

but no one need to be x-dream for to get good security or somthing else...
so who that is not X-dream so he have the lower class ??? no i dont think so...
the first thing that ppl need to think abaut its the confidence...
we have anough problams in our small countrys so this ppl need to relieve...

any way hehehe we lern from mistakes no? hehehehe

Started Topics :  29
Posts :  580
Posted : Jul 1, 2006 18:01

On 2006-07-01 16:15, Iron Madness wrote:
whan organizer's inviting some artist's or dj to play and they need to pay so today we need to fight with some of them for to get the payment!

man with this you are ablosutly right!

i went one month ago to a party of PEACE & LOVE PROD" and the guy didnt want to pay to Sun Girl,we drove 2 hours to this party and he sayd that he dont have a money to pay,so if its like this, say some thing befor, ppl are driving 2 hours to play in your party,in the end this guy gave her a stolen cheak!!!(cheak ganuv) and we had alot of truble for this and also SunGirl didnt saw one shekel out of this all balagan.

because of ppl like U our scene looks like this.

I say all the artists and dj's need to take money in advence!

Iron Madness
Iron Madness

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  600
Posted : Jul 1, 2006 18:06
gabs ahi i think u didnt got me...
u can see what spazzz wrote here...
as he said "we as artists/ Dj's NOT choosing the partyes we go to (play i mean)"

first we lerning from mistake's right?
second i didnt said that its happend to me... some things that i said in my first post its happend to me and to alot of ppl and also to the ppl in the good partys and production's...
and look man u just put words that i didnt said to my mouth :s
i didnt said that we dont have a qualitys partys...
quality party its not mean only "good ppl" its abaut evry thing... i dont whant to think and i'm sure not u and no one whant to think what can happen at the bad moments... and i'm talking abaut bad things that u can say "its not will happen" but who know if yes or not? so why to take this risk?
but comon its dosent metter wich party is it!
ppl whant come to the party and to back home with peacefully...

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  163
Posted : Jul 1, 2006 18:07
Ben G, are you a mind reader?
we basiclly said the same thing...
in other words, where do i sign?

iron madness, i understand your anger, but again - if you think the organizers should be responsible for you or for the quality of the crowd, choose responsibly!
Iron Madness
Iron Madness

Started Topics :  49
Posts :  600
Posted : Jul 1, 2006 18:12

On 2006-07-01 18:07, gabs wrote:
Ben G, are you a mind reader?
we basiclly said the same thing...
in other words, where do i sign?

iron madness, i understand your anger, but again - if you think the organizers should be responsible for you or for the quality of the crowd, choose responsibly!

not only for me for u for them self for evry one
Trance Forum » » Forum  Israel - partys in israel?

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