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Party org's poll suggestion


Started Topics :  4
Posts :  195
Posted : Apr 16, 2006 18:28
Hi all,
I have an idea for a thread that might be a bit problematic so i thought of getting the users and mods opinions before starting making a mess in the forum.
The topic would be about party organizations/productions in Israel. Every week we see on party reviews section many opinions of people about this/that production, reffering to prior partys by that production also, so I thought there should be a thread, some kind of poll, where everyone can say what they think about each party org'/pro' in Israel.
This may raise some problems because specific names would be involved and the opinions in that ad can offend certain people who might be reading in this forum.
So my question to you- Is that possible? can we say our opinion out in the open and talk freely about each party org?
It can be done in a nice way, where organizers will also be able to respond to questions about their partys (why this/that happend? etc.), and also show the users of the forum what are the org's rules (selection? age limit? alcohol/water can be brought inside? etc.), and can also help new unexperienced party people in choosing which events to go to, instead of posting a bad review in the forum about a party only to get answers like- "well everybody knows this production is bad and about the money so what did u expect?"

Well I hope what i wanted to ask went through inside all the mumbo jumbo of my post..

Your opinions users and mods please, smart idea/bad idea??
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  506
Posts :  5388
Posted : Apr 16, 2006 18:37
interesting concept although i think it will be hard to implement for many reasons, some possible bad scenarios that might occur are things like politics... how do u stop personal agendas? either good or bad for the specific org... it might also drive orgs. to get their friends to post for them biased comments... or you might get rivalries flaming each other online at the expense of the unknowing users. we have seen the phenomenon of self promotion in this forum, where orgs/artist/dj's open new nicknames to praise/review/trash each other - this will undoubtedly happen in this case. also, how do keep this black and white? is proggy not my cup of tea and i keep telling u a certain org sucks? or vice versa? i can think of more problems although, again - your idea and concept do not intend to go there, they just might.
think about it           "On the other hand, you have different fingers."

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  195
Posted : Apr 16, 2006 19:30
I know this subject can cause a lot of problems like you mentioned surrender, but i think that if we set ground rules for the discussion and maybe do the poll by certain parameters it will maybe clear the cloud surrounding all the orgs in israel and show the true agenda of each org.
examples for parameters for the poll:
- Are drinks allowed inside the party?
- What are the tickets prices, and does the price change according to line-up/location etc.
- What are the promotional tools used by the org to promote their events? (forum, sms, only list etc.)
- What are the bar prices?
- What is the trance genre mostly played in the org's events?
- Concept/Vision of the org's partys.
- Age limit? Presale?
- How many people are on the org's list? average number of people in a party.

I can think of many more, this way the discussion will be guided to the more important issues.

I know it will take a lot of moderation work in this ad and it can cause many problems, but on the other hand i think its a very important issue that should be out on the forum and let users speak their mind.
About the personal agendas- there should be a rule not to speak about the person runing the org, only at the general lines that the org maintain in its partys. also issues like money, greed etc. should be tabu for this ad. This way things will be said in a much normal way.
I think this could be one of the more interesting topics on "Trance In Israel" section, for sure many people will want to say their opinion. I don't think we shouldn't say our opinions just because we're scared that somebody will get hurt or somebody will start trashing/self promoting.
Bottom line- Will need hard moderation work but i think its worth it.

p.s.- If problems will occur it can always be locked as well...
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  17
Posts :  1362
Posted : Apr 17, 2006 00:18
Well Ben-G, you know i whould be very happy too see this kind of thread but i realy think that the "black list" idea is not very good..


1)You will see more and more cases of fake user names created to for orgenizers to trash on each other...we already have those now and you will see much more in this kind of thread..also the opposite case of org's who "mefargenim" to them selfs which we have shitloads of at the moment..

2)what exactly are you trying to achive?a black list of burnt org's?forget will never happen.the israeli crowd is either very stuped or have a very short memorey.remember the "new enemy" thread?where are all the ppl that goes to bitch in the reviews section every week?why didnt they wrote their thoughts and experiences in there to warn others...all i see there is a few "old timers who share their thoughts and experience . but the new the generation from the other hand only care for the killahhh line up's and wont care to be fucked weekend after weekend after weekend...

so if they dont care why should i?           Always agressive never progressive.

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  195
Posted : Apr 17, 2006 20:28
I don't want to get a black list of burnt orgs, i wanna make them see that some of the things some of the orgs do are not justified and shouldn't be done, best example for that will be the water and alcohol taking issue. maybe if it will gain momentum then we will be able to change some of the 'rules' of some orgs, and even though most of us (old timers with goa superiority complex ) don't go to these events, we will make it somehow better for the unexperienced people going to these parties.
Sometimes we need to put our finger on what is wrong to make other people see it and demand it fixed.

But i understand what both of you are saying, it will be very hard to implement ...
Trance Forum » » Forum - Party org's poll suggestion
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