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Parties in Berlin in january?

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  38
Posts :  365
Posted : Dec 18, 2013 11:17:38
Hello everyone! I will be in Berlin from 8th - 13th january 2014 and I wanted to see if there are some trance events (or any good edm event) in that period?
Even if there are no trance events, I'd like to get some recommendations for good (and not too expensive ) clubs in Berlin that I should visit. Thanks in advance! 

Started Topics :  0
Posts :  1
Posted : Dec 25, 2013 18:52

Pity... there are 2 Goa New Years Parties I know of, and another one on 17th January.

I don't know about anything coming up within the time you're here. Be sure to check the Goabase for that though, they're pretty up to date.

Clubs to visit are difficult to explain. Some, like the KitKatClub, have regular Goa parties but are completely different on the other days (e.g. fetish parties). Same for most other clubs...

I've heard Goa a lot at R19 lately. It's between Warschauer Straße and Ostkreuz. Nice little thing.

Good luck and enjoy your trip!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Germany - Parties in Berlin in january?
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