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Parents: bringing your kids to festivals?

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 14:22

On 2010-04-11 22:54, vector_0 wrote:
BTW, i don't have kids

just curious

having one will answer all your questions!!

b'om b'om!!           "... b'om ..."
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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 14:51

On 2010-04-12 13:49, TimeTraveller wrote:
^sure this is maybe even more the case but I know there are parents who are the most loviest in this world and their children are like in paradise not only but also because of such a wonderful expirience.Hard to describe.
NOrmally I would not recommend,I myself will do it,when time is right.For sure.If it is only to make sure to make the best possible I can imagine for them and this would be one of unlimited things which is full of love.Or it can be like this.I think you know what I mean.
I also saw the complete is not for generalization .
Sure for me is when the children are really under 4 this is almost a crime.Otherwise it can be full of light and joy.
well then looking on the alco speed festies of today maybe I would go for it ten years ago.But this is my opinion about this issue.

Indeed not everyone is irresponsible on this matter, but when the matter by itself is being a parent, goes far beyond from bringing your child to a musical event/concert/trance festival.

There are many wonderful parents out there hopefully that will take the best decisions for their kids but talking about other numerous people bringing their kids while they want to get wasted or act like lunatics,which again they are in the perfect place for this, brings me to the conclusion of taking bad choices in life, in general, not just being "bad" parent ..
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 17:56
Leave your children at home.
Drugfests are no places to take your kids to.
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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 18:05
yes, and do not forget to leave them water, food and poop sand for the time you're missing
Fat Data

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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 18:25

On 2010-04-12 18:05, JohnTaramas wrote:
yes, and do not forget to leave them water, food and poop sand for the time you're missing

you can always ask a neighbor to check on them 2-3 times a week.. 
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 19:41

On 2010-04-12 17:56, Djones wrote:
Drugfests are no places to take your kids to.

People bring their kids to fourth of july at the beach, st patty's day parade, new years eve etc. All of those are drugfests (just happens that the drug is usually alcohol).
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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 20:20
yeah i know what you say, it's the same thing for the kids to see a a drunk person, with a person that puts his tongue out, screams from joy or eats dust maybe..
Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 20:24
anyway with respect to the biorythm of the kids and basic protection from sound, 'bad' places etc. , probably someone can attend a festival with them
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Apr 12, 2010 20:56
im sure any kid would have more fun at the local water park or disneyland than in any festival on earth.

If bringing your kids to a festival your'e not doing it for them but for your own ego.
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 13, 2010 00:26

On 2010-04-12 20:56, Dennis the menace wrote:
im sure any kid would have more fun at the local water park or disneyland than in any festival on earth.

If bringing your kids to a festival your'e not doing it for them but for your own ego.

couldn't you in theory bring your kids to the water park, disneyland (btw, BARF!), AND a trance festival? I don't know, i feel like little kids might enjoy camping, swimming, dancing, etc., in addition to their usual activities.

I can't help but think that kids would probably benefit from going to festivals, as they might grow up more open minded and cultured.

@ Djones, haven't psychedelics been positive influences on our lives and culture? Why would we want to keep it a big secret from our children?

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 13, 2010 03:17
Uhhhh...pretty sure I've seen many a child at festivals that looked like they were having a great time, and learning a lot about community and whatnot. Bringing kids to a festival feeds your ego? How does that make any sense at all?

Every single Gaian Mind festival I've been to over the last 6 years has had a large amount of children with kid-centric events and activities...and besides a couple of very rare exceptions they were all cared for well and looked to be having fun.

Certainly the kids might have more mindless fun that reinforces materialistic bullshit american mainstream values at Disneyland, but is that really what you want to be feeding your children at a young impressionable age? If I ever have kids you'd better believe I'll be taking them to outdoor festivals and steer them the fuck away from disneyland, though I would obviously strive to not get super fucked up and abandon them in the middle of the night for the dance floor
           If you want to make an apple pie from must first invent the universe
Horrordelic Records

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Posted : Apr 13, 2010 07:47

On 2010-04-12 20:56, Dennis the menace wrote:
im sure any kid would have more fun at the local water park or disneyland than in any festival on earth.

If bringing your kids to a festival your'e not doing it for them but for your own ego.

Why you say this ? Kids can have fun everywhere, dont have to go to a fucking commercial park to show your kid a good time.

And if you are a psyfreak why not show your kid ? Or maybe change then ? lol            3o~ kriz aka krize 3o~ ....Horrordelic Records....
- Think for yourself -
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Apr 13, 2010 08:35
Just let the kids be kids and do what kids like to do.
Its all about good parenting, they will have lots of time
going to festivals when they grow up. But bringing small kids
to festivals is à nono for me.

Well i dont give à shit if you guys bring yours but i rather take mine somewhere else. Commercial or not.

Btw, if i did what My parents wanted me to do i wouldnt
be where i am today.
Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

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Posted : Apr 13, 2010 09:32
And speaking of commercial...

Boom Festival, 30 000 ppl, 130€ entrance and they did rip you off on water couple of years ago. Btw they even have their own currency if im not wrong.

Don't tell me festivals aren't commercial..
IsraTrance Team

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Posted : Apr 13, 2010 11:49
^^ boom festival today is now limited to 26 000 ppl (the last edition was a disaster in terms of people), the low entrance was 125 and the highest is 175, they have their own bottled water and the currency thing is now over.

yes it is kind of comercial, but it has a lot of great activities and stuff that happens that for what i can see or read in the internet doesn´t happen on other festivals - i give them credit for what they do.yes the festival it has changed through the years but is a hell of a festival.           ...
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