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Paint question

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  238
Posted : May 18, 2005 04:54
Hey all

When painting backdrops, do most folks use exclusively fluorescent colors, or can I buy fluorescent red...mix it with regular yellow...and get fluorescent orange. Also, if I just want to make a tone lighter, I could just add white right?

Hope this question doesnt seem too retarded, but I'd like to figure out exactly what I need to get before I shell out tons of money for paints.



IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  80
Posts :  1336
Posted : May 19, 2005 14:47
white in uv paint doesnt do the same thing as white in regular paint, unless its UV white, that glows white.... theres some funny rules about mixing paints like youre talking about... you might not get the same orange by mixing that you would from a tube of orange paint.
you have to remember that the colors in uv paints are what is reflecting the uv light. so by mixing non uv paint with uv paint you end up with some less bright results.
i suggest for starters buy some cheapo acrylic paints to get a feel for it and then if its something you are enjoying you can go and buy the good stuff (wildfire, etc)
good luck kelly
hows japan?


Started Topics :  2
Posts :  142
Posted : Jun 12, 2005 19:04
no dude.... u wont get tht fluoro effect by mixing a fluoro colour wid regular paint..... it'll giv u ur orange colour but it will no longer be a perfect UV i.e. it wont glow much .... will have very lesser value left.... so better not do tht n waste paints... buy fluoro orange itself(u do get 'em) or else drop the orange idea....
till then..... BOOOOooooooOOOOOM
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  25
Posts :  238
Posted : Jun 13, 2005 05:35
Thanks for the info-- I went out and bought some paints and brushes and am working on my first "tapestry" ie...a white pillow case. Hehe its sort of got ruffles on the sides, so it'll be very fashionable when its done. So far it has been going okay for a first run--the biggest problem Ive had is that Im used to drawing on paper and much smaller, so I get too detail-oriented. I'll post a pic when I finish. Its a big evil grinning face. My girlfriend says its "creepy" heheehehehe.



Started Topics :  2
Posts :  142
Posted : Jun 13, 2005 14:34
hehhehhehhe its all cool man..... at beginning u actually come out wid sumthing "creepy" .... then latrz wid practice u get better n professional.... my wishes wid ya... good luck dude .... & do post ur work... wud love to see 'em & i'll post u mine sumtime .... till then tak crz n BOOOooooOOOOM

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Posts :  1
Posted : Jun 22, 2005 14:54
Off course you can mix fluoro colors with regular colors, it's good to color shades or borders, everything get more dimension then, and don't just stop there, experiment with all kinds of stuff, different kinds of paint, other substances like white spirit or oil. Everything has another effect that could be usefull someday.

Regullary organise a "play-like-a-kid-day" Where yuou do nothing but experimenting. There is where the real creativeness lies. + it's extremely fun!
P.E.M.P Vision
IsraTrance Junior Member
Started Topics :  17
Posts :  41
Posted : Aug 15, 2005 12:59

you cant just do that... well you can mix reds and greens.. yellow is funny... and white isnt a toner.. you have to buy a colour a tone higher, but if you cant... use a colour that compinsates the other tone!!

if you want to tone down, use black... but not too much as it can swamp the colour out!

have a look at the decor on our site to see what effects we use... mixing is a area of work we like to see... has an artistic feel to it! (decor)
          P.E.M.P is a vision for all to share!

please ask for pemp email...!

remember Goerge Orwell!

keep it real!
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