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Our (beloved) Planet needs us

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 2, 2007 15:05
did u know

that 50-80% of e-waste colelctede in the name of recycling in the US actually gets shipped out of the country to poor developing nations.

that 51 sq. km of forests are being destroyed every day in indonesia, making it the record holder for the fastest destroyer of forests.

that the himalayan snowline is thinning fast. the gangotri glacier that provides nearly 3/4ths of gangas water is receding at an alarming rate of 34 meters per yr, nearly twice as fast as 2 decades back. when the ice goes, the water goes, then ganga dries, then people die.

in the sunderbans, 2 islands have already submerged under water.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 3, 2007 14:13
Lets blow up US goverment and all idnonesias lumberjacks!

but first i have got to understand what are these light bulbs ? and how can i change them to CFL bulbs?

Ganga is supposed to be dry=p

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  34
Posted : Jun 4, 2007 01:15




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Posted : Jun 4, 2007 01:29



that is what we have to do

also think about Karma, let's all create good karma
recycle, consume less, less food- fewer products, give money for good causes, plant a couple of trees during the summer (thats the least we can do as a return for the wonderful warm feelings we can have under the sun, by the sea, under the shade of the trees) ouaou! i am happy just by thinking about it and it really is such a small thing to do..LETS ALL DO IT THIS SUMMER, just to feel good if for not another reason!

plant trees whenever possible, that sounds good for me! and i bet we can all think of many places to do this...maybe spread seeds as well,, never know...(like when we were kids and they used to tell us that if we throw the core of a fruit, a tree can grow some day)

i wish i will do it, i've been thinking about it for some time...lets act now..stop thinking or talking about it....lets get happy and get down to work...

lets not take more cars, lets shop in our own bags, lets recycle and lets consume less, lets show the world we don't need all that, we are nothing but energy after all, soon we are going to change form! lets wake up! now!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 4, 2007 07:43

On 2007-06-03 14:13, daark wrote:

but first i have got to understand what are these light bulbs ? and how can i change them to CFL bulbs?           the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 14:34

On 2006-09-23 03:10, Andrew wrote:
Saw this amazing film tonight, about
the damage we're doing to the planet and about how we can save it. The film is called 'an inconvenient truth' by Al Gore. The connections between trance and our earth and mother nature are obvious - When the december 2004 tsunami devastated parts of Asia and India, all over the world there were trance parties for the cause, with many producers and labels giving their music for benefit compilations - it really was a great show of the spirit of trance. I think it's just as important that we show that we actually care for the environment that we love to party in by getting behind efforts to stop global warming! It's imperative. The film and websites tell you all about it.

I realise this is not directly related to trance, it's more of an indirect relationship. But anyway, here's to hoping you understand my posting

Andrew Humphries


We absolutely have to become more conscious about what is going on.That many animal species are getting extinct,the cruelty in the meatindustry,the forest are disappearing,the oceans being dead,the air being polluted,the climate change etc.

This is very connected to the essence of trance.Since spirituality and the states and kind of experiences this music is about gets us closer to being able to let go of the ego (the egocentric behavior is the root of the problems with nature we have) and experience unity and connection with all life which means nature,animals and so forth.


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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 15:02
Get real

the planet is fine, never been better.

the planet got hit with a huge meteor some million years ago, all life ended as a result. Still, everything grew again, and were here.

Climate changes??? pfff big deal, that's a walk on the beach geologically speaking.

If anything's in danger is US humans not the planet ffs

The topic should be called "We need Us"

Not the planet, that's just arrogant, and self importance, as if the planet is in danger because of us .... that's bs
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 15:09
It is because of our behavior species are
getting extinct,and the problems with nature we have,the suffering amongst the animals ,therefore we have to change our behavior just as we have done before in history.Everything changes and to be conscious about this questions and care about nature is the next and biggest step we are going to take.Every specie and every lifeform are like different cogs in the same wheel and effects each other.Every specie have a role in the big picture ,and if you take out to many cogs in the wheel the whole wheel will stop to spin.Every specie are there for a reason.

If we get more connected with each other and life and stop being obessed by the ego and the primate parts of our mind and shallow parts in life we will care more about each other and all life.

Inactive User

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Posted : Apr 9, 2010 15:16

On 2010-04-09 15:02, Spasm wrote:
Get real

the planet is fine, never been better.

the planet got hit with a huge meteor some million years ago, all life ended as a result. Still, everything grew again, and were here.

Climate changes??? pfff big deal, that's a walk on the beach geologically speaking.

If anything's in danger is US humans not the planet ffs

The topic should be called "We need Us"

Not the planet, that's just arrogant, and self importance, as if the planet is in danger because of us .... that's bs


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Posts :  338
Posted : Apr 9, 2010 18:13
we are the enviroment whith which we interact...
we think we are civilised but future generations will see us as ancients and close minded...simply we cannot understand it.we have to use technology for good but multinational companies intrests are huge and we can't do nothing as long as they have us splitted...they move us to destruction in the same time we could have a perfect society and they dont let us believe it.
i think we have to be one...creat a movement and don't stay victims of the money.

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Posts :  213
Posted : Jun 19, 2010 17:38

On 2007-06-03 14:13, daark wrote:
Lets blow up US goverment and all idnonesias lumberjacks!

..yep. .. right now they busy screwin up the gulf of mexico..!
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Jun 20, 2010 18:33

George Carlin Nailed it long time ago

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Jun 20, 2010 19:06

itp sampled it
and thats where i first heard it           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 21, 2010 03:23
Carlin was a genius.
The way he cut through self-righteous bullshit of guilty-conscience Manhattan “progressives” – nobody comes close. May he rest in peace – although that would be seriously out of character for him.

As for the planet, it’s true – the whole thing is about us, not mother Earth. But once we honestly acknowledge this, there is nothing wrong in trying to clean up a bit. I celebrate the Earth Day. Sitting for an hour once a year without electricity is not going to kill me. It’s not going to “save the planet” either – but it’s a good reminder to not shit where we eat. Just like sitting in silence for a minute on the 9th of May is not going to bring back millions of killed Europeans – but it’s a good reminder to not get to that point again.

A river runs through my city. It got so polluted that it caught on fire once. Is it so bad to try to make sure this doesn’t happen again?
IsraTrance Senior Member

Started Topics :  241
Posts :  2848
Posted : Jun 21, 2010 15:01
the amount thats spent in talking and raising awarness with those banners and advertising "go-green" "save eath", "dance naked for the planet festival" or what have you itself is causing another 50 thousand ton of garbage..if you want to clean up just clean it dont make so much whoo ha ha haa about it and apply the economies of scale model to the clean up effort..for its that same model that caused the problem now you want to use that same model to clean it up ...its plain stupid--the planet does not need you you need the planet--you are scared of dying or evolution for the planet its just another phase it has been through --just as carlin describes--your shit is in someone elses food-someone elses shit is in your food--its manure --if your gonna eat youre gonna shit -i am not saying dont clean up--clean up but dont make so much noise and big deal or an issue about it--if i feel like joining i will..the whole hype and peer presssure is so lame and so fake and such childish gimmick- 5 stars for green building , yay, i changed all the bulbs in my office and i am certified green business now hooray i saved the planet-no i just spent $700 on GE bulbs           When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive
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