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Our (beloved) Planet needs us

IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  21
Posts :  355
Posted : May 29, 2007 19:27
ANTHROPOGENIC Climate change is certainly not a political conspiracy as some like to believe, neither is an apocalyptic scenario as the media often (miss)represents it to be.
Some of you here already mentioned, climate variability is a natural phenomenon. However, strong evidence (call it facts if you like) suggest that recent human activities do affect the global climate and have already disturbed the magnitudal and temporal distribution of natural climate forcing and therefore its variability.

@ Ocelot - Spot on mate, some good points you have there,particularly regarding the selective set of (conspirational) information many ppl like to accept as truth so to justify their ignorance. Whilst conspiracy is always useful in science, unjustified acceptance of its claims is utterly wrong. I do however strongly disagree with your statement that the question of whether climate change is anthropogenic or natural is a subject of political manipulation. On the contrary, it is very much scientific and current state of climatic understanding has pretty much nailed it, although some uncertainties and disputes still exist.

@ Aida Noridania - good call with the 'Younger Drayas' event. Indeed, it is one of the many proofs that climate change can be really abrupt, which current social infrastructure would not be able to cope with easily. Actually, similar event nowdays would be undoubtedly disastrous. Good news is that the 'Drayas' was associated with the collapse of a huge ise sheet that is no longer existent - the North American (Laurentide) ice sheet. The West Antarctic Ice Sheet, however, does show behavioral similarities with the Laurentide IS, and its potential collapse is of a huge concern, along with the disintegration of the more stable Greenland ice sheet.

For most unbiased up to date info on climate change one should refer to the assessment reports by the IPCC. It basically is an organization where thousands of accredited scientists contribute with their findings, which then get peer reviewed and assessed objectively. Its completely up to general population and politics how this info is perceived and what actions taken, as IPCC only provides the latest scientific achievements and professional suggestions.
According to the last (4th) assessment report published by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) this year:

"Global atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide have increased markedly as a result of human activities since 1750 and now far exceed preindustrial values determined from ice cores spanning many thousands of years. The global increases in carbon dioxide concentrations are due primarily to fossil fuel use and land-use change, while those of methane and nitrous oxide are primarily due to agriculture."

"Most of the observed increase in globally averaged temperatures since the mid 20th century is very likely due to the observed increase in anthropogenic green house gas concentrations."

"Continued green house gas emissions at or above current rates would cause further warming and induce many changes in the global climate system during the 21st century that would very likely be larger than those observed during the 20th century"

"Anthropogenic warming and sea level rise would continue for centuries due to timescales associated with climate processes and feedbacks, even if green house gas concentrations were to be stabilised"

(IPCC defines the term "very likely" as higher than 90% probability of occurance, i.e. between 90% - 95%)

The quotes above have been taken from a 2007 report published by working group 1 of the IPCC 'Summary for policy makers', which is a very comprehensive and reader friendly report I'd suggest anyone interested to read. Can be found here:

For the more scientifically inclined ones I'd suggest you to read through the other papers/assessments all freely available on

Becoming more aware of the whole concept of climate change will certainly have some sort of spiritual implications as one gets unwrapped from the self obsessed dogma and realises how powerful the natural mechanisms on our planet are

With regards to the film, yeah I quite liked it, it certainly is informational, and best of all does not go into the fiction of doomsday scenarios.

          Why u little !!!
almost purple

Started Topics :  3
Posts :  24
Posted : May 30, 2007 19:07
80% of the amazons destroyed since 1980... WTF???           the moment i take one i feel like... i need another...
Saiko Dreamer

Started Topics :  4
Posts :  62
Posted : May 30, 2007 19:49
all US government think is .... PROFIT!
that is the only reason they dont sign the agreement.

and other,several people don't care because is not with them or around them...
is always like that..
you don't really care about cancer till someone in your familie dies,you don't care to much about violence till you get robed or someone you know get hurt


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Posted : May 31, 2007 04:30
its interesting that the tsunami was mentioned here.

tsunamis are natural. tsunamis are not something special on this planet. tsunamis have been reported and recognized since a hundred years before "the big one".

but humans are masters in ignoring facts. and if the reality is kicking ass again, humans start to cry instead of accepting the truth and try to deal with it, especially in a preventive way.

the most interesting thing is that we try to find a hundred reasons why we did not. then we are lucky again, sit back and say:"was not my fault. maybe someone else"

what we need is a global conciousness (this goes for everything like wars, hunger, economy). for now our brain seems to be too limit for such an understanding. but i realy think it is not, because we all know what everyone of us can do if he focuses a goal.

we spend so much energy in blending out things and ignoring thinks(everytime you light a cigarette for example) we simple have to turn this around, would be more "profitable" in a more long-time value.

so instead of pointing to "governments" and "industries" we should face the responsibility in everyone of ourselfes.

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 31, 2007 05:54
and if we have a lack of ideas and imagination?

Maybe it is imposible to make everybody think about the same goal, but it is an ambition.

I think people care and scared of what can happen, but because they are blocked by a powerfull force.. many forces actually like greed,fear,lies,quick and not based judgement,careless actions,ego,revenge,domination,theft,hate,addiction,lust,lazyness,hesitation,exaggeration,apathy,temptation and lack of control.But can we make a difference from our position?If what we want is imposible will we persist?It will be madness that way.When i was a kid building blocks together sweating so hard,i always had the most fun smashing those colourfull bricks and starting all over again.
Maybe it is just our nature, who knows...but with time we learn to control ourselves.We know everything we need, but do we use our knowledge?Do we prefer sweating from work or from games?I think if the world will want something that will surely come true.I believe someone will think of something to fix the problem.No doubt.But first i think will be the problem of war then economics and then enviroment and then the usual everyday fucks,those things are connected very tightly,but you can survive losing one life but losing the whole game will just lead to one screen "GAME OVER"...Come together you are just another brick in the wall!!!

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  367
Posted : May 31, 2007 08:42
IMO if someone would have a chance to observe the things going on on earth i'm sure all this would seem like a very ironical black humoured comedy. Bunch of greedy twats going after economical growth, the cost of the growth is an eco catastrophe that will destroy the environment that sustains these twats and much more. But anyhow, these twats are so greedy that they will pursue economical growth even if the cost will be the destruction of themselves.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  385
Posted : May 31, 2007 10:00
this is one thread on this forum that contributes to serious discussion. hooray for that. lots of guys here are talkin a lot of sense. its about time that mankind started working like a unit for the benefit of our planet. but IMHO this planet is doomed!
do we really believe that ppl will be the change that they want to see in the world? highly unlikely, the system is such that there is no scope for change, only a revolution of sorts can bring on a change.           ~what lies before us and what lies beyond us is tiny as compared to what lies within us~
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  45
Posts :  6874
Posted : May 31, 2007 10:24

On 2007-05-31 10:00, deeplydisturbed wrote:

do we really believe that ppl will be the change that they want to see in the world? highly unlikely, the system is such that there is no scope for change, only a revolution of sorts can bring on a change.

nope only wen ppl. get fucked in the backside, is wen they understand how it feels n wen their ego betrayed them to thier doom

they say 'Ignorance is Bliss' but in this case 'Ignorance will be our Doom'
          the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2014
Posted : May 31, 2007 11:35

On 2007-05-31 10:00, deeplydisturbed wrote:
this is one thread on this forum that contributes to serious discussion. hooray for that. lots of guys here are talkin a lot of sense. its about time that mankind started working like a unit for the benefit of our planet. but IMHO this planet is doomed!
do we really believe that ppl will be the change that they want to see in the world? highly unlikely, the system is such that there is no scope for change, only a revolution of sorts can bring on a change.

Spot on. There will have to be a BIG change if we are going to do something good for this world. Maybe build a virus, kill 90% of the world's population. The survivors will HAVE TO change On second thought, that'd be a bit drastic maybe           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  385
Posted : Jun 1, 2007 18:18

On 2007-05-31 10:24, sure_smoke_alot wrote:

On 2007-05-31 10:00, deeplydisturbed wrote:

do we really believe that ppl will be the change that they want to see in the world? highly unlikely, the system is such that there is no scope for change, only a revolution of sorts can bring on a change.

nope only wen ppl. get fucked in the backside, is wen they understand how it feels n wen their ego betrayed them to thier doom

they say 'Ignorance is Bliss' but in this case 'Ignorance will be our Doom'

its not like we are ignorant and oblivious of the damage that we are doing, we know exactly waht we do and we know the consequenses of our actions as well, but......           ~what lies before us and what lies beyond us is tiny as compared to what lies within us~
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  48
Posts :  256
Posted : Jun 1, 2007 19:31
i'm taking a move!!

regarding global warming, and war conflicts worldwide (and other topics too)!

visit my

check the small clip i've there...i've only one you can't miss it!

it's about 3 minuts long that resumes the truth. that clip have a website..for worldwide pettitions regarding worldwide issues)

i've already signed the petitions, and you ?! 
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  45
Posts :  6874
Posted : Jun 2, 2007 07:41

On 2007-06-01 18:18, deeplydisturbed wrote:

its not like we are ignorant and oblivious of the damage that we are doing, we know exactly waht we do and we know the consequenses of our actions as well, but......

i thought that's how u define ignorance.

2 things i have started doing
*use of solar power (i have installed it in sum of my factories)

* i refill my water bottles instead of throwin em n buyin new ones eveday           the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  385
Posted : Jun 2, 2007 14:46

On 2007-06-02 07:41, sure_smoke_alot wrote:

On 2007-06-01 18:18, deeplydisturbed wrote:

its not like we are ignorant and oblivious of the damage that we are doing, we know exactly waht we do and we know the consequenses of our actions as well, but......

i thought that's how u define ignorance.

Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. Ignorance is also the state of being ignorant or uninformed.

Another definition states that ignorance is the choice to not act or behave in accordance with regard to certain information in order to suit ones own needs or beliefs.

          ~what lies before us and what lies beyond us is tiny as compared to what lies within us~
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  58
Posts :  1397
Posted : Jun 2, 2007 14:53

On 2007-06-02 14:46, deeplydisturbed wrote:

On 2007-06-02 07:41, sure_smoke_alot wrote:

On 2007-06-01 18:18, deeplydisturbed wrote:

its not like we are ignorant and oblivious of the damage that we are doing, we know exactly waht we do and we know the consequenses of our actions as well, but......

i thought that's how u define ignorance.

Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. Ignorance is also the state of being ignorant or uninformed.

Another definition states that ignorance is the choice to not act or behave in accordance with regard to certain information in order to suit ones own needs or beliefs.

Truth!fight ur ignorance...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  11
Posts :  385
Posted : Jun 2, 2007 14:54
doing our bit:
1. replacing 1 regular incandescent light bulb with a CFL bulb saves 150 pounds of CO2 a yr less-walk, cycle, do whatever...u save a pound of CO2 for every mile u dont drive

3.recycle more-u save 2400 pounds of CO2 every yr by recycling just half ur household waste

4.plant a tree-a single tree will absorbe 1 tonne of CO2 over its lifetime

5.simply turning off ur electrical devices like ur tv, dvfd player, stereo and computer when ur not using them will save u thousands of pounds of CO2 a yr

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Our (beloved) Planet needs us
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