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Our (beloved) Planet needs us

Mistress of Evil
Mistress Of Evil Records

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Posted : Feb 2, 2007 00:43
Right on Ocelot!!!
and to those of you who think Global Warming and other environmental problems are bullshit, or an exaggerated issue - think again. Islands are disappearing, its snowing in places it never has before, and not snowing where it should, shit is out of balance!
To really think that humanity's mistreatment of this planet has not had an impact on its health is absolutely ridiculous and self-absorbed. This planet has survived through a lot its true, but humans have created more and more toxic pollution and intensely unsustainable ways of raping the earth's resources.
It doesn't take a scientist or an expert to realize that our actions impact the environment around us. I guess the best thing that we each can do for the planet (and ourselves) is to demonstrate more SELF RESPONSIBILTY and RESPECT for all life. Be super conscious of how you live and your footprint upon the earth. Everything from the food you eat, the waste you create, the products you buy and the companies you support with your money can really make a difference.
As for trance parties, Leave No Trace! Clean up after yourself and encourage people to do the same. Dont let the trash hit the ground. Be responsible for your own waste. if you see someone else throw something on the ground, say something to them don't just watch them do it.
Respect the earth, respect each other, respect yourself.
megan           Bringing Dreams to Life!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 2, 2007 05:45
it takes synergy.....everyone has to do their part.

being more conscience of your surroundings and aware of the effects we create with our actions is a good start.

           "On the path of spirituality, one ventures to vanquish one’s own faults rather than to judge others"

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Posted : Feb 3, 2007 08:42
Global warming is inevitable. Sad part is that automobile companies which have the technology to use solar power are selling cars at the price of a Ferrari + the whole petrol industry would crumble which would probably lead to stock markets crashing all over the world and people will lose money. What a sad ordeal huh? NOT. Prepare to buy your wet suits and oxygen tanks.. if you're not going underwater..your kids sure are.
Aida Noridania

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Posted : Feb 4, 2007 08:13
saw the movie did research but i found more bizarre stuff then i ever expected...

apparantly the climate seen as something stable isn't stable at all... there has been records of temprature jumps up to 15 degrees C in less then a decade... (now they think the stories of those big floods you find in bible and all other myths from any culture) can be linked to the end of the "Dryas" period where the temperature suddenly jumped 15 degrees up in about 6-12 years time...

of course i don't say we don't do nothing in all this, but it's just to say that even regardless of our influence seeing something like the climate as "stable" which cannot change except in a timespan of thousand years has been found out to be a complete obsolete utopy as well...

so then what is our influence in global warming if on Mars the polar ice is melting too? they found out that the difference in melting rate is not that much different then here on earth... how is that possible?

i have no car and use public transport and i also live with practically no heater on except on the very cold days... what can one do more? nothing if no other means get affordeable

but whilest doing my best to keep all that CO2 emission under control for myself, i also do know that even without these precautions temperatures and climate can change in a matter of a few years, or a decade... another inconvenient truth they don't wish to speak out as then every economy that will now sprout out of "saving the earth" will have no reason to exist...

or like one said it: "the companies made money out of destroying earth, and soon they gonna make money out of reparing and preserving earth"

all seem to point he is right           no situation is stronger then a heart that dares to love
so may the force of life light and love be with you
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 16, 2007 19:32

On 2007-02-01 19:21, Addictive Elements wrote:
this is a funny yet thought provoking statement ive heard in southpark...its sad but true...
"Hippies , they wanna save the world but all they do is smoke pot" -eric cartman.....

very true, ppl say be the change u want to see in the world, but lets face it, individual efforts are commendable, but what we really need is a collective effort.
any ideas...           ~what lies before us and what lies beyond us is tiny as compared to what lies within us~
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : May 17, 2007 07:42

On 2007-05-16 19:32, deeplydisturbed wrote:

On 2007-02-01 19:21, Addictive Elements wrote:
this is a funny yet thought provoking statement ive heard in southpark...its sad but true...
"Hippies , they wanna save the world but all they do is smoke pot" -eric cartman.....

very true, ppl say be the change u want to see in the world, but lets face it, individual efforts are commendable, but what we really need is a collective effort.
any ideas...

*yes start using as much solar power as possible

*& use less electricity

*walk a bit instead of always spinnig in ur car

feel like u have heard this 100 times, yes but the problem is we neva start

p.s. 1 more thing i always practise carry ur water (i.e. refill the pet bottles as much as possible rather than buyin new ones everyday)
          the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 17, 2007 20:42
There is no such thing as global warming. Chuck Norris was cold, so he turned the sun up.

IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : May 17, 2007 22:08
As a Finn I welcome global warming

Besides it's been much warmer in the past. Sure we're freeing huge amounts of CO2.. but then again it's the same CO2 that has been in the atmosphere before. You know.. before it got trapped underground as coal or oil or whatever.

Ecological boxes will disappear, new ones will be formed. Life will evolve as always.. it's not necessarily all bad

My only hope is that this warming thingy hurts the biggest polluters the most.           "The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space program."
- Larry Niven
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : May 17, 2007 23:31
I think this planet will be named bugstar if we will not solve nuclearwar.Giant roaches will rule the earh!!!!!!!!!!!!!aahhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hehehe

About global warming, maybe you should stop cuttin trees , recycle and burn toxic gases into the atmosphere.

Throwing all the garbage too space will make a lot of room on our planet for forest,lakes and stuff for survival.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  45
Posts :  6874
Posted : May 18, 2007 07:42

On 2007-05-17 22:08, traveller wrote:
As a Finn I welcome global warming

Besides it's been much warmer in the past. Sure we're freeing huge amounts of CO2.. but then again it's the same CO2 that has been in the atmosphere before. You know.. before it got trapped underground as coal or oil or whatever.

Ecological boxes will disappear, new ones will be formed. Life will evolve as always.. it's not necessarily all bad

My only hope is that this warming thingy hurts the biggest polluters the most.

aha so u from finland, i really think u sud watch this

esp, dont miss the epsiode 'The One Degree Factor'           the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!!
Mike A

Started Topics :  185
Posts :  3954
Posted : May 23, 2007 06:24

nice blog, i have it in my rss feeds

Started Topics :  7
Posts :  367
Posted : May 23, 2007 08:33
Its possible that Kioto agreement will not be renewed (its ending 2012). Reason is because USA (number one polluter in the world) still doesnt want to sign the agreement and China (good number two) will not sign it either because USA doesnt sign it. Dumb fuckers, sooo dumb fuckers, way to go decision-makers, you just earned my respect once again.
By the way, apparently its going to be freezing cold in Scandinavia due climate change. Its because the Golf Stream, that is warming the climate here, will diminish. I do not welcome the change. But in the end, i'm pretty sure no-one can predict what this change will bring on earth.
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  58
Posts :  1397
Posted : May 28, 2007 16:26
so how do you renew the agreement when the world has bigger problems to solve like economics and territorial wars?
Allegoric - Psynce
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  61
Posts :  1453
Posted : May 28, 2007 16:31
very nice documentary

an eye opener for me atleast
there's so much we don't know

everyone should really watch it in order to understand the meaning of global warming            Truth will always guard our souls......
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  58
Posts :  1397
Posted : May 28, 2007 16:54
actually i read 'bout air-engines and water based fuel but untill those things will reach the market and will get recognition can take 10 years meanwhile its getting warmer, permanent.u dont have to give a shit.just think how cool it can be if you knew the world is not going to end soon, unless an asteroid hits us and that you can surely see your grandchildren playin and fightin.If some of you think that youll evolve and adapt fast enough as the weather change than you are so full of yourself.sorry for the bad vibes but it is quite real and sirious.=\stop being egoistic if you dont care how much will you last think about the future of our kind, evolvolution not digrodation...if our race will end then all that info we gathered all these generations will be just lost.a shame i think.all that suffering and hard work for nothing.
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