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Our (beloved) Planet needs us

IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2006 12:12

On 2006-09-25 03:46, PsY_AcTiVe wrote:
Yes i saw that movie too, Its a very very serious issue, Its too bad most "Mainstream" Film goer's will not even give it a look or recognition it deserves... Its somthing that is pretty obvious, i think everyone has a certain knowlage of what is going on...

But the real queston... do most ppl care? ...

Sadly the answer is no.

You're right. Nobody really cares because most people are sheep and do not reflect or contemplate what's going on around them. When the average Joe gets home after work he wants to eat dinner, fuck his wife, watch tv, play a game, listen some music, read a book or whatever, but he doesn't want to think about global warming. It's not convenient. You know, we all helped create the world we live in now and sadly, lately it's becoming more and more a 'fend for yourself' kind of thing. Everyone is so busy working their asses off, getting their OWN shit right to stop and care about stuff like environment. Hell, most people don't even care what happens with their neighbours. And we're all part of it one way or another. Tell me in all honesty: do you know what problems your neighbour might have? Do you really care (other than the occassional talk with them)?

And then tell me this: do you really care about the environment enough to make a stand other than dedicating another party or compilation to it? (Which will have zero or almost no effect) ...?           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2006 12:33
Do I hear crickets chirping?  - download for free's 10th anniversary compilation featuring 100% Polish psy-music (goa, prog, dark, full-on, chillout): Artha, Sundial Aeon and many more - Polish psytrance website
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2006 12:35
PsY_AcTiVe u asked and answered a sad truth.
This is the broblem,no real care for nature,only care for money,fame,and power,egoistic behaviours...
One day soon or later nature will destroy itself with a hard reaction from a human action,cause and effect.
Humanity will disapear,and nature will find back again its natural cycle and recycle proccess.
Open air parties should have the spiritual healing idea for the spirit of nature with our +energy full of love for nature,the spirit of earth mama Gaia,Pachamama...needs our encourment,needs our healing emotion and energy ...
when the atmosfaire is ill,we are ill,when the water is ill we are ill,when the ground is ill,the veggies we eat are ill...
If we want to be healthy we must support earth,the closer touch we get with nature elements plants and animals, the union becomes deeper...
When we say cosmic union,we mean union with cosmos,with everything,so when u respect and comunicate with plants and animals on a high spiritual telepathetic stage,u start to aware how the laws of nature works,u start to elevate spirit and be able to realise the mysteries of existance deeper.
When the time to live the physical body comes and the microcosm is have used to work with the unique universal nature proccess with macrocosm around,by doing meditation,think of ecology,dance in trance with true plur,love for nature,emotionaly healthy life,etc....then we would be more prepared and ready for the final union with cosmos.
If the end comes and we are not in a high unique level,then it would be very difficult to achive the union and merge the micro with the macro...
If we wanna save nature and this beautifull macrocosm around outer world,we have to save our microcosmic inner world first,and then we might be strong enouph,even to save the all planet...
After the End,a new Begining startS..
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  76
Posts :  2014
Posted : Sep 25, 2006 12:55

On 2006-09-25 12:35, Gopendra wrote:
PsY_AcTiVe u asked and answered a sad truth.
This is the broblem,no real care for nature,only care for money,fame,and power,egoistic behaviours...
One day soon or later nature will destroy itself with a hard reaction from a human action,cause and effect.
Humanity will disapear,and nature will find back again its natural cycle and recycle proccess.
Open air parties should have the spiritual healing idea for the spirit of nature with our +energy full of love for nature,the spirit of earth mama Gaia,Pachamama...needs our encourment,needs our healing emotion and energy ...
when the atmosfaire is ill,we are ill,when the water is ill we are ill,when the ground is ill,the veggies we eat are ill...
If we want to be healthy we must support earth,the closer touch we get with nature elements plants and animals, the union becomes deeper...
When we say cosmic union,we mean union with cosmos,with everything,so when u respect and comunicate with plants and animals on a high spiritual telepathetic stage,u start to aware how the laws of nature works,u start to elevate spirit and be able to realise the mysteries of existance deeper.
When the time to live the physical body comes and the microcosm is have used to work with the unique universal nature proccess with macrocosm around,by doing meditation,think of ecology,dance in trance with true plur,love for nature,emotionaly healthy life,etc....then we would be more prepared and ready for the final union with cosmos.
If the end comes and we are not in a high unique level,then it would be very difficult to achive the union and merge the micro with the macro...
If we wanna save nature and this beautifull macrocosm around outer world,we have to save our microcosmic inner world first,and then we might be strong enouph,even to save the all planet...

Nope. That's not going to happen. You're right that people have to start with themselves, but after that there's far harder work to be done to make this a reality. Go persuade big corporations to work together, to change how they're working now etc. etc. Get governments to work together. It's not all juicy spiritual shit out there. Some things are founded on money, objects. No, spiritual serenity is just a small part of what would be a monumental operation to change the world and ultimately the future.           "Subconscious unravels at the point of death, and all time it has known erupts into a moment. As death extinguishes us, so we become it."

[Esoteric: Subconscious Dissolution Into The Continuum]
Voice Of Cod / Zuloop

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  218
Posted : Sep 25, 2006 13:41

On 2006-09-24 20:18, Psycosmo wrote:
I dunno.
Theres a lot of people who donated and volunteered (risking disease) to help with the tsunami, not just trancers.

Also speakers use quite a bit of power, esp for big parties.

Hi! Definitely, a lot of people around the world got involved helping out with the tsunami, it was a great show of the good side of human spirit. I mentioned the trance scene's involvement in this to try to show that trancers care, as this is mainly a psytrance forum. (I'm really into solar powered things though - Space Tribe studio is solar powered, i'm gonna make one when i go to australia)


Gopendra & Acidhive, you are both right You just have different perspectives on the problem. We need practical solutions (like going to the electrical store and buying some energy saving light bulbs, trying not to use so much hot water and so on...) PLUS we need to think about the spirit as well. If you take a walk through a park or a natural area, it makes you feel a certain way - all the lovely trees and birds chirping, the grass, worn away where people have walked and thicker in other patches, maybe there are some flowers or some dogs barking... this is nature... imagine if you could never see this sort of thing again, how would this make you FEEL? makes me feel pretty sad to be honest.

I realise that some parts of the world are barren and do not have grass or trees already, in some cases this is from man making a mess and in other cases it is natural, but if the whole world was a mess.... :-(

So yeah I think the spirit comes into the WHY we want to do something about Global Warming, the practical is the HOW. Just by doing some more recycling you can feel good about the yourself AND do something practical. Perfect!

Dennis the menace
DevilsDennis Sparris McHilton

Started Topics :  128
Posts :  2899
Posted : Sep 25, 2006 19:28

On 2006-09-24 15:21, andrew wrote:
also take note virgin airlines are giving all their profits to global warming prevention .

Thats like fucking for virginity, or tryin to get peace thru war...

Started Topics :  94
Posts :  783
Posted : Sep 25, 2006 20:25
@Gigglygobo- i dont know what science you may have studied but our earths core is NOT molten fire- probably Iron and Nickel.
Snow and Ice are natural states given that our elliptical orbit passes at the right distance from our main heat source- the sun- to bring us slighty above and slightly below the freezing point of water...
pollution weakens the living organisms that ingest and breathe it- like ourselves
i can't really believe you would stoop to writing such bullshit as you wrote but i get the point- you made it clear in your last idiotic sentence- eat more whales!
so i gather you wish you werent born at all...
your idea that the earth is somehow infinite is really childish- overfishing, deforestation, etc...all of these teach the FINITUDE of our little spaceship earth.
to say that we have NO impact on the planet is an utterly stupid statement and untrue to boot.
this is not an endorsement of Al Gores movie its a WAKEUP call to your self-assured smugness that anything you dont want to hear if part of the "big conspiracy" but i digress...

Global Warming is NOT exaggerated in any way shape or form. It is very real and happening- the evidence is pouring in from all over the planet- Deglaciation is happening at a very rapid pace.

the QUESTION where it gets "political" is:
Are HUMANS causing this global warming?
are natural cycles responsible instead.

we dont know. probably 2 centuries of heavy coal burning and 1 century of heavy petroleum burning are at LEAST partially responsible!
in any case this has caused other problems ranging from Acid Rain to our upcoming problem- what to do when the oil gets too expensive for common use.

if we wish to err on the side of caution- we should probably assume some blame for this situation and alter our habits as a species.

If we are complete idiots we will just keep doing what we are doing and make up lots of nice bullshit to feel comfortable with this situation.

@Dennis the Menace- sure sure... be a critic.
however what Virgin Airlines has achieved with their efforts:
1)an example for others in industry to follow
2)a challenge
i believe that this goes hand in hand with trying to find alternative power sources for travel...

@andrew- the speakers dont use much power- its the amplifiers that do;)
Solar is not really a good option as we like to have our parties at night- try getting 100kw peak out of a battery bank system only charged in the day...
the answer to this is probably some other alternative like wind- and just like the answers to most of our other problems-
we need a permanent party location to build proper infrastructure on- like Wind power... not to mention a septic system and proper shitters...
in my opinion the biggest environmental problem with parties is TOO MUCH GARBAGE-
that ranges from those stupid plastic cups they use at the bar that get shredded into peices when stepped on(why is there always a BAR???? why not something else... god do we really need to sell more cola, and does the beer make the vibe any better? NOT)
filter cigarette butts- they should be banned or taxed or something... fucking filter cigarette butts...
anyway our parties are part of the larger problem in mainstream society-
that we are a disposable plastic convenience oriented culture who use a plastic spoon once to stir a drink with and throw it away...
hell- every single product these days is wrapped in plastic... sometimes individual candies are!
i digress but i certainly wont sit back while people actually say its OK to just fuck all of planet earth and the life on it because they read it in some book.
thats just plain stupid.

i have a lot of respect for Michael Crichton and his writings because he tries to get people to respect the PROCESS of SCIENCE and how its not political but rather a very good method to follow when trying to learn about something... one of his favorite concepts is not to let the forgone conclusion influence the research...
well it sounds like many of you just like to feel comformatable and start with the premise that a variety of environmental problems are just not happening because that would upset your bliss...

ok now im really digressing but i have this to say:
whomever does not respect their planet and home does not respect themself.

to those who think we can get away from our problems in outer space or on another planet-
we cannot run away from ourselves- we will only do the same again...
its time we tamed our inner spoiled brat
tell your inner spoiled brat to
and pay attention and try to learn something and try to help be part of the solution not the problem...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  45
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Posted : Sep 25, 2006 20:53

On 2006-09-25 14:08, gigglygobo wrote:
well i beleive that global warming is just the natural course of earths evolution...if u have taken a geology or geography class u must have studied that the core of the earth or the mantle is a hot ball of fire....just like the sun...thus the natural state of earth is to be warm or hot...snow & water and cold are not "natural"...they an abnormality that the earth has developed. global warming is just a phase in the evolution of earth. once this phase passes earth will be engulfed in another ice age...we humans feel we control everything and have the power to stand against the forces of nature. we think that we can manipulate nature to our prefrence. sorry monkey brains we dont...all the pollution and stuff doesnt make the earth any weaker than a drop of water makes the ocean wetter. all this fear of the unkown and doomsday philosophy and stuff is just another weapon of mass control...create fear and urgency then scare people into believing they are going to die and then impose more laws and make them OBEY. i think Al Gore's documentary shud be simply looked at from entertainment can u take a person who lost to a chimpanzee seriously? also all this caring and love for the planet will not matter a few centuries from now when the ice age sets in full swing. let the earth be...all the stuff in it is for its inhabitants to consume and more whales!

i agree with wot u saying scientifically that the global warming has other major factors involved other then pollution, deforestation etc.

and @ocelot bro he's right bout the earth's core being moten iron being in a liquid form
so when it moves it becomes magnetically charged and causeing various diffrent natural phenomena, and if u see litreally has made life possible on earth (coz it wades of the harmful rays of the sun)
and the beautiful 'Northenlights' too are caused bcoz of it

comming bak to the point, life has always been a give and take relationship in this game of evolution
and right now human species (the dominent force currently) is not in very good terms we jus belive in takin

so we have to attune to nature for it to protect us against other bigger wraths like :-
super volcanos
fliping of the earth's magnetic poles
Ice age
which are all due in earth cycle and coz total anihlation if we dont think rightly
          the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
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Posted : Sep 27, 2006 19:52

On 2006-09-25 12:55, Acidhive wrote:

On 2006-09-25 12:35, Gopendra wrote:
PsY_AcTiVe u asked and answered a sad truth.
This is the broblem,no real care for nature,only care for money,fame,and power,egoistic behaviours...
One day soon or later nature will destroy itself with a hard reaction from a human action,cause and effect.
Humanity will disapear,and nature will find back again its natural cycle and recycle proccess.
Open air parties should have the spiritual healing idea for the spirit of nature with our +energy full of love for nature,the spirit of earth mama Gaia,Pachamama...needs our encourment,needs our healing emotion and energy ...
when the atmosfaire is ill,we are ill,when the water is ill we are ill,when the ground is ill,the veggies we eat are ill...
If we want to be healthy we must support earth,the closer touch we get with nature elements plants and animals, the union becomes deeper...
When we say cosmic union,we mean union with cosmos,with everything,so when u respect and comunicate with plants and animals on a high spiritual telepathetic stage,u start to aware how the laws of nature works,u start to elevate spirit and be able to realise the mysteries of existance deeper.
When the time to live the physical body comes and the microcosm is have used to work with the unique universal nature proccess with macrocosm around,by doing meditation,think of ecology,dance in trance with true plur,love for nature,emotionaly healthy life,etc....then we would be more prepared and ready for the final union with cosmos.
If the end comes and we are not in a high unique level,then it would be very difficult to achive the union and merge the micro with the macro...
If we wanna save nature and this beautifull macrocosm around outer world,we have to save our microcosmic inner world first,and then we might be strong enouph,even to save the all planet...

Nope. That's not going to happen. You're right that people have to start with themselves, but after that there's far harder work to be done to make this a reality. Go persuade big corporations to work together, to change how they're working now etc. etc. Get governments to work together. It's not all juicy spiritual shit out there. Some things are founded on money, objects. No, spiritual serenity is just a small part of what would be a monumental operation to change the world and ultimately the future.

Look, money and other thing u mentioned surely are needed,but firstly the thing that is gonna awake the ecological feeling and sense to save the planet and start doing in the right way what u wrote acidchive ,is the awakening of the spirit wich makes someone to feel a closer relation with earth and experience the importance of the cosmic union,that everything around us is realated eachother and we related with awakened spirit receives messages from the spirits of nature,gets closer with love and respect and then communicates spiritually through meditation with the plant kingdom and and listening to the wishper of the air,birds, the clouds from the sky,and creates a vision on what our planet needs...

I know a shamanic community at colombia where their members respect nature and hopefully have mamaged to keep save and not exploited a very big forest landscape with a lot of ecological importance area,wich really keeps alot of ballance between nature and the enviroment around...a big healthy breath for all the planet.
This community is fully spiritual and follows a shamanic way of life with ayahuasca rituals,meditation,psychological work,spiritual ceremonies through the synthesys of all religions of the world with respect.All the money and gold they got is used for ecology systems around earth and the growth of their shamanic community.
They speak with the earth, communicate through visions,and by this way know how to move right and what to do safer for the best of all humanity and nature.

As u see all those "spiritual juicy out there "as u say is the first and most important thing to start doing something good,just to have a pure essense for the right doing thing wich is really needed for our beloved planet.
Music and trance parties festivals do a lot for the "awakening" thing and gives the ecological spirit and energy we need..
love the earth and earth will love u,ask the nature spirit and u will get the answer u need...

After the End,a new Begining startS..
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
Posts :  5475
Posted : Feb 1, 2007 08:46
Check this:

Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  33
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Posted : Feb 1, 2007 16:59
I second most of what Andrew sayd. Seen this movie as well.
Some might could think its just another propaganda for politicians. (yes its a bit pathetic)
Some might dont.

But still, If at least 30% of the movie (and i believe, maybe iam fool but i really do that its even more) is serious truth then we have to think and act pretty fast how to solve the problem....  hovercraft is full of eels...


*current releases*
2st digital release out soon - Protonica and Suntree
Addictive Elements
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Feb 1, 2007 19:21
this is a funny yet thought provoking statement ive heard in southpark...its sad but true...
"Hippies , they wanna save the world but all they do is smoke pot" -eric cartman.....

lets make a change lets start by voicing our opinion abt topics n issues we feel abt...may it be political, regarding nature , social the print media, thru demonstrations , protests etc.....
my opinion is dat most psyfolk r hesitant abt being heard bcoz half of them wanna stay underground bcoz they do dees.
make a start by opposin deforestation around it even a single tree.... n STOP LITTERING AT PARTIES!!
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  144
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Posted : Feb 1, 2007 22:09
Just got this in the mail.

Thursday February 1, 2007
To protest against global warming and climate change around the world, give the earth a 5 minute break. February 1st from 7.55pm (19.55) to 8.00pm (20.00). Every one should close all lights and electric facilities for big 5 minutes. Do it respecting your local time zone, therefore the demonstration will be active according to time zones around the world.
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  1772
Posted : Feb 2, 2007 00:24

On 2007-02-01 22:09, Yidam wrote:
Just got this in the mail.

Thursday February 1, 2007
To protest against global warming and climate change around the world, give the earth a 5 minute break. February 1st from 7.55pm (19.55) to 8.00pm (20.00). Every one should close all lights and electric facilities for big 5 minutes. Do it respecting your local time zone, therefore the demonstration will be active according to time zones around the world.

I think that corporations have more to do with global warming than everyone that has gotten that email, sorry.
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