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Our (beloved) Planet needs us

Voice Of Cod / Zuloop

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Posted : Sep 23, 2006 03:10
Saw this amazing film tonight, about
the damage we're doing to the planet and about how we can save it. The film is called 'an inconvenient truth' by Al Gore. The connections between trance and our earth and mother nature are obvious - When the december 2004 tsunami devastated parts of Asia and India, all over the world there were trance parties for the cause, with many producers and labels giving their music for benefit compilations - it really was a great show of the spirit of trance. I think it's just as important that we show that we actually care for the environment that we love to party in by getting behind efforts to stop global warming! It's imperative. The film and websites tell you all about it.

I realise this is not directly related to trance, it's more of an indirect relationship. But anyway, here's to hoping you understand my posting

Andrew Humphries 
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2006 04:29
About Global Warming: Just read 'State of Fear' by Michael Crichton and you will understand how is the whole issue is exaggerated.
          -=The Meaning Of Life Is To Give Life A Meaning=
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2006 05:10
Yeah well what good is trance if we make a real hell out of the planet we live in.

Not everybody agrees with what Gore is saying, but this is not to be taken lightly as the implications could be apocaliptic. Something to scare the crap out of anybody that understands what could happen and how we are probably playing a big part for this happening. Lets hope like Nathan said, the issue has just being exagerated.

But its not just global warming, the list is endless and the message is coming from all directions. You can read enviromental catastrophe all around.

Ofcourse life on earth will eventually die when our sun dies. But this isn't a matter of something that is beyond our hands, actually the whole point is precisely that it is something WE are creating with our very own hands.

So understanding that its hard to escape responsability.

And there is only so much one can do, but fucking do it!

In this day if you are not doing something to stop and restore the damage then you are living as a tourist on earth.

Its sad that while we type here in our computers an animal like the bengal tiger in India is going extinct. Really who cares about giant skyscrapers, jets and supercomuters if it means the tiger can no longer roam in the jungle.

And so where do you find the hope? You know when I put my little grain of sand to try and save this earth, that's when I see hope! And in that instant the persepective changes and I see a beautiful world surviving.


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Posted : Sep 23, 2006 05:57
I know its a sensible issue, and i must admit it is serious, but if you think for a while, that our planet, some time ago, survived a meteorite crash, that devastated all animal life, and most of its vegetal life too, you should know that life somehow find a way out of pretty much any situation.
I don’t think there is a reason for panic and probably these climate changes and variations are normal.
I just think that like always, we'll have to adapt. Nature is not to be underestimated.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2006 06:28
We have more important issues than "global warming" (which i don't really trust to fully believe in because it's such an unsure subject), like WAR.
I hate what my president is doing to the world, and I don't condone his stupidity at all.
There seems to be such an abundance of outstanding problems in the world (especially including what the US is doing in almost everything), yet the biggest issue on our minds (in america) is wether or not gay marriage should be legal..

Aluxe : I really agree with what you're saying -

Yeah well what good is trance if we make a real hell out of the planet we live in.

And there is only so much one can do, but fucking do it!

I saw Wayne Coyne of the Flaming Lips at a live show saying "I really don't think something as beautiful as a song has much power over something like a politician.", and I really believe that..
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 23, 2006 06:29
we should all believe in the guy who invented the internet anyway..
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Sep 24, 2006 00:47
How many people that are still unsure, actually watched the movie? I saw it recently as well and the content is astounding. Yes, it is a shame that they included 40% of Al Gore's personal campaign in there and his life actions, or something like that = don't be surprised if he decides to run for office at some point later.
but the ultimate message of the movie IS the important issue here, which is to fight against the skepticism of global warming, & we can read examples of it right here:

it's not a big deal, who believes gore anyway, it's all hot air... whether or not Greenland disappears in the next 10-20 years rising sea levels ten feet globally... is unimportant. Global warming is a reality, it is happening and it is cause of major concern. Something should probably be done about it, especially by the US and this film is that catalizer. People -including myself- need a big WARNING sign to get the ball rolling. And to some degree it is a noble cause. Sucks it couldn't be made selflessly, but someone had to pay the bill for the documentary and they wanted a little something in return.

Nathan, i had no clue about that book, so i took it upon myself to dig on the matter a little further and found this:

in short, Crichton has a rough idea of what's happening, but, it's obviously not his field of research and he gets it wrong a lot of times. His main point is valid too, in between his action sequences - let's take everything that comes out of a politician's mouth with a grain of salt- On the other hand, Crichton also makes a living, writing fiction books that are meant to create controversy without clarifying the topic much.

watch the documentary if you have a chance.

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IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 24, 2006 06:30

don't be surprised if he decides to run for office at some point later.

I don't think he can..
Voice Of Cod / Zuloop

Started Topics :  14
Posts :  218
Posted : Sep 24, 2006 15:21
Worth noting - while Greenland breaks apart Antarctica is melting at the same time - so you want to be doubling that global sea level rise to 20-40 feet. This is serious shit. As they say in the movie 100s of millions of people around the world (including USA, europe - eg most of holland will be underwater) will be without a place to live in the next 50 years if C02 levels continue to rise. With the rise in water/temperature are coming new diseases and bacterias like bird flu and old ones like coming back with a vengance. Are you kidding! so we've got to look forward to plagues, famine and meltdown of all of our 'civilisation' by the time we hit our retirement age. We've got to clean up our act. If we all start now we will be able to slow this process down, perhaps in time our technology, once attuned to working in ecological ways will also be able to reverse the effects of global warming. theres some simple things you can do to get started here :

take a look

also take note virgin airlines are giving all their profits to global warming prevention see here

one last thing - as rah said "the ultimate message of the movie IS the important issue here" - lets not get distracted by the politics.
Fat Data

Started Topics :  154
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Posted : Sep 24, 2006 19:21
the best way to save earth now is at least half the population leave it and go to another planet!

as long as we get more and more with the rising of population problems will rise together!!

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 24, 2006 20:18
I dunno.
Theres a lot of people who donated and volunteered (risking disease) to help with the tsunami, not just trancers.

Also speakers use quite a bit of power, esp for big parties.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 24, 2006 21:10
Wat do you guys think of the decline of mankind, which has been prophesized??          "... b'om ..."
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 24, 2006 22:05

Oh please lets not get into doomsday prophecies as if we were incapable of fixing things. What we need is people that have faith in the future for the simple reason they are >>doing something to fix things NOW<<

Like they say: THE ONLY WAY 2 PREDICT YOUR FUTURE IS 2 CREATE IT! so lets pleeeassseee not choose (yawn) doomsday.

Hey BTW I understand the first world countries are the big ass glutons doing most of the damage, consuming most of the energy and worlds resources. Yeah thanks for fucking it up for everyone asswipes. But seriously, we would need 4 planet earths for the whole world to be living like the first world does now. If China (which is rising fast) starts consuming resources like the USA, that's it we are fucked.

I mean take a note about all you consume in one week, all the garbage you produce. Like DUH! no wonder.

We need a big transformation in mentality because we are hitting wall right now.
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2006 00:50
^^^^ dont forget India bro
the second largest population in the world
if both India & China Start growing the way they are and as well as Brazil (which is doing very good as a emerging market) then even God cannot save this planet

the problem is we dont think as a species.
Our leaders always make sure to use the word 'WE' and make every possible effort to make sure that 'WE' never happens

if they are really serious bout it (which they never will be) the whole system has to change everything like education, politics, psycology of the human species etc.

otherwise like our forefathers we too will contribute in digging a beautiful digital grave for our future genrations           the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!!
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Sep 25, 2006 03:46
Yes i saw that movie too, Its a very very serious issue, Its too bad most "Mainstream" Film goer's will not even give it a look or recognition it deserves... Its somthing that is pretty obvious, i think everyone has a certain knowlage of what is going on...

But the real queston... do most ppl care? ...

Sadly the answer is no.
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