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Organizers!!! Please Put TrashBags in Partys, Festivals!


Started Topics :  106
Posts :  269
Posted : Mar 7, 2008 23:16:09
Its depresed how last week i went to saucy festival, and was a messy there, but its no the problem of the people, the problem is from the organizers that dont put trashbags or something!

please if somebody here is a organizer and is going to make a open air party put bags or something!

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Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Mar 8, 2008 06:30
Great topic Haka, thanks for speaking about something that is really needed.

Producers, please pay attention to these wise words
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IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 10, 2008 19:06
well this is a deep problem not only with promoters but to people that is going to such massive partys of cygnuss and ommix.

Both promoters lack culture and llove for the scene, they are only here for money: they never make decoration, and bring the same artist again and again and again...

And this problems goes backwards to mexico in gener<al: in the street there arent any trash cans, why beacuse people would steal it .

So I think a cool aproach is to bring our own trash bags to the party and show everybody that collecting trash is not "bad taste" is just being re4sponsible.

Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Mar 10, 2008 20:53

On 2008-03-10 19:06, Login wrote:
well this is a deep problem not only with promoters but to people that is going to such massive partys of cygnuss and ommix.

Both promoters lack culture and llove for the scene, they are only here for money: they never make decoration, and bring the same artist again and again and again...

And this problems goes backwards to mexico in gener<al: in the street there arent any trash cans, why beacuse people would steal it .

So I think a cool aproach is to bring our own trash bags to the party and show everybody that collecting trash is not "bad taste" is just being re4sponsible.


Btw Deliria has always been conscious about the garbage problem, they always organize ecological teams and give incentives to people to pick up the garbage, like giving them a bag and offering them treats if they return the bag full of garbage.

In Brazil they hire personnel who keeps cleaning up the place the entire party, this is good because it gives job to more people and keeps the dancefloors and party areas neat and clean!           Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  269
Posts :  7826
Posted : Mar 11, 2008 11:41
it is incredible how in the 21st century a party doesn´t have places to put garbage.
i and some friends make private parties in the woods and we always have the concern of putting trashbags for garbage, and in the end we even recycle the most part of the trash...
tss tss...
negative points to organizers who don´t collect trash, and do not have places to put trash           ...
IsraTrance Junior Member

Started Topics :  33
Posts :  208
Posted : Mar 11, 2008 23:48
there is no end to this topic, unfortunetly, that's the way mexico is.. in my parties me and my crew try to do the best, by throwing trash right in front of the dancers and putting it in the garbage can, maybe that will make them think
while their enjoying all the fun in the world they can respect nature           Gorump Peyya - \\\"Mystery of Nitzzy\\\"
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Started Topics :  68
Posts :  397
Posted : Mar 12, 2008 01:13
This is not restricted to Mexico, I've been this problem in other countries as well.

It depends more on who does the party, and if they care or not about the environment.

A good solution is to have people picking up garbage as soon as it falls to the ground, it would be better if nobody threw garbage outside the trashbags or designated areas, but we aren't there yet           Peace, Love, Light and Harmony
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  65
Posts :  1707
Posted : Mar 12, 2008 03:12
The solution rely on us, everyone makes his own eviroment. Pick you trash barg an pick the trash around where youre dancing.

It makes me very sad the state of many parties in mexico, so I had come to the decision simply dont go to this parties.

But now without deliria, the only ones left with conciusness is SOE, so hope we could implement something for next parties.

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Posts :  7
Posted : Mar 15, 2008 04:02
The solution is to educate our children from a young age

If you are not part of the solution you are part of the problem

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Posts :  87
Posted : Mar 27, 2008 00:21
I've picked up trash at many parties, its not fun, but its needed. I hate dancing on broken bottles, water bottles, and paper - I've hurt my ankle before. Also its not just big trash, cigarette buts!! I'm a smoker and I try my hardest to keep my cig buts of the floor. (Its sounds stupid but I keep them in my pocket and but them in the trash once I get the chance) Its sad after a party if you look at the ground how polluted it is. If each of us would pick up a piece of trash every time it got in our way it would help. We need to begin promoting "leave no trace".

Parties in the Forest in Nor Cal and the Mojave are always spotless once they are over, but it is a collective effort. Everyone helps, even if its not their trash. Trash bins, cigarette bins, bags can be seen all over the dance floor. The world is our home we should begin to treat it better before it gets rid of us.

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Trance Forum » » Forum  Mexico - Organizers!!! Please Put TrashBags in Partys, Festivals!
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