Organic Psy
lady seals
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Posted : Oct 17, 2010 01:27:45
What are your thoughts on the near future of psy on a gridless state? Sunspots will cause our grid to shut down and perhaps our electronic devices to malfunction. Will solar/wind/or water powered generators even work? Do any promoters or groups even have these things?
If not, I hope artists and people still HEAR the music. We may have to bust out our vocal chords, our birds, our bongos, our didgeridoos, our hands, our feet, our chimes, our sticks, our rocks, and our bodies to make the music that connects us with the I Am.
lady seals
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Posted : Oct 17, 2010 01:30
... at least for a little while until we create soundsystems that can run on sustainable and free energy in the new magnetically chaotic state. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 17, 2010 01:59
I thought this thread was going to be about psytrance tracks that feature real drums, didgeridoos, vocals, violins, etc.....which would be awesome. sign me up.
but yeah, uh, to get on topic....i think no power = no psytrance. you'll have to get your rocks off listening to real drummers and acoustic guitarists/pianists/etc.
The town I live in has two giant windmills that almost entirely negate the need for juice from outside powerplants, so i think i'd be okay, but sadly most places are not in the same situation. |
billy boogie
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 17, 2010 20:08
To Atlantic city!!!
Haha, good topic, one that I've thought a lot about and haven't really come up with many solutions. Although, the blue man group got some pretty good bass tones out of those telescopic PVC tubes.... Might have to start building. |
the dog of tears
the dog of tears
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Posted : Oct 18, 2010 00:53
hmm, a resource depletion thread on isra, how interesting.
lady seals, sunspots are not the issue, the issue is "peak oil" and depleted reserves/fields.
i have thought about this very subject many many times-- will we be able to prioritize trance parties as a worthwhile use of energy in an era of economic collapse and little to no oil? this era is coming upon us quicker than most realize.
fortunately, since trance parties run outside the norms of society, and usually aren't promoted very well any ways, this era might actually be a comeback decade for the so-called "renegade" party, something i sorely miss in california. i have the feeling we'll be able to throw parties wherever and whenever we want, provided we have some petrol to toss in the old genny. and whereas ethanol is pretty much the worst source of "alternative" energy on a global socio-economic scale, on the smaller scale of trying to throw a 200 person trance party, a corn field could have the perfect energy return.
there has been much discussion amongst my peers of the concept of "free energy" usually based on the ideas of magnetic energy brought forth by a Mr. Tesla... unfortunately, as our economies continue to collapse and no one in the "higher powers" is taking notice to such ideas, the money will probably never be put into researching this field. by the time we realize the potential is in nuclear research, or magnetic research, or whatever other "crazy idea" (paul stamitz could probably get sustainable energy from mushrooms if given the proper billions of dollars for research) someone talks about, there won't be the economy left to do the proper research-- or at least it will take a very very long time (i'd wager decades edging on a century).
to get back on topic though, i'd say the trance parties will continue, but they're going to be different. they're going to be much more hardcore, and the people there will be even more dedicated then before, and i have a feeling that instead of setting up specific dates, we will all have to network a broader time period to meet up in a specific place through word of mouth alone (no oil=no nrg to run the AC units to cool off the servers that run the internet*). so basically at a certain point when it seems like a critical mass of people have gathered, we can kick off the party. no one will have jobs so that won't matter.
*- the internet takes up 1% of world fossil fuel energy use, which is the same as Great Britain's entire fossil fuel output.
good reading-- |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 18, 2010 04:07
On 2010-10-18 00:53, the dog of tears wrote:
no one will have jobs so that won't matter.
Ok, but if nobody has jobs won't we be having to work harder than ever on a DAILY BASIS just to fill our basic needs of food, water, and shelter? I have a hard time believing that a fallout of civilization would all of a sudden result in perfect socialism where we all have the resources to live without having to work.
If your idea came true, YES it is very possible that there wouldn't be any "jobs" in a traditional sense. But realize that you will still need to make money or gather resources somehow. You will either resort to odd jobs as they come ("Day laborers" essentially do this now.), or you will be forced to grow/gather/kill your own food/water, and provide your own shelter.
If this sort of reality came to pass, I could see localized gatherings happening, but something tells me our priorities would be focused on survival. And if we had the luxury of being able to focus on experiences of pleasure (as we do today - indicative of our posts on this forum), then certainly other larger issues would have been solved first. |
lady seals
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Posted : Oct 18, 2010 04:16
Yes, Doggie, I'm afraid the research is minimal and its application even less. Capitalists must be incredibly stupid. Investing their dollars in these fields would give them amazing amounts of wealth right now. Oh yeah, this day and age, the rich didn't become rich from innovation or wisdom but from Daddy. (I went to business school.) I agree: I think the time is very very soon upon us. When we do gather at a renegade party, at least the cops wont interrupt your creation this time.
Kahn: I always like reading your posts. Surviving in this way actually allows for MORE time for partying, dancing, and socializing. Read Ishmael by Daniel Quinn. (Everyone needs to read this book!!! Buy it now before money is worthless. ) |
the dog of tears
the dog of tears
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Posted : Oct 18, 2010 06:06
@ kahn: you are correct it will take an innumerable amount of personal "work" as well as community for life to have some semblance of its prior self, but this will instill an even deeper passion for partying in people
@ lady seals: capitalists (investment bankers) are investing mainly in military and surveillance equipment at this junction in time, in anticipation of a so-called economic downfall. there will definitely be "old-time" capitalists vying for a military stronghold on the once-sheepish masses, but knowing humans, i do not personally think they will succeed, at least not for more than 5-10 years (at a time). |
Hero #1
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 18, 2010 07:33
On 2010-10-18 06:06, the dog of tears wrote:
@ kahn: you are correct it will take an innumerable amount of personal "work" as well as community for life to have some semblance of its prior self, but this will instill an even deeper passion for partying in people
@ lady seals: capitalists (investment bankers) are investing mainly in military and surveillance equipment at this junction in time, in anticipation of a so-called economic downfall. there will definitely be "old-time" capitalists vying for a military stronghold on the once-sheepish masses, but knowing humans, i do not personally think they will succeed, at least not for more than 5-10 years (at a time).
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 18, 2010 08:22
If we had complete world "fallout" having a psy party would certainly be a miracle that would undoubtedly be VERY appreciated by those in attendance. I don't doubt the dedication required for such an endeavor.
I just doubt that our day to day time wouldn't matter because "no one has jobs." Who is going to pick the grapes and berries on my farm (which I would have to keep in order to sustain myself - just one example of what I could be doing in such a world...) in my absence? Our time would still remain just as, if not MORE valuable than it is today. I have no doubt that we would still lend time to unwind and to recreation. This has been a constant throughout human history with cultural gatherings, music, dance, art, etc.. I only disagree with the notion that the time of the party wouldn't matter because we would have so much time to waste away... I just don't think that would be the case.
In any case, I do believe that psychedelic culture would remain as long as mankind does. |
the dog of tears
the dog of tears
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Posted : Oct 18, 2010 08:44
i see your point entirely, it's just a matter of long term word of mouth planning-- for example you start spreading the word a year ahead of time that everyone who's cool is going to meet at such n such forest after the peak of harvest season. everyone is obviously in a period of abundance at this time and therefore can take a short break from day to day labors.
the event becomes a hippy-dippy potluck on the largest scale. everyone brings their harvest food (and other amenities) and the community on a larger scale can discuss further undercover techno-ninja gatherings.
since people don't have real jobs they have to attend to from 9 to 5, they just make their work out of the land that is being occupied for partying, for the duration of their time there. nomadic activity like this will not be unorthodox, in fact it is a critical skill to have for this era. |
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 18, 2010 12:42
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 18, 2010 13:51
Sometimes I wonder if we still live on the same planet…
Read “Ishmael”…
Why not “20000 Leagues Under the Sea” or “Utopia”?
Or, better yet, let’s all just watch “Star Trek” – that’s the ultimate authority on post-apocalyptic sociology! Everybody there lives without money and does not seem to exert himself too much. Cool! Except for those poor red uniforms – they always get killed on the away missions. But hey, the golden uniforms will still have their trance parties, right? Maybe even with some smuggled Romulan ale. My own theory, however, suggests that the uniforms will be dark grey and their parties will feature plenty of kanar and Bajoran slave girls. And something tells me none of us will be invited.
“When we do gather at a renegade party, at least the cops won’t interrupt your creation this time.”
I thought you went to business school… Don’t they at least give you some hints there on how the real world works? Of course, cops won’t interrupt you. That will be a job for local warlords. And I doubt you’ll get away with just a warning and an unplugged generator.
Kahn, it’s very nice to see that some people still can think straight.
And, regardless of any apocalypse, I’d love some humus and pita.
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Oct 18, 2010 22:44
Romulan something hahahaha
Kanar, Bajoran slave girls... and we can get the Ferengie set up vendor booths on the side selling psychedelic wares for all!
We'll all have to focus our chakras with trance such as to raise our "Pa" and become one with the "Profits"/Wormhole aliens.
Yeah, I do look at Star Trek (especially the later series) as a good example of what "could be" regarding a society where limited resources (at least for basic living) is not an issue. |
Maine Coon
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Oct 19, 2010 00:42
Yes, if you focus on the whole communist utopia side, it’s a decent fantasy. However, only in DS9 do you see some hints towards how a real galaxy may look in the 24th century. The good overcomes the evil in the end, of course – so that everybody could feel good about the years they spent watching the show. But those who are not easily fooled by this typical Hollywood endgame trick understand what authors really tried to show there:
unless a true miracle happens, the world is going to consist of the ruling Cardassians and the barely surviving (and largely irrelevant) Maquis, with the enlightened Federation idly standing by.
So, sorry, we won’t get any kanar, because we’re not invited to those parties to begin with. Except for those slave girls, of course…