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Opinions of a famous brazilian party organizer on jews.


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Posted : Jun 16, 2010 22:55:47
It is sometimes very useful to learn one's opinion about yourself, specially when you're a jew trance musician.

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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 01:18
Cool story bro?           Everyone in the world is doing something without me

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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 01:34
It really depends on where you stand at.

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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 02:19
Oh, by the way, Juarez = Swarup.

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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 04:59
I really suggest a visit to the link above, for the argument hasn't died out, some supporters of Juarez idea are coming out of the blue and writting a little bit. One can already see the poorly hidden anti-semitism and prejudice finally coming out of age in Brazil, and in the middle of a, say, "trance" community.

But please, bear a tiny bit with me, and try to visit the link in the next few days. You are in for a ride !
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 05:34
Don't even need to read it all and it makes me nauseous.
No need to bring that stuff over here. Let's see what the mods think about keeping this topic open.


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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 05:37

On 2010-06-17 05:34, rich wrote:
Don't even need to read it all and it makes me nauseous.
No need to bring that stuff over here. Let's see what the mods think about keeping this topic open.

Would you be nice enough as to elaborate as to why this issue "nauseates" you??

PS: I was wondering that maybe one'd refer this thread to the mods, because among the "no nos" in guidelines is politcs. But NO SIR, this not about politics, this is about ANTI-SEMITISM which is one of the many faces of PREJUDICE, not politics at all !
IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 07:09

On 2010-06-17 05:34, rich wrote:
Don't even need to read it all and it makes me nauseous.

+1           the problem with valuing art is, till u dont understand it, it's worthless but wen u do understand it, it's priceless!!
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 07:51

On 2010-06-17 05:37, electronicbungalow wrote:

On 2010-06-17 05:34, rich wrote:
Don't even need to read it all and it makes me nauseous.
No need to bring that stuff over here. Let's see what the mods think about keeping this topic open.

Would you be nice enough as to elaborate as to why this issue "nauseates" you??

It would be hard to explain why a whiff of spoiled milk nauseates me, but maybe it's just because they have both gone sour. A man's entitled to his opinion, but if it stinks I don't want to smell it, regardless what it is.


PS: I was wondering that maybe one'd refer this thread to the mods, because among the "no nos" in guidelines is politcs. But NO SIR, this not about politics, this is about ANTI-SEMITISM which is one of the many faces of PREJUDICE, not politics at all !

It's a fine line, cos we're talking about beliefs here, and it certainly has nothing to do with trance. And besides, we have enough topics here to discuss, I don't see why we have to drag in a disagreeable topic from some other forum here. If Juarez wants to post something here he can do so himself.

Just my first thoughts. No offense to you electronicbungalow.
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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 07:55
well , without reading it all , i can say that it comes as no surprise to me that Israeli trance tourists have pissed of the locals , and that , I don`t think makes anyone a Nazi
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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 09:46
not all israelis are bad but.. screw them jews i feel happy to read this thread. they are the cancer of the world!

bravo to the organizer the time of truth has come

no more israeli money making music! astrix and cosma where good once, now there is realy NOTHING in isramusic, sorry
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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 10:04
leaf TRANSLATED wrote:
EB, in a few words, friendly ones: What Juarez thought & told you is what the majority of people are thinking.

Israel has flipped its standing around, from victim to headsman since the first year of its creation, or even before that. Unhappily you are not going to find any sympathetic words, not even among the enlightned ones.

My opinion is that Israel deserves a place in the world, like every other nation.
But not by targeting its weapons at people who are throwing stones.

I´m sorry for what I´m about to say to you, but the world would be a better place if there was no Israel.

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 10:05

On 2010-06-17 05:37, electronicbungalow wrote:

On 2010-06-17 05:34, rich wrote:
Don't even need to read it all and it makes me nauseous.
No need to bring that stuff over here. Let's see what the mods think about keeping this topic open.

Would you be nice enough as to elaborate as to why this issue "nauseates" you??

PS: I was wondering that maybe one'd refer this thread to the mods, because among the "no nos" in guidelines is politcs. But NO SIR, this not about politics, this is about ANTI-SEMITISM which is one of the many faces of PREJUDICE, not politics at all !

electronicbungalow ,
would you please elaborate what is your the intention for starting this thread?

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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 10:11
he probably did it to cry out for his poor country being defamed
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Posted : Jun 17, 2010 10:24
leave Brasil as it is. no matter what you say here or wherever, Brazil is one of the hearts of psychedelic trance in the world today and everyone who seeks for experiences of this kind, surely wants to go there and will do it, no matter what you or any other 'underprivileged' jew will say.

Trance Forum » » Forum  Trance - Opinions of a famous brazilian party organizer on jews.

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