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Posted : Nov 27, 2012 00:35:51
This is a review by Damion PsyReviews but since he's too cool for our school I'll just repost it here (for the kids)
I was a bit shocked to learn of this, OOOD’s fifth album, at such a late stage in the day. For the last two (or three?) albums, I was much more plugged-in to the digital doofmatrix (or whatever) and was keenly aware of the progress and releases of more or less everything. I had no idea that You Think You Are was on the way, and that made it all the more of a happy surprise.
You see, the thing is that You Think You Are is the album that OOOD have always been promising they could make. For years.
Don’t get me wrong: as an act, they’ve always produced consistently good quality music, and while they’ve moved further and further away from those high-bpm full throttle Goa belters, there’s always been a sense that while they’re happy to dip in and explore new musical fissures, they don’t quite get fully bedded into the seam of brave, solid music. You Think You Are changes that.
What makes it so immediately effective is just how… confident this sounds. The production is crisp and chunky, but we’d almost come to expect that. What’s new here is the fusion of styles, bringing in slices of suomi and, thanks to Loopus In Fabula, Bowie-stabbed Disco.
The Philosopher’s Tone kicks off with a set of disparate frequencies and noises, before dropping us into more familiar doof-n-bassline territory. But it doesn’t leave us there; it’s disjointed, and chaotic, with a biting, fun edge that harks back to OOOD’s early Cabbaged fun.
Inner Inca and The King And Eye have those Suomi patters tinkering across the top; the former juggling electro, the latter sitting more firmly in OOOD-oof territory. And we get more electro with Bube (The Tube) which sounds not unlike what you’d get locking Mr Ozio and Snake Thing in a broom cupboard full of synths.
The OOOD remix of Fourfreezer’s Happiness switches play (that’s an Australian Rules Football metaphor, the first and hopefully last to appear on this site) and we’re getting another taste of that psy-breaks doohicky with which OOOD were one of the experimenters. I’ll have to confess it’s never quite resonated with me, sounding like one thing on top of another, as though Ableton was putting the topend of psytrance over a drum pattern that’s essentially Ringo Starr (it bloody is.) Anyway, it’s a good example of such, and if nothing else it cleanses the palette ahead of the album’s Lobster Fucking Terrine (technical musical term), Dum Dum.
Dum Dum occupies track 7 as a homage to the days when track 7 was, well, track 7. It’s a swirly, energetic bit of spacious psychedelia with an insanely gorgeous progression. It begins from out of almost nothing, and combines several flavours of groove that shouldn’t fit and work as well as they do; in other words, it’s “intelligent”, as people said of Goldie’s Timeless. It has this driving, attractive presence almost as though you can feel it getting louder, like walking toward a festival stage as darkness falls. It is literally a fucking belter.
Loopus provides an awful lot of Loopus on English Pizza, which again combines a lot of groove elements that shouldn’t work, but somehow hang together perfectly. It’s easy to imaging a track like this failing miserably, but it succeeds (although I’ll concede that folk looking for a more immediate, thunky experience might be better served with The Best Goa Progressive Psytrance Psychedelic Do We Need Any More Keywords For This To Show Up First On Itunes 2012, Vol 8.)
And finally, Shpiral. Actually it’s not the last track but it should be (the Sonic Species remix of OOOD’s Eye Of The Beholder is good enough, but sounds tacked-on.) Shpiral has that wide-eyed OOOD energy, with gentle melodies sitting effortlessly atop a smooth-as-silk rhythm section, escalating to a wonderfully organic peak that’s right up there with the best.
In short, then: crikey. I was expecting a pleasant listen, I got an awful lot more. Much of OOOD’s output has failed to get the attention it deserves and we can only all hope that this fares differently: many elements here are things that we’ve literally never seen before, and this deserves to be seen as one of the most daringly different, accomplished and (hopefully) influential albums of recent years.
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Nov 29, 2012 23:32
Fucking brilliant album. Highly recommended.
Get amazed by the 2 min samples:
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : Dec 6, 2012 01:30
IsraTrance Junior Member
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Posted : May 8, 2013 13:29
Such awesomeness in this album!!
-.-. .... --- --- ... . / .-.. --- ...- .
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : May 20, 2013 22:25
Heard this album finally, very nice release. All tracks are really brilliant. Fav tracks Happiness and Eye of the Beholder
Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.
Colin OOOD
OOOD/Voice of Cod
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Posted : Jun 7, 2013 22:09
Artist: O.O.O.D.
Title: You Think You Are
Label: Vertigo Records
Date: November, 2012
2. The Philosopher's Tone
3. Inner Inca
4. The King And Eye
5. Bube (The Tube)
6. Happiness (OOOD Remix) - FORUFREEZER
7. Dum Dum
8. English Pizza (OOOD Remix) - OOOD AND LOOPUS IN FABULA
9. Shpiral
10. Eye Of The Beholder (Sonic Species rmx) - OOOD AND OTT
I haven't listened to an O.O.O.D. album since aLive. Is that wrong? It was so good that I didn't want to f*ck any of it up by listening to their style change. Stupid really, because as any artist will tell you, unless you're Boris Blenn your music should evolve and grow. I know they made other albums...the one with the egg thingy and then the brains on the cover. Never heard them so...I'm guessing they're not making goa any longer?
Nope. They do more.
Let's start with the project which is a four piece outfit that plays live with real drums, guitars, and keyboards. They just don't stand behind a deck and twiddle knobs while getting blown by a groupie. They're actual musicians so they have talent. I mean, they're DJ's too, so they probably get their fair share of chicks with daddy issues. Aside from their first album, all I know is that Colin has made a name for himself in the mastering field. So what are they up to?
Eclectic. Original. I would say their style on this album is psychedelic and would call it Suomi-like, if they were looney toon Finns. But they're from the UK and the craziest people I met when I was over there were the soccer fans. Dems some crazy f*ckers. I love hockey, but I'll be damned if I wanna fight anyone over it.
There are all kinds of crazy sound manipulation going on all the while getting that groove going. It's out there at times, I mean who would think of putting Elvis and a 303 together? They did, and it's damn good. Bube (The Tube) is some funky sh*t Crystal Method would be proud of. That bass is pure filth and volatile fuel for the dance fire. They play with different rhythms and draw from a lot of genres. Sometimes it's techno or breakbeat or...whatever, but rest assured it's always with an eye for you people to shake your tukus. Like moving the back end? I defy you not to get down to English Pizza. It's like the soul train awards up in here.
Also I wanted to note that they didn't end with the cliche downtempo number. Nope, they tore the doors off with a pretty good storming track full of bass snarls and more pounding than a headache.
The sound quality is top notch so you hear every note and sound they intended. Is it perfect? Of course not. I would say there isn't one track that you simply must hear. They all have their quality moments, but nothing stands out head and shoulders above the rest. And when that happens you have to really pay attention to detail because when you hear a cracker you know it. You feel it. And that guy isn't here. But the funky stuff is here for all to enjoy. And if you pay attention you will also appreciate the detail behind this. Yeah it's not goa, but you know what?
IsraTrance Team
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Posted : Jun 19, 2013 20:00
Still impressed. I need more like this. Respect!
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
IsraTrance Full Member
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Posted : Jun 20, 2013 03:52
Really like this. Has inspired me to save up an buy some more from this label.
Collin seems to be a real nice guy as well from chats, hope he gets the rewards for his hard work as do the rest of the group.
Cuntus Maximus.