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Online Purchasing


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Posted : Oct 29, 2009 14:16:30
Wasn't entirely sure where to put this but I think it fits here.

First a confession; Ive been a total scab when it comes to psytrance. When people say, "P2P sharing is killing the music industry", im the guy your talking about. Nearly my entire "collection" is composed of illegal downloads.

Go ahead and flame me for this if you want but Im not happy with this myself. I know how much time and effort goes into this stuff (ive got a mate whos into production, hes nothing special by any means, but even with him I can see just how much shit goes into it) that record labels are downsizing/going under and that ive recieved countless hours of entertainment for free.

Ive tried to rationalise it to myself by saying that im in Australia and CD's are just so hard to come by but in the day and age thats not an acceptable excuse (since stuff can be shipped anywhere for cheap.) That, and im a piss-poor student.

So, basically im gonna set things straight (sort of) by going back and purchasing the albums that ive come particularly cherish. First cabs off the rank is stuff from Twisted - A couple of Hallucinogen and Shpongles, maybe an OTT and YB. I know where to get this - straight off the Twisted website.

So my question is where to go from here.

Whats the best place to buy online? Is there any difference between online shops in terms of what the artists/labels recieve back? Do any other labels sell their stuff online like twisted does? Is there anything with particularly cheaper prices?

Don't come at me with any shit in regards to me being a pirate. I don't really care. Ive realised ive been a douche and moved on. Plus, i really would never have heard a single psytrance song if it werent for downloads. Ive sampled and now im buying what I want.
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 29, 2009 14:30
and why do you need a new id for posting this ?
Inactive User

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Posted : Oct 29, 2009 14:32
soulseek ftw !
psionic nomad
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 29, 2009 14:34 its one place where you can order stuuf directly other then that is pretty alright too.

          * I said "mom mom, I have found my spiritual enlightenment" and she said" there's another thing you have to find: A JOB" :>*
Master Margherita

Started Topics :  156
Posts :  1442
Posted : Oct 29, 2009 14:47
the only place i see around, where you can get allways all the catolg available to buy is

based on my experiecne like label owner, is the only online shop around, who is not mobing labels....

buy on beatspace guys 
IsraTrance Senior Member

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Posted : Oct 29, 2009 14:58

          When death comes to your doorstep, make sure you are alive

Started Topics :  1
Posts :  6
Posted : Oct 29, 2009 15:37
Cheers guys..

Got another question. Im looking for releases such as Ticon Zero Six After and Protocultures Refractions and everywhere I search, they are out of stock.

Will they always be out of stock? Do you request them and wait a few months? Are once they are sold out, they are never made again?
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  168
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Posted : Oct 29, 2009 15:57
Pretty much. Trance is a "get it while it's hot" commodity. Few releases are reprinted. And many labels don't bother to sell digital copies. So you get this situation where your only "legal" method of acquiring a lot of good music is to pay some collector for a used copy. None of that cash ever gets back to the artist or label of course.

When there is demand that is unsatisfied this is called "market failure" which describes the situation in the psytrance scene quite well. Labels failing, artists griping, fans faced with the stark options of either downloading illegally or doing without. It's a bit of a joke.

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Oct 29, 2009 16:00
Buy from the artist direct..

Most of them are more than happy to take some money direct, and even if they don't have an "official copy", they will more than happy burn you one off, and "sign it" in exchange for hard cash.

You are also supporting the artist directly, and you know what, some of them are really nice people, and not only appreciate the cold hard cash, but the fact you went out of your way, and bothered to try and get in contact.
Sure it isn't as easy as "point and click", but it is alot more rewarding experience imho.

2,000,000+ views and counting.
Master Margherita

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Posts :  1442
Posted : Oct 29, 2009 16:10

On 2009-10-29 15:37, Jakethesnake wrote:
Cheers guys..
Im looking for releases such as Ticon Zero Six After and Protocultures Refractions and everywhere I search, they are out of stock.

if the release is to old, gonna be hard to find "real copy",
your best chance is to ask the artist direct, maybe they still have some....

good luck

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  168
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Posted : Oct 29, 2009 20:35

On 2009-10-29 16:00, TranceVisuals wrote:
Buy from the artist direct..
Sure it isn't as easy as "point and click", but it is alot more rewarding experience imho.

You would think so! Still, I've been ripped off by lazy artists that can't bother to get a CD in the mail. Eventually they stop responding to my messages and there you have it: reverse piracy! Anyhow, this is no way to do business.

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  170
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Posted : Oct 29, 2009 20:51
I like buying from an artist/label manager at a party. You know this Alex  - Midwest based psytrance group

Started Topics :  23
Posts :  743
Posted : Oct 29, 2009 21:15
On 2009-10-29 20:35, Basilisk wrote:

You would think so! Still, I've been ripped off by lazy artists that can't bother to get a CD in the mail. Eventually they stop responding to my messages and there you have it: reverse piracy! Anyhow, this is no way to do business.

Totally, and there is a simple solution and thread for this...


2,000,000+ views and counting.
Master Margherita

Started Topics :  156
Posts :  1442
Posted : Oct 29, 2009 21:18

On 2009-10-29 15:57, Basilisk wrote:
When there is demand that is unsatisfied this is called "market failure" which describes the situation in the psytrance scene quite well. Labels failing, artists griping, fans faced with the stark options of either downloading illegally or doing without. It's a bit of a joke.

to much freaks on psytrance biz, and a big lack of flexibility runing labels ....
as you say even trust is gone,,, wtf,
the trend from many years is get a wank with popularity and forget the respect...

but i restate,
is doing a realy good job with labels,,
buy there if you can ...

IsraTrance Junior Member

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Posted : Oct 29, 2009 21:23

On 2009-10-29 20:51, Ascension wrote:
I like buying from an artist/label manager at a party.

Yea, either at a party or just when we meet!

most of the original cds i have, i got it this way!           We were born naked & grow up to become wicked.
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