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Onkel Dunkel - Use Your Head ( Parvati Records, 2011 ) CD

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
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Posted : Mar 8, 2012 00:22:02
°* Onkel Dunkel - Use Your Head *°

(click to zoom in pictures)
Label:Parvati Records – PRVCD22
Released:08 Nov 2011

Tracklist :

1 Seven Sisters Of Sleep *9:03 - 140 bpm
2 Booty & The Beat *6:55 - 146 bpm
3 Wunderbar *7:05 - 146 bpm
4 Chipforbrains *9:21 - 146 bpm
5 Use Your Head *7:21 - 146 bpm
6 Cgi Joe *7:13 - 148 bpm
7 Mit Hjerte *6:13 - 148 bpm
8 Total Viking Power *7:34 - 150 bpm

Credits :
cover concept by : monno
rough drafting by : betina
Artwork [Hand Drawing] – Dimitris Prendoulis
Photography, Layout – Zoolog
Written, Produced & Mastered By – Monno aka Morten Würtz @ Bimmelim-soundlabs,Aarhus-Denmark
( )

From the northern regions of scandinavia comes a viking tale, a Parvati records release "Use Your Head" the debut album of Onkel Dunkel a sonic form of the Danish artist Morten Würtz aka Monno, who has been releasing pumping clean psychedelic sounds since 10 years! With dozens of releases on various artist compilations on some top labels and is part of the legendary beginings of the parvati records sound with his "Grapes of Wrath" works. monno took his time (3 years) to slowly nurish this album into existance,testing the tracks on various dance floors all across planet earth, and the end product is this beautifully concieved acoustic treat which has a clean easy pumping flow with specially selected tasty leads flavored with a trippy organic atmosphere. mastered himself by monno at his studio ( ) done specifically for big systems, coverart is also homegrown ( treebark in monno's yard ) and his friends helping out with the rest of the artwork, to bring to the dancefloors " use your head " a self explaining work,rite lets get on with the sound..

The whole album has an easy ass shaking pumping feel with the correct dose of trippyness,starting from track 1 "seven sisters of sleep" which has an amazing flow and lots of space to move about in,all sounds are introduced in a smooth easy manner with sounds weaving into each other instead of just being layed on top of each other,this creates a lot of interconnected space to jump about in,and using just a few elements monno shows that the most effective music applies few sounds but make them perfect so to speak,but still maintaining an amazing complexity of fractal organic sounds which are rich in density,and all the sounds combined together form this magical acoustic treat which has equilibrium."Booty & the Beat" drops in next as the album slowly builds momentum,still maintaining that easy feel with small small sounds combining together to build the flow,all the small energy packets that monno has created in the music show the amount of work put inside the details to bring that richness out of the track is "wunderbar" asking the dancers to show some leg,monno brings in some nice bass varitions with a touch of humour and keeps the bounce interesting."chip for brains" has an amazing start,opening the floor completly with an amazing buildup and then dropping it perfectly in with lots of driving groovy bassline varitions and perfectly layered crisp leadwork on top which connects all the sounds together to make that pumping groove that monno's music is known for. the covertrack "use you head" continues the journey, building upto 2 min then dropping into a touching rhythm which keeps building,slowly unfolding,and the sounds are morphing and melting into each other,making the dancers 'use their heads' for sure. "CGI joe" is the next track which has an old broken record player kindoff start, the sounds slowly creeping in and then bombing in nicely with some nice flowing percussions and slowly progressing,with a nice break in the middle, the atmosphere is kept interesting with intelligently done movements within the bass to create that bounce till the end. track no. 7 is " Mit Hjerte " which translates to my heart in danish, keeps the vibe going with clean pumping sounds all the way."Total Viking Power" is the last track of this release,starting with some nice voice samples about odin,the tracks starts of with a fast paced driving bassline which is accompanied with complementary psychedelic sounds which float ontop,and with crisp leadwork and an organic atmosphere, the energy is builtup to a perfect orgasm and then released with a big smile on the face,amazing finish to an amazing album.

The first time i heard this cd i was not impressed, i was expecting a fully tripped out album, instead i got easy ass shaking syndrome, but my ass was a happy ass, the sound was complete in every sense, after a few listens and testing a few tracks on the floor my taste developed and i realised that this music was made purposefully and intentionally this way for a reason, i could taste a sense of maturity in the sounds. this sound is less in your face and is groovy and dancable with loads of psychedelia going on inside to make the dancefloors freak. the album can be called complete because it does not have a bunch of similar killa tracks inside, but instead has an allround sort of appeal as lots of variations and styles are shown by monno overall.This music shows a lot of personality,creativity,energy and space,lots of colors and play,and brings an easy smile on the dancers faces.definately one of best releases of 2011, a must have for all you freaks!!

get you copies at:
Parvati Records
Parvati Records
Started Topics :  47
Posts :  272
Posted : Mar 9, 2012 05:04
Thx for the review !

copies are still available at our shop:

Psychedelically Yours
Giuseppe           v/a CD Brainzcrew 3 - OUT NOW !!!

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Posted : Mar 9, 2012 10:50
Great review... Good with another perspective! 
Perma Fry
IsraTrance Full Member

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Posted : Mar 9, 2012 13:33
I like the cd very much as well.
I enjoyed reading the review

I still have some copies left at my shop:

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  55
Posts :  2497
Posted : Mar 9, 2012 14:04
Nice album. Some really good tunes.
          Mushrooms make you do crazy stuff. Look at Mario he jumps on animal heads and fights with dragons.
Wizack Twizack
Wizack Twizack

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Posts :  3486
Posted : Mar 9, 2012 16:59
Great review. I have just "pre" heard the album mp3 wise. It do sound good. I like it, will probably hear alot of it this summer.
The only thing wierd with the review though, last time i checked, Denmark was for sure in the very south regions of scandinavia.


On 2012-03-08 00:22:02, minus wrote:
From the northern regions of scandinavia

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New Album Out: Wizack Twizack - IV (Ovnimoon Records 2011)
IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  103
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Posted : Mar 9, 2012 23:30
^ the whole of scandinavia is in the " northen regions" of the earth! i still need better articulation,
anyway real nice album, for people who havent bought it yet, die and goto heaven.

Started Topics :  99
Posts :  958
Posted : Mar 10, 2012 01:24
awesome! of my favorite release of 2011

IsraTrance Full Member

Started Topics :  148
Posts :  1681
Posted : Mar 10, 2012 07:37
Not bad at all!
Trance Forum » » Forum  Music Reviews - Onkel Dunkel - Use Your Head ( Parvati Records, 2011 ) CD
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