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One Tasty Morsel samples

IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
Posts :  5475
Posted : Jun 11, 2014 14:27:31
Hi there. Got this album, but some samples still elude me.

Please help me to understand them!

One Tasty Morsel - Complex Situational Limitations

Samples @ 3:44
"Is it ok for... Right now..."

Samples @ 6:30
"...pressured to have porn star sex with your boyfriend."

One Tasty Morsel - Behind Closed Doors

Samples @ 4:34
"We're going to give you actual tools to get the .... people's words... ...precisely what they need."

Thank you!
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...

Started Topics :  5
Posts :  375
Posted : Jun 12, 2014 01:45
Hello dude!

Here's what I understand of them.

Complex Situational Limitations

"Is it okay if I watch? Right now." @ 3:44

"I'm a nutjob. I'm a freakball. You know? I break through all boundaries. I see a boundary, I eat a boundary." @ 4:04

"???? girls who feel pressured to have pornstar sex with their boyfriend." @ 6:30

* I think the first sample is from some porn sound sample CD. The second is from "The Mighty Boosh", you might already know that one, and I don't know the source of the third.

Behind Closed Doors

"We're going to give you actual tools to get beneath the surface of people's words. Understand precisely what they mean." @ 4:34

I don't know the source of this either.

          "I acknowledge the privilege of being alive in a human body at this moment, endowed with senses, memories, emotions, thoughts, and the space of mind in its wisdom aspect."
IsraTrance Team

Started Topics :  279
Posts :  5475
Posted : Jun 12, 2014 14:08
Thank you, trippy! Once again you saved the day!

With your help I figured this:

"And then there are teenage girls who feel pressured to have porn star sex with their boyfriend."

Thank you so much, my friend!
Respect!           .
...Be gentle with the earth...
...Dance like nobody's watching...
...I don't mind not going to Heaven, as long as they've got Coffee in Hell...
Trance Forum » » Forum  Unidentified - One Tasty Morsel samples
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